Yeah, Those Gay People Will Trick You

March 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Steve King of Iowa, who is no slack in the nut job department, is warning businesses that gay people might try to trick them into refusing service just so they can be sued.

Okay, I know that’s kinda hard to think about without getting a headache.  So, here’s the downtown lowdown on his thinking.

The congressman went on to imply that LGBT people are making their identities known in order to entrap business owners into discriminating against them.

“The one thing that I reference when I say ‘self-professed,’” he said, “is how do you know who to discriminate against? They have to tell you. And are they then setting up a case? Is this about bringing a grievance or is it actually about a service that they’d like to have?”

The idea is that gay people will walk into a flower shop and announce, “I’m gay and I want a dozen roses.”  Or maybe, “I’d like to be seated in the gay section of this restaurant, please.”  Or, “Hi, I’m gay.  Cry me a river.”  And then if they don’t do it, the gays will sue them.

472px-Steve_King_OfficialKing explains why he believes that being gay does does not qualify anyone for equal rights.

“If it’s not specifically protected in the Constitution,” he said of civil rights protections, “then it’s got to be an immutable characteristic, that being a characteristic that can be independently verified and cannot be willfully changed.”

You know what I think?  I think King desperately and fabulously wants to be the independent verifier of gay.

That’s what I think.

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Those Gay People Will Trick You”

  1. OH, gosh, Steve! Wasn’t easier in the old days when the people you discriminated against came wearing the uniform God gave them? It was so easy then to do a Maddox with an ax handle! Nowadays you just don’t know unless they announce themselves! Oh, what a drag!

  2. Using his logic he should not have equal rights. Lunatics are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Neither are bigots.

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    It is far to early in the day and in the week to have to contemplate this!
    Don’t these idiots have anything else to think about besides sex -and other people’s sex, at that? What is it w them? All pornograpic thoughts all the time? Can’t we address gluttony or maybe avarice for a change? I’m sorta maxed out on lust…

    Furthermore, does he think that the amendment outlawing discrimination on the basis of race just magically appeared in the Constitution one fine day? As I recall, there were people brutally beaten and murdered and 4 beautiful little girls blown to bits (at their CHURCH for God’s sake) before we managed to get that little oversight corrected, and there was no magic involved. Grim determination was the order of the day.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Yes Aggieland liz! And they get paid $175,000(+) of our tax dollars to sit and think like that. Jobs? Nope. Infrastructure Improvements? Nope. Benefits for our veterans? Nope. Maybe Stevie has his own special “gaydar” that he wants to use. (That’s not a pretty thought.)

    Ladies and Gentleman, the grown-ups have left the building.

  5. Aggieland liz says:

    Oh yeah, JAK, I read the latest Rethugs gem: we’re gonna take the DOCTORS hostage! No reimbursement fix unless the ACA individual mandate goes away. (check out TPM)

    Hey! Maybe that right there is the problem! There’s a whole lotta talk about “mandates” around DC all the time and their little knuckle dragging neanderthal subliminal brains parse that into “man-dates” and away they go, back to the gutter! I shall consult a thesaurus and see what we could do about this ongoing problem…

  6. This guy has inspired me to change my approach to people I meet. Something on the order of “Hello, before you tell me your name please state for the record whether you are hetero or not and if not whether L, G, B, or T. Then I can decide whether we can be friends or not.” Screw this common interests, values, etc stuff.

    What a moron!

  7. daChipster says:

    Uncle Jimmy “Barstool” sez:

    Back in da day was dis guy on da Nort’ Side called Dean O’Banion. Newpapers guys, bein’ da schmucks dey are, usually got it wrong and ta dis day he’s known as “Dion.” Anyways, dis guy got clipped in his own flower shop when a couple-two-tree straight Italian guys come in and wanna order flowers for a funeral.

    I guess ol’ Dean wouldn’ta become shot if dey had been gay instead of Italian, or plannin’ a weddin’ instead of a funeral, or holdin’ hands instead of guns.

    (Although, da shooters – Scalise and Anselmi – dey later spent a certain special Valentine’s Day tagedder and later spent a LOTTA time tagedder down in Joliet, if ya know what I mean! Maybe dat’s why Capone took batting practice on dere hedas.)

    Anyhoo, maybe dese florist types would be better off refusin’ service to guys wid guns.

    I’m not sayin’. I’m just sayin’.

  8. King’s question:
    “how do you know who(m) to discriminate against…”

    All too simple answer:
    Don’t discriminate. Period.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    I challenge ol’ “cantaloupe calves”to show me the word guns or christian in the constitution,because ain’t neither one of them in there. Before King we had Yeoman Purser Gopher Smith(of the Love Boat) Grandy as the dumbass du jour congresscritter in NW iowa.

  10. “How do you know who[m] to discriminate against?”

    Well, small-minded bigots like you have to discriminate against somebody just to make themselves feel superior. Honey, you ain’t superior to nobody. I’d much rather sit down to lunch with Johnny Weir, RuPaul, and five other flamers to be named later, than with your sorry butt.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He has a point (on his head).

    But seriously, I’m an atheist but I’ve been passing as a Christian for 40 years. I it’s just easier. But the first time my employer, The U. S. Government, required me to attend a Christian religious service on the clock and on government property, I sued.

    I lost, but I fought.

    The catch-22 is that if you tell people what you are, they discriminate against you.

    If you don’t tell people what you are, you can’t demand respect for your position without being accused of being “one of them” and incurring the same discrimination.

    Bigots just gonna be bigots. Rep. King is just upset because gay people (and atheists) don’t have to wear labels so they know who deserves to be treated badly in the name of Jesus!

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Back off, Stevie. Loopy Louie reserves all rights to being the craziest gohmert on Capitol Hill. There is no more room at the top of Pinhead Mountain.

  13. daChipster says:

    I swan, I could read something I wrote 10 times and I will always miss one glaring error: “hedas” = “heads”

    Da Chip-cago Daily News regrets da Error.

  14. UmptyDump says:

    Ol’ Steve is taking the high ground, he says, because he claims that there “ain’t no queers” in Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District, and he’s not about to allow any of them to come “prancin’ in” from “furrin” territory. Whenever he and his buddies found it too difficult to deal with those “vile” tendencies, they’d just sneak out to the back pasture in the dead of night and rape a sheep. In Iowa’s back farm country, bestiality is just “doin’ whut comes nachural.”

  15. “. . . then it’s got to be an immutable characteristic, that being a characteristic that can be independently verified and cannot be willfully changed.”

    I independently verify that Steve is a level of stupid that simply cannot be willfully changed. Pretty soon these shriveled up, old, white boys are going to be screaming for protection under the law because they will find they are an odious, distinct group whose opinions are not granted any credence by the majority of Americans.

  16. Rabblerouzzer says:

    “I think King desperately and fabulously wants to be the independent verifier of gay.”

    No offense, JJ, but yuck! King is as right on “the gays” as Reefer Madness was on pot. Clueless on both counts. And why is he singling out florists? So many of our people work in that field, I’m sure many would be only too happy to do special arrangements for our weddings.

    King should just STFU because his ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s just plain pathetic, in a hayseed accent.

  17. Rabblerouzzer — It may be that the florist reference comes from Washington State, where a “christian” florist, who had been providing flowers to two customers for many years, refused to provide flowers for their wedding. The state’s Attorney General isn’t backing down, but who knows how long that case will take.

  18. Corinne Sabo says:

    Yeah, I always walk into stores asking to be refused service.

  19. daChipster says:

    Verification? Finally! A way to turn my finely-tuned gaydar into commercial success!

    Also, not for nothing, but aren’t most wedding florists, caterers and planners gay?

    PING! Cha-CHING!

  20. Marcia in CO says:

    UmptyDumpty … I simply cannot convince myself into believing that some good ole boy in Iowa, heading out to the lower 40 to pork a ewe is anywhere even close to being “natural!”

  21. TexasEllen says:

    Watch your back, Louie. Steve is after your dunce cap.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    daChipster, our Bugsy Siegal state mourns our losses, too. Here the politically run Gaming Control Board makes the ‘bad boys’ look like choir boys. The alternatives are bone chilling; we can accept a morally bankrupt crook like Harry Reid or trade for a flat out lunatic like Sharron Angle. Oy vey! That federal selection of the lesser evils has permeated state politics.

    Election reform? That will come at the end of a pitchfork, unless we can educate the electorate that swallowed bush1 and the lesser bush times two.

    Illinois and Nevada are sad states, when we revere the old days compared to the twin party system.

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    BTW daChipster, “gaydar” is the province of the LGBT Community and smart women. Feel free to market your product, but hire women and the LGBT Community to calibrate it for success.

  24. Litlhorn says:

    Having just returned from my annual trip to see mother in the land of my birth, south of the Sabine, I have to say….this idiot hasn’t a clue. I was in East Texas 4 days, and at least once everyday I was discriminated against, mostly being refused service in various establishments, or in one case – handed over to a different salesperson….I did not walk in and announce who I slept with, I was not wearing my beehive wig, I even took my nail polish off before getting on the plane south, and still…In the town I grew up in, I was perceived to be different, and therefore a target for discrimination, and on at least one occasion, in the presence of my 76 year old mother – I hated the look in here eye, and then the quick attempt at rationalization that she has had to learn to do to explain away the hate. I’m sorry, not a funny posts, but I had to get this out somewhere I reckon, and hijacking anything to do with this idget King, who hasn’t a clue and until he has walked a mile in my boots(Not pumps) he needs to sit down and shut the heck up.

  25. daChipster says:


    Yes, he needs to sit down and shut up, but I for one am glad that you STAND UP and TALK LOUD!

    Tell the truth, and shame them devils.

  26. Litlhorn says:

    Humbled and challenged – Thank you!
