Congressional Crap: Kissy Face Edition

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s from Louisiana and they have movies.

Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 3.42.50 PMFifth District Congressman Vance McAllister, who campaigned for office last fall as a devout Christian and devoted husband and father, was caught in video surveillance two days before Christmas passionately embracing and kissing one of his congressional aides.

It happened on December 23rd of last year.  Yeah, two days before the birth of little baby Jesus.

Oh, but this one has an extra added treat.

McAllister’s campaign benefited from support from the Robertson family of “Duck Dynasty” fame. Phil Robertson publicly supported McAllister while Willie Robertson endorsed McAllister in a YouTube video. Also, Willie Robertson recorded “robo” calls on behalf of McAllister’s campaign.

In January, Willie Robertson attended President Obama’s State of the Union address in Washington as McAllister’s guest.

The fun part of this is that both the woman involved and her husband both donated $5,200 his McAllister’s political campaign and have been business partners and friends for years.



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0 Comments to “Congressional Crap: Kissy Face Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oh holy gohmerts, heaven and hypocrites. These evangelical zipper failures seriously need to worry more about their own wandering gohmerts and take their slimy noses out of health care issues for women. If they want to talk sacrosanct, let’s have a discussion about doctor/patient privilege. Before they “slut shame” their next victim, we should demand their medical records to enumerate how many times they’ve been treated for STDs.

  2. scottybeamer says:

    The very same insane religious zealots who scream from the pulpit about how bad gays are. We couldn’t hold a light to their brand of hypocrites if we tried. He’s devout all right……a devout hypocrite in every sense of the word.

  3. daChipster says:

    Wait a minute! John Ensign…. is that YOU?

    Seriously, it’s Louisiana, again. Live boy, dead hooker territory. This gal isn’t even a live hooker.

    Well, not a professional one, anyway.

    With LIVE hooker house habitue Diaper Dave Vitter as the next Gov, this guy will probably be appointed to finish out his term in the Senate.

  4. What’s the opposite of dynasty?

  5. Larry Cross says:

    I do have to give the “good” Congressman kudos for not blaming either Benghazi, Obamacare, Socialists or the like. And as a gay man, I would like to apologize to him for wrecking his traditional marriage in my quest for equality!

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did they have mistletoe?

  7. Sandridge says:

    Rick says:
    April 7, 2014 at 3:46 pm
    What’s the opposite of dynasty? 4

    Mo’nasty? (moribund v. dynamic, as in politics, ideas, just every f’in thing)

    Corinne Sabo says:
    April 7, 2014 at 4:04 pm
    Did they have mistletoe? 5

    More like a little ‘curlytoe’, eh?

    Will enough ‘Murikan voters ever wake up enough to send these mofos the way of the Whigs?

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    Seriously … what’s a few kisses, throat tickling sessions amongst friends? It was the holidays where, you know, everyone is so much friendlier!!

  9. chloe bear says:

    Friends with benefits.

  10. Y’all note his shirttail was hanging out. There was very likely way more than one hot kiss that went on that evening. Just sayin’.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    @Larry Cross, yeah if you gay dudes would just take a seat on the back of the bus, we straight dudes would treat our wives better. /sarcasm

    Larry, it’s just more ‘make our heads spin’ evangelical/GOP “logic.” The GOP definitions of Family Values and personal responsibility are ‘solid,’ until they get caught. No wonder these idiots bought Palin. She plays the victim game so well, they adore her. She says something st00pid, and we’re the jerks for what she said. Holy Gohmerts! She is not my ventriloquist dummy and she sure as gohmert isn’t sitting on my lap.

    BTW Larry, I forgive you for Katrina! j/k Holy Gohmerts, their insanity is so insane, it’s difficult to joke about the craziness. Stay strong man, this insanity has to soon implode in on itself.

  12. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Pigs. The whole lot.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    When I run for office one of these days, I’ll be sure to get the support of the Duck Dynasty. And I’ll be sure to put duct tape over the security cameras.

  14. Brian E says:

    I wonder if Vitter feels jealous?

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    You have my vote Marge Wood. Can I be your campaign manager and spread the duct tape over the mouths of the truly criminal and irrelevant? Bad enough the media allows Cheney and Palin to spout off, but their misguided misinformed brats, too?

    1st Amendment is good, but don’t we need a freedom from st00pid clause?

  16. Elizabeth says:

    “Devout” to these guys means saying the right thing in public and doing what they please in private…until caught, when they’ll declare that yes, yes, they’re sinners and they repent and now they should be forgiven because…etc.

    They’ll also hint that they were “tempted” by the woman because she was so (needy, beautiful, gentle, whatever) and fail to mention that they were tempted because they’re lecherous over-entitled bozos.

  17. daChipster says:

    Opposite of “dynasty?”

    Die, Nasty.

  18. The Congressdude’s own office, right? So he didn’t know the cameras were recoding???? How slow on the uptake is this guy?

  19. Family Values, y’all.

    @ Larry – I am horrified that you might promote gay marriage, which would hurt the sanctity of this varmint’s marriage.

  20. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    It’s people like him who give RWNJs a bad name!

    And I’ll vote for ya too, Marge.

  21. Somebody has to give RWNJs a bad name…? Isn’t that like giving slime to a slug?

  22. Elise Von Holten says:

    Just keep Newt out of the nominee pool, please!
    I can’t take his kind of family values!

  23. UmptyDump says:

    First Commandment of Job Security: Don’t put your pecker in the payroll.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Two votes already! I got two guaranteed votes! What should I run for? The hills, maybe?

  25. Marge Wood says:

    My husband is threatening to rewrite the Constitution. I keep waiting. Hey listen. Did y’all see the Lawrence Lessig speech with NH REBELLION? He’s such a great speechifier. He’s looking for about 10,000 folks to go march with him next summer or so. Google NH REBELLION.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Relax people,the congresscritter is an off the record undercover cop just getting a tongue swab for DNA evidence and copping a feel undercover in an effort to get her to solicit him for sex.She,otoh,is a dance instructor prepping him for their next lesson in mattress mambo. Nothing to see here.

  27. Woohoo! The House version of the Ensign scandal in the Senate! Just knew that stuff had to be contagious.
    Surprised? Not!

    That his office was bugged to the gills and he never read the memo?
    Surprised? Not!

    Public apology with the wife and kids in view?
    Surprised? Not!

    And he thinks he dodged a bullet?
    Tune in next time to As the Stomach Churns.

  28. VintageMomma says:

    This Kissy Face Congress A-Hat was completely off my radar (my radar has standards, ya know), but now I know his damn name. I really don’t think he got caught. I think he had a Rob Ford moment – bad boys get all the fame. Who notices a do-nothing until he (and I do mean – usually – he) does something naughty? The video is all over the web and we’re all talking about it. I refuse to look at the video (cause the dern things have counters).

    What sent the Die Nasty (love that, daChipster) ratings soaring? (first I typed soring – think I was right the first time) BS and the responsive buzz sent it soaring. Ignoring bad behavior has a way of extinguishing it, in many instances.

    These hypocrites do not give a rat’s patootie about values, morals, religion, family, service, or doing the right thing. They only care about attention and power. Nothing else. And he just got himself some of both. Hide and wait, to see if he don’t!

  29. Let me see if I’ve got this right. This slimeball was elected last fall on “family values,” and got caught the following December 23rd exchanging spit with a female aide. I’d bet cash money that this was not the couple’s first rodeo inasmuch as the aide and her husband contributed to Slimeball’s campaign and their actions shown on the video appear to be more of a “parting after a coupling”, if you get my drift.

    Now I don’t care what this SOB hypocrite does on his own personal time and with his own money, but it sure does appear that he put his mistress on the payroll of the taxpayers. The Repukes will probably give him a pass since the aide was not a male.

  30. Uncle Dave says:

    Let’s be fair. Maybe she had lost a contact. It was on her cheek, and he had to stand real close to see it. As for his tongue, he was cleaning the makeup from her contact.

  31. Don in Huaco says:

    Well, the dude’s a slimeball but isn’t collecting video from a Federal office some sort of felony? The timing is kind of wierd also since the video is 4 months old.

  32. Fred Farklestone says:

    Maybe, just maybe if McAllister goes all “Jimmy Swaggart” on his flock, he’ll retain his seat!
    Make sure you have plenty of tissues handy!

  33. UmptyDump says:

    JJ wrote: “The fun part of this is that both the woman involved and her husband both donated $5,200 his McAllister’s political campaign and have been business partners and friends for years.”

    … Adding a whole new meaning to “Pay to Play”! …

  34. Quilter says:

    According to Talking Points Memo, this guy still intends to run for office but the woman has been removed from the payroll. Also, she was paid $300 for “headquarters cleaning” last November. Is that what they call it now?

  35. Old Fart says:

    Opposite of dynasty: chastity?

    This guy not only wrecked his own marriage, he wrecked that of one of his long time friends. It’s up to him to make things right, and as a Christian I can be forgiving, but I seriously hope he considers how he would respond if the shoe were on someone else’s foot and change his act accordingly (it won’t happen, but we can hope).

  36. Zyxomma says:

    Hey, I saw the video — on TMZ!

  37. If what Talking Point memo says is true, I find it hard to believe a cleaning lady has over 5000 to donate to a campaign. I smell Something fishy fishy.
