I Dunno If I’ve Mentioned It Today, But …

April 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I hate Republicans.  I do.

I know we all have a First Amendment right, but by gawd, nobody’s voice should be louder than anybody else’s.

I have worked hard, lived a good life and I follow the law.  If she wanted to, Paris Hilton could have a louder voice than I do in about serves in congress because she inherited money.


Another crappy decision from the boys.

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0 Comments to “I Dunno If I’ve Mentioned It Today, But …”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    You know what they say … if they can’t win legally, then they’ll lie and buy an election!!

    I’m with you, JJ … I hate the Republicans and I even have a tough time sometimes being civil to those who are my friends.

  2. I’m thrilled that they’ve decided to harp so much about how much they value work when so many of the ones who are doing this to the rest of us *didn’t* get where they were by their own work.

    We’ll know they *mean* that when they tax “unearned income” more than “earned income.”

    Don’t hold your breath.

  3. I hate Republicans, too. Especially those appointed by other Republicans.

  4. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I REALLY want to move to another country now, as this one is going to be sold to the highest bidder/contributor.
    How do you impeach a Supreme Court Justice? First we’d have to win the House and the presidency, and keep the Senate.
    This makes it imperative that every Democrat and every Republican who still thinks to get out and VOTE for people who do not want this country run by oligarchs.

  5. daChipster says:

    I also really hate a lot of Republicans BUT…

    …it’s like the scorpion, it’s in their nature.

    I am REALLY ANGRY at all the voters who don’t educate themselves and sit on their ASSumptions and don’t show up at the polls, or vote for the wrong guy because… whatever!

    All this dark money, cold money, shiny money, tainted money, hidden money, etc wouldn’t mean doodly if actual voters would show up for other than Presidential elections.

    Then laws and judges and budgets and agency appointments could all go through as God and the Framers ACTUALLY intended.

    And school boards and legislatures and governorships and city councils and all would be serving the people, regardless of who was buying the ads.

    The debacle of 2010 will take 20 years of actual hard work to recover from.


  6. We started out with “one free white male landowner, one vote” and gradually clawed ourselves up to “one person, one vote.” Now we’re back to “one dollar, one vote.” And this is proclaimed by prominent Publicans as a victory for “free speech.”

    So much for the faint hope that a majority of Supremes would see what a shambles their Citizens United decision has made of the election process. Nope, the more politicians rich people can buy, the better for America! Why, we’re all better off because those aspiring Publican candidates rushed out to kiss Sheldon Adelson’s ugly ass!

    And if mama thinks that was a dirty word, she’d keel over if she read what I’d like to say.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I’m with you da Chipster, except, see, if you vote, you needed to have kept up with who owns what and who’s buying/selling what, like corporations, and the fact that corporations and banks are switching roles a lot so neither of them have rules that prevent the kind of stuff the rules/laws are supposed to prevent and which laws are worded so tricky that you don’t realize what you are talking about a lot of the time. It drives me nuts. I mean, like the word biofuels. Sounds good, right? Help the farmers and all that. Well, biofuels includes something I look up by googling biofuels black nasty stuff. Serious. Or Koch Industries warehouses. Back to getting my new novel THE SECRET BUZZARD SOCIETY ready for publication. You ever feel like a buzzard?

  8. Not just a crappy decision.. a traitorous betrayal of of our nation… our founding fathers would have had these “justices” swinging from a tree.

  9. bud malone says:

    Horses defecate. 5 horses asses just did it again to the American public.

  10. Rubymay says:

    Ditto brian@8. And the plutocracy continues unabated. (In deference to Momma, I’m saying very not-nice words in my head right now.)

  11. maryelle says:

    Could they be any more obvious about their
    prejudice for the wealthy and against the 98% of us who haven’t got a chance to be heard. The Repug Supremes are the vanguard for corruption.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    y’all might enjoy joining the New Hampshire Rebellion with Laurence Lessig, a great lecturer who is smart and funny at the same time.

  13. Cheryl Ann says:

    I have to believe (in order to sleep tonight) that the internet is going to educate voters more. Especially younger voters. If they get mad, they will vote.

    If we could get to a way to vote electronically, we would get a much higher voter turnover. I know this will be a battle because the last thing Repugs want is more voters.

  14. Agree with daChipster. Greedy rich people are going to do what greedy people do. The ignorant masses don’t have to hand it to them, along with the ones just too lazy to vote and know better.

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    And this is why we MUST elect another two-term Democrat to the White House. Scalia and Thomas can’t live forever. They have to be replaced by liberals.

    We can’t turn around the country unless we turn around the Supreme Court.

  16. I agree with Ralph Wiggam– I am sick of this rightwing SCOTUS majority dragging the country’s laws to their side. It will take a long time to undo their damage to this plutocracy. And don’t forget that they always side with the corporation against the individual– doesn’t bode well for the Hobby Lobby decision.

  17. Scalia looks like one pork chop away from a heart attack.

  18. Zyxomma says:

    I went to Washington, DC to attend Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s Rally for Sanity and/or Fear expressly so I could speak to young people, and convince them to vote in 2010. Every young person I spoke to said s/he intended to vote in November. Well, we all saw how the midterms turned out.

    It’s hard for me to imagine being apathetic about voting. When I was a young teen war protester, I took petitions door-to-door to gain voting rights for 18-year-olds. By the time I turned 18, I had the right to vote. I started in 1972, and have yet to miss a primary or general.

    Remember, RWNJs are NOT elected by Republican voters, no matter how bad the gerrymandering. They are elected by Democrats and Independents who STAY HOME.

    Register and VOTE!!

  19. Zyxomma you are so right. If every Dem in Texas voted in the upcoming election, there would be changes made. I have a sister who has voted in years and years and when I ask why her response is that she lives in Texas and it won’t matter. Well. . . to quote a young man who I didn’t think had much of a chance when he started, “Yes we can” make a difference.

  20. 1smartcanerican says:

    Yes, we really really need to ensure that everyone we know votes, even if they don’t vote the way we wish. A no vote is bad for making change. I will personally commit to ensuring that everyone I know who can vote, does.

  21. e platypus onion says:


    Here’s a rill kick in the pants. According to Gallup 30% of pollees believe the Scotus is too liberal,23% say it is too conservative,41% say it is just right and 6% had no opinion. Americans are rilly uneducated louts.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    This poll was conducted in September, 2013.

  23. Sigh. Citizens United and now this decision are pretty much the spawn of PAC’s which SCOTUS seems to think are permissible. I know several people who gave up voting because all of politics, especially due to the money angle, is in their minds so violently tainted. One of them even mentioned that the last time he was in a voting booth he actually felt dirty.

    Can’t help but wonder if that dirty feeling ain’t the point behind all the Adelson/Koch Brothers etc. muscle money. Must point out that the guy with the dirty feeling about voting would actually amaze the folks I know who are naturalized citizens, some of them coming from countries where there just ain’t any free elections, only armed thugs. The people I know who are waiting in line to take the citizenship pledge just can’t believe it when cradle Americans just give up.

    Frankly, though, this body politic has got to wean itself off of the care and feeding of the very topmost of the critter and get back to really caring about all those below the top cuz obviously top down just doesn’t work. It should be from the bottom up where the majority of us reside.

  24. I prided myself on not being prejudiced.
    It never made any sense to me that any person was not worthy because of the color of their skin, religion, sexual preference.

    But damn. republicans have worked hard at grabbing my attention and being obnoxious.
    I have to admit, that I cannot stand them either.
    They have succeeded. I am officially prejudice.
    Republicans are terrible people.

    And I will do anything legal to keep them from being in power.

  25. Angelo Frank says:

    Next up on the docket I suspect will be the cases for unlimited donations to each candidate and unlimited donations by corporations to individual candidates. The dismantling of our democracy into a plutocracy is in process.

  26. RepubAnon says:

    Let’s not forget to thank all the people who decided to make a statement and vote for Ralph Nader. They gave us George W, who in turn gave us an ever-increasingly conservative Federal court system.

  27. Mitey Mite says:

    Everyone remembers “Big Brother is watching you” from the novel 1984, but no one seems to remember that 3 government/corporations — Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia–controlled the entire world. Here in the province of America in Oceania, corporations are people and money is speech. Yeah, we’re getting there fast.

  28. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, that makes sense: Don’t let women do anything and then complain that they haven’t done anything. Circle jerking at its finest.

  29. Wow! What a bad decision.
