Yeah, All This Fight Needed Was Some Stars and Bars

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, there are some damn crazy people in Texas who think they are characters in a Zane Gray novel.

C.J. Grisham is the leader of Open Carry Texas.  He organized the protest at the San Antonio Police Department in favor of open carry.  The vast majority of Texas police chiefs oppose open carry.


If you will click on the little picture to get the big one and then click again to get the holy cow that’s big picture, you will notice that Ole C.J. has deputized himself and got a badge of some sort.  They say that you cannot judge a man by the clothes, but in this case I think you safely can.

What pickles my nose the most, though, is the young man on the left with his pants tucked in his boots.  My best guess is that he couldn’t afford a car so he bought expensive boots to impress the girls.  A cowboy once told me that when a drugstore cowboy tucks his pants in his boots its so that he can wet his pants without a making a tell-tell puddle the first time he sees an actual bull.

If this young man wants to carry a military grade weapon, why the hell ain’t he in the military?  And if he wants to carry a confederate flag, why the hell ain’t he dead and buried on a battlefield in Virginia?

I have a real problem with this.  This isn’t even within shouting distance of how people in a civilized society ought to act.  That kid doesn’t appear to be … I dunno, educable material?  He has no business carrying two guns.  He looks like somebody who could win a grudge carrying contest.

This morning, Texas Senate Committee on Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security is holding a hearing that will take up three charges, two of which are related to border security, the third is rather vague, it reads: “Study and make recommendations on removing barriers to Second Amendment Rights, including but not limited to open carry legislation. Consider other state laws related to open carry.”

C.J. and his buddies are scheduled to testify and so is the NRA.  Some folks got wind of this and the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America demanded to be allowed to testify.

Kick ass, Moms.

Thanks to Stephanie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, All This Fight Needed Was Some Stars and Bars”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Thank you, again, for making my morning coffee time the best part of the day. I read this blog and the usual purveyors of wisdom wrap their collective minds around whatever topic is at hand and edify and delight me. The guys in the photo really look like the bottom of the barrel. You all are top notch!
    It is my deeply help belief that the men who worship guns, not every once in a while hunters but who actually live and breath guns and gun related items, well . . . . they have serious concerns about their manhood part. What would be wonderful is to get a large group to surround them at one of their rally’s and point and laugh.
