March 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

How you know that CPAC has officially become a parody of itself?  Honey, they have taken that train off the rails.

They think Grover Norquist is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Doesn't look so bad now, does he?

Doesn’t look so bad now, does he?

On February 11, 2014, ten influential national security practitioners– including former Congressman Allen West, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Schmitz and others– sent a letter to American Conservative Union board member Cleta Mitchell, urging her and her colleagues to take action against Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan, two ACU members who have for years been running influence operations against conservatives on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist causes.

Personally, I think they are on a quest to insure that history remembers Joe McCarthy as “not such a bad dude.”

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “CPAC CRAP”

  1. Norquist is married to a Palestinian Muslim. Ergo he’s in bed with the Islamist Conspiracy.

  2. Old Fart says:

    On Tuesday I attended the taping of “The Daily Show”, where Jon Stewart had an intelligent, measured, yet adversarial interview with Jim DeMint. So, I’ve seen it happen, some of these people ARE actually sane. I had to go to Hell’s Kitchen to see it, but there IS another way.

    I think that Norquist had better handle the “there’s no there, there” this time.

  3. maryelle says:

    Joe McCarthy will always look bad, no matter what anybody else does.
    This morning, there was footage on TV of Mitch McConnell walking onto the CPAC stage brandishing a great big rifle. How desperate must he be to pull something so lame?
    Charlton Heston wannabe.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Speaking of old Joe, word’s out that Ted Cruz HATES the Joe McCarthy comparison.

    Do what you will with that info, people. I’m just helping Miss JuanitaJeanHerownself provide a service here.

  5. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    “National security practitioners”? What is that? How does one become a practitioner of national security? Are there any prerequisites at all?

  6. Ted McCruz? Ted “J-Mac” Cruz?

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Oboy–so he doesn’t admire Old Joe? Wonderful.

    How about Ted Cruz is actually Joe McCarthy’s illegitimate son, whom McCarthy wouldn’t acknowledge and foisted off on a Cuban immigrant…?

  8. So CPAC is targeting GOP darling Grover Norquist. Karma tastes sweet.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    McConnell waving around a RIFLE? laughing out loud.

  10. daChipster says:

    I am telling you folks, first it’s purifying the outlying wingnuttery, then it’s purifying the Party, then it’s purifying the Congress, then it’s purifying the country.

    Ah, Mr. Norquist! Welcome the the Ash Heap of History Cafe. Herr Rohm and Comrade Trotsky are already waiting for you at your table.

    It’s the busiest restaurant in Purge-atory.

  11. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Marge- Senator Yertle had to do something to compensate for the lack of a chin and other things.
    @ Mah Fellow- I suppose the first thing is you have to be national somehow.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    I wanna hear from someone in Dallas about who’s doing what on this home rule school thing and how it looks.

  13. Zyxomma says:

    Their karma just ran over his dogma.

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    To daChipster: Mister, I want some of your brains and talent! I can see why JJ gave you a styling station at the salon. Purge-atory! Love it!

    (This is not to devalue a wide range of funny, smart people who come to this place. Thank you all for the laughs and insight you add everyday!)

  15. maryelle says:

    Zyxomma: If brevity is the soul of wit, you nailed it.

  16. Old Fart says:


    The sad thing is, peace for the Palestinians means peace for Israel. IF a degree of compromise could be reached, it could happen. BUT it’s an all-or-nothing world to these people. Being out of milk is the same as somebody pissing in their cornflakes…

  17. Marge Wood says:

    It’s so nice to see all the regulars. Here, I done made up a fresh batch of snickerdoodles so y’all can have sumthin to dip in yer coffee.

  18. Teh Gerg says:

    The blithering stupid will always be with us. Shame so many are in government or want to be.

  19. Norquist could never do what he liked best to do, namely, intimidate, especially me. Hell, I spent years sitting on the living room floor singing with my kids, “G is for Grover . . .”

  20. So…what goes round comes back to bite you in the butt? Kinda looks that way.

  21. ,,,around,,,doggone it.
