Your Daily Louie

March 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert is convinced, dammit, that getting health care makes you die earlier.

I know that sounds crazy, but only if you’ve read a book.

Concerning the Affordable Care Act.

“If we keep doing little fixes to it, that also helps keep it, so I would rather postpone it as much as possible without doing little fixes because the little fixes could end up giving us a system where we see the morality rate start coming down, you die earlier, not because it’s an actual death panel but because you don’t get the treatment.”

That’s not a statement.  That is just words strung together with barbed wire.  He’s saying that getting health care kills you.

I firmly believe that we missed the boat to riches beyond our wildest dreams.  Someone else was inspired by Louie to invent a best selling game at Toys R Us.



Thanks to Jan and Brian C for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Your Daily Louie”

  1. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Hah. Hah. Hah. It gets worse. “The Morality Rate” will come down. Yes, it’s written that way in the original article you link to. Maybe it’s even what Louie really said.

    Cracking up over “words strung together with barbed wire.”

  2. Earth to Louie: If the mortality rate comes down, it means that people are living longer, you dummkopf, not dying earlier. Now, let’s try it again from the top …

  3. UmptyDump says:

    Louie, the “morality rate” would quit coming down if you stopped spending so much time in those D.C and East Texas strip clubs.

  4. UmptyDump says:

    Well, I just listened to actual audio of the interview and Louie does say “mortality” – even though we’d expect a person of his “towering intellect” to confuse the two.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Seeing asparagus bound by cheap thread pulled out of Loopy Louie’s droopy socks. C-Span has become mortifying to watch. Maybe that is what Louie meant, “mortifying,” as read in any critique of him opening his mouth.

    Not so fast on dismissing our chances of making money off Loopy Louie. How about “word challenge,” we challenge you to translate what any of these gohmerts are trying to say.

    So many players, so little time. Remember the classic ‘refudiate,’ or ‘nucular’?

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “morality rate start coming down,” or, as UmptyDump has translated: “mortality rate start coming down,” we can be generous and work with the latter statement. The mortality rate coming down is a good thing, as fewer people die. The age of mortality coming downward would be the bad thing. For example if the statistical age of 80 for death becomes 77, that would be bad. But per usual, Loopy Louie has not expressed a true thought, as if he ever had one.

  7. The “morality rate” dropped off the charts a long time ago in Louie’s world. Poor Louis. Can you just imagine what goes on in his head? Must sound like being in the middle of the Mojave all alone.

  8. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I’m picturing Louie with the statements of a couple of RWNJs printed out. He’s cutting them up with scissors, pulling the individual words out of a box and Voila, we get another brilliant statement from Louie his own self.

  9. maryelle says:

    How did this man graduate from high school let alone, college and law school? Must have been a whole lotta cheatin’ goin’ on.

  10. All that money he invested in personal coaching sessions with Sarah Palin is finally paying off.

  11. W. C. Peterson says:

    A though in Louie’s head would be as lonesome as a BB in a boxcar.

  12. Quote from Argo, “If the man had an intelligent thought in his head, it would die of loneliness.”

  13. If you put Louie’s brain on the head of a pin, it would roll around like a dried pea on a six-lane highway, bless his heart.

  14. If Louie Gohmert had a brain he’d be dangerous. So thank goodness he is brainless and only ridiculous.

  15. Corinne Sabo says:

    Is he talking about morality or mortality? Inquiring minds what to know!

    Oh, he wasn’t made up by the National Enquirer?

  16. Possible money making scheme: string all of Loopy Louie’s word salad together on a vinyl disc and then play it backwards. If Satan ain’t mortified I would be seriously surprised.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Oh, he wasn’t made up by the National Enquirer?”

    Oh but if that were true, Corinne Sabo, we could all breath a sigh of relief. Sad to report, Loopy Louie is there, and embarrassing the Holy Gohmerts out of sane Americans, when we watch C-SPAN.

    Five terms? Houston had a problem, Tyler has a catastrophe named Louie.

    Perry, Cruz, Gohmert, and more; a list too long to recount and a load of gohmerts too high to deny, the only hope for Texas is women.

    Gov Davis, Lt Gov Van de Putte and Sen Scherr, the hope of Texas. Go Ladies, go Blue!

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Just a visceral reaction, maggie, but Satan would ignore Loopy Louie. Even a demon has standards, while the grifters are what they are. Holy Gohmerts, I’d be happy if C-SPAN developed the standards of Satan at this point. C-SPAN is like open mike night at Clown Car Crazy.

    FWIW Played backward or at any speed, there is no parsing Loopy Louie.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    How about a little old good Texas style fun with pinatas? Take the empty heads and raise money filling them with candy (the highest occupancy rate of their heads ever) and let the voters whack away at the gohmert wacko birds?

    Beats the gohmert out of the RWNJ fun with guns.

  20. Although my grandmother said it far more artfully, it sounds like he was trying to make an argument similar to the excuse my grandmother used to make for why she never went to the doctor.

    However, when my grandmother broke her arm, she did HAVE insurance to help to pay for it.

    Having insurance doesn’t mean you have to go get a pill for every sniffle, does it?

  21. Oy, vey.
