OMG Alert: Gaystapo Edition

April 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Gays are all the news.  Click the little one to get the big one.

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And if you want to read more about how The Gays are ruining America on purpose, you can read it here.   And yes, J. Matt Barber actually uses the word “Gaystapo.”

But Gaystapo is just the beginning.  Then he gets to really going —

Do you see what’s happening? Did you read that? That’s fear — deathly fear. Fear of a radical, hateful, intolerant, obnoxious, fascist, evil and power-crazed group of sex-obsessed anarchists who demand that we all affirmatively celebrate their deviant and self-destructive sexual sins.

He left off sons of motherless goats.

Matt teaches law at Liberty University, Jerry Falwell’s school, where they teach Christian love and tolerance.  Okay, maybe not so much.

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0 Comments to “OMG Alert: Gaystapo Edition”

  1. “radical, hateful, intolerant, obnoxious, fascist, evil and power-crazed group of sex-obsessed anarchists”

    The very definition of the GOP and Tea Party.

  2. san fraser says:

    Have any of these yoyos ever LOOKED at “marriage” in the bible? Never has been anything but a property issue. If they think women will return to believing it is anything else just for them, they really ARE stoopid.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    As a happily married straight person, with many gay family members and friends, I have never heard so much discussion of gay sex until the anti-gay religionists started talking about it publicly. Now I can’t get away from it. STHU, people. Seek therapy for your obsession with other people’s personal bedroom stuff. I don’t want to know about yours or anyone elses.

    Like Miss Manners and Dear Abby used to say: MYOB.

  4. Yeah, there are some sex-obsessed people in this scenario, but it is not the gays. It is the people who spend all their waking hours obsessing about gay sex. Dwelling on it, researching it, thinking, talking, reading about it, forming organizations to endlessly discuss it and yammer about it and shout about it.

    Oddly enough, those people aren’t the gay people. Hmm.

  5. RepubAnon says:

    It’s called “projection” – the Kristians* know what they plan to do to “the others”, so it’s only natural that they think “the others” plan on doing that to the Kristians. Inverse Golden rule is another way of describing the Kristian agenda.

    As hatred of scapegoats is core to the Kristian power structure, the Kristians view anything that makes one of the scapegoated groups less hateful in much the same light as the Cold Warriors viewed the collapse of the Soviet Union (and their joy at its resurgence). It’s hard to control people through fear and hatred without a credible threat for the people to fear and hate.

    Of course, the real gay “agenda” is more like a quote from one of Lois Bujold’s characters in her Barrayar stories: “I don’t want power over idiots – I merely object to idiots having power over me.”

    *(Christians follow the teachings of Christ – Kristians are fake Christians, preaching hatred and intolerance in Christ’s name, in defiance of Christ’s true message.)

  6. “who demand that we…celebrate their deviant and self-destructive sexual sins.”

    Is he talking about gay people, or Adam & Eve and Original Sin?

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I feel kinda bad now. When I read that sentence about fear, I substituted theocrats for anarchists and religion for sexual sins and the sentence made perfect sense to me as an atheist. Then I realized that I’m as much afraid of him as he is of my gay friends.

    Fear of a radical, hateful, intolerant, obnoxious, fascist, evil and power-crazed group of sex-obsessed theocrats who demand that we all affirmatively celebrate their deviant and self-destructive religion.

    His own words mostly.

  8. Gays want the right to make personal choices for themselves.

    Barber wants the right to make personal choices not only for himself, but for everyone. Barber is the radical, hateful, intolerant, obnoxious, fascist, evil, power-crazed and sex-obsessed character in this story.

    Note: It is not possible to be a fascist anarchist. Right wingers try to “win” arguments by just changing what words mean.

  9. RepubAnon says:

    @ Rick: I think he’s talking about how Kristians demonize women for having sex while simultaneously making having sex a fundamental proof of male manhood. It seems to be based on using power to force one’s will on the powerless, which sure sounds like a “deviant and self-destructive sexual sin” to me.

    Kristians also oppose anti-bullying efforts – one wonders whether it’s all about establishing and maintaining power through dominance rather than through mutual shared benefit. It’s like the High Priest in the movie “Help” worrying about the delay in offering a scheduled human sacrifice to Kali: “Without the sacrifice, there will be no ceremony. Without the ceremony, there will be no more congregation. Without the congregation – no more me!”

    The High Priest in Help was a fictional character – the Kristian ministers preaching hatred and intolerance in the name of the Prince of Peace are vile, immoral, evil people cynically manipulating the gullible for the sole purpose of keeping those millions of dollars in tax-free donations rolling in. that they do so in the name of morality is particularly offensive.

  10. RepubAnon says:

    @LynnN: Precisely – there’s a vast difference between seeking the right to swing one’s arms versus claiming that laws preventing you from punching people is an intolerable burden upon your right to swing your arms.

    As the cliche goes: your right to swing your arms stops somewhere short of my face.

  11. Glen Maxey says:

    mmmm… so as a homosexual I’m “pushing to the edges anyone who publicly acknowledges natural human sexuality”.

    Wow. I got a deal for your heterosexuals. You stop throwing into my face your sexuality in your TV commercials, movies, books, songs, tweets, webcasts, and cereal boxes, and I and my gay friends will continue to celebrate our boring ass sex lives in private.

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    Get in touch with J Matt, at the following:

  13. publius bolonius says:

    Just another bleating pantload.

  14. “their deviant and self-destructive sexual sins”
    He means that in a positive, non-judgmental way because he is not intolerant.

  15. Don’t think Mr. barber’s cleverness is limited to the “gaystapo” take. He also was able to come up with “rainbowshirts”.

    Methinks he has a future on the right-wing stand-up comedy circuit. Look out Dennis Miller…

  16. lazrgrl says:

    @Lorraine Ditto that. STHU and MYOB indeed.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, what does that make me?

  18. Larry McLaughlin says:

    You bet – God ordained. like King Soloman with his 300 wives and 700 concubines, or Abraham with his three wives, even though the third was after the death of #1, Then there’s Jacob with his 4 wives. King David with how many wives, including getting Bathsheba’s husband killed after David got her pregnant. Real “God ordained” legitimate marriage. 🙂
    Bible thumpers are SO ignorant of what’s really in the Bible.

  19. They’ve got to have an enemy, someone they can point fingers at and scream about to help them raise money from the ignorant. Used to be witches and demons. Are we supposed to be glad they’re not burning gays at the stake?

    Why don’t they focus on a group that’s actually hurting people, like child abusers, animal abusers, rapists, Republicans in Congress?

  20. Marge Wood says:

    What we need here is a Greek scholar/historian to talk to the preachers about what the Bible says. And you might remind the guy in question that theologians still don’t agree about what people are supposed to do about gayness. One thing I think all theologians agree on is LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Feed the hungry. Clothe the naked. Put a roof over the heads of the homeless. Visit your friends who are in jail. Practice hospitality. Invite the poor and marginalized to your fancy parties. Try not to get into fights with the super duper rich because you’ll end up court. Be kind. Now if that doesn’t keep everyone busy I don’t know what would.

  21. donquijoterocket says:

    I believe the combination of law school professor and Liberty University says pretty much everything anyone needs to know about this twit. It’s about half- disturbing to think that Liberty University maintains a law school. Evidently those bar exams are not as gruelling as everyone believes.As disturbing as the fact Liberty maintains a law school is the fact anyone graduates from there then passes the bar to permit them to practise.I’ve not checked yet but someone needs to advise about this twit.

  22. OldMayfly says:

    J.Matt Barber must have just now seen a production of “The Producers” also called “Springtime for Hitler.” The earlier movie starred Zero Mostel, and the later one starred either Mel Brooks or Nathan Lane (having a senior moment here).

    Chorus: “If you want to be a smarty, come and join the Nazi Party” (male chorus line high-kicks.)

  23. maryelle says:

    The kristian (thanks Repubanon) right has to make something out of nothing, otherwise nobody pays attention or shells out money.
    Will Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nuttin'”
    seems applicable here.

  24. I want a ‘love’ button for your fans’ comments.

  25. Here is an article about this same guy, different day from a liberal Christian perspective. “the gatekeepers of the white evangelical tribe do not patrol that tribe’s far-right boundary because it has no far-right boundary.”

  26. Brian E says:

    I am a gay man. (Big Whoop) I am fortunate to have many good, close friends, some of whom are regular-sexuals. They have no problem with my sexuality because they are completely at peace with their own sexuality. That is to say, they know who they are and are happy with it.

    I learned awhile back that “all hated is self-hatred.” There is a long litany of this kind of behavior. Way back in the 70’s, the one time I marched in a gay pride parade, I saw someone I knew with the usual “Fags Burn in Hell” sign (even before may-be-damned-to-hell Fred Phelps). A year later, I saw the same guy in a leather outfit, drunk as a skunk, creeping out of a gay bar.

    Does anyone remember ole Jim Haggard? Jim Schwaggart? Well, same-same.

    Ya’ll keep fighting the good fight and I’ll try to do the same.

    ps – There is a wonderful book called “Jonathan loved David” (if you can find it) about same-sex love in the bible.

  27. Carmen Piranha says:

    What amazes me is that these twits think that homosexuals alone would have the numbers necessary to influence any kind of social change in their own favor. Someone needs to smack all these fundie, conservative, pearl-clutchers upside their heads with a 3rd grade math book and tell them that a gigantic wad of people in this country know and love someone who is homosexual. They have friends who are gay. They have family members who are gay. They want to see them happy and will vote to see that they can enjoy all the same rights as everyone else. So yeah, it’s happening, but Barber and every idiot like him need to realize that’s because it’s what MOST OF US WANT.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    This is even scarier. This school didn’t get full accreditation until 1996,but the lawyers are top notch as go-fers,I’m guessing.

  29. This jack-wagon is writing this garbage because he can’t figure out what the Golden Rule really means. He thinks the real definition is the Wizard of Id one. Gack….

    As for bleepity-bleepbleep bleepers — AHEM, so-called “lawyers” from so-called Religious Right-funded universities, there are plenty of them, and many were funneled into the federal government as mid-level bureaucrats during the Bush Jr. presidency. “Burrowing-in” is the term used here north of the Potomac. A few of them got their hands smacked and booted into the unemployment line back about 5 or 6 years ago. I can’t wait to see how many more get caught doing shady stuff over the next twenty years. My bet is 99.99% will be caught doing something regrettable and having to go spend some time with their families.

  30. Whenever I see something like this, it strikes me that the guy is overcompensating for a “wider stance.”

  31. That guy – and his buddies – sure make being gay seem a lot more exciting than it actually is.

  32. J.M.B. keeps blathering hoping like hell that no one ever guesses that he is so “yesterday”. He is not as afraid of gays as he is of one of his flock having a sudden epiphany and “casting him off”. Conversion can be contagious. After all, J.M.B. sure hates being broke.

    P.S.Could never figure out where Fallwell got his idea of liberty and dressing it up in religion. His Moral Majority eventually went up in smoke when so many televangelists bit the dust with criminal charges.

  33. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I would really like to thank the person who provided the email to this hate-monger. I have found very instructive to use a secondary email acct I have to send folks like this emails that agree with everything they say. Really lay it on thick and quite often they will be so flattered that they have found a “true believer” they respond with escalating language and a sincere desire to bond with who they feel is a new found convert. Plus, by using a phony email name it is easy to track who they share my name with. I believe it is right there in the Old Testament:
    F with the GOP in My name and you will enjoy longer recesses in Heaven. Truth!

  34. I had to read the whole paragraph about the “deathly fear” before I realized he wasn’t talking about the christians. Silly me!

  35. scottybeamer says:

    I haven’t commented in quite some time. It’s hard to make a comment when one doesn’t have a computer. But now I do and now I can.
    These hatemongers all have blood on their hands. I am so tired of hearing about how much they hate a class of people because of their sexual orientation. Their continual spewing of hate only gives others the idea to do something to show their hate for gays as well. Matthew Shepard is one example of the hate that is spewed daily. He was tied to a fence and left to die. A young lesbian couple near Houston were recently murdered by the father of one of the women.
    He didn’t like it because they were gay. Just this week, a
    woman in Oregon was found guilty of first degree murder because she thought her 5 year old son was “acting gay.”
    She told her live in boyfriend to do something serious to make him stop “acting gay”. How the hell does a 5 year old child act gay? The photo of that little boy was one of the most precious children I think I’ve ever seen. To think that he was murdered by such monsters incites a fury in me that can’t be described in words.
    The above examples are just three of the results of all this spewing of hate towards gays. There are thousands of others.
    The only difference in this and the New England witch hunts and trials is the fact that a stake and fire aren’t being used. There is no difference. It’s all because of these insane people and their religious beliefs.
    As a gay man, I can assure you that I have been the recipient of many gay slurs and insults.

  36. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    President Obama doesn’t excite the liberal, green and progressive cockles of my heart. However, I truly thank his bi-racial self and family for tipping the ship of crazy. There’s nothing pretty about pus, but it is better to have these boils out in the light of day where they can be surgically removed.

    Haters in the name of X-tianity. St00pid gohmerts better pray there isn’t a second coming.

  37. 1smartcanerican says:

    I like the way you think Mark Schlemmer!
