Thank You Oh Goddess of Nectar, Honey and Stockman

March 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Although in the senate race he got beat on the head so badly that he has to unzip his pants to see out, Steve Stockman swears he’ll be back.  Kinda just like the black plague.

“We had fun, and we’ll probably do statewide again,” Stockman said in an interview with the Dallas Morning News on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after the Texas primary where Stockman received what might conservatively be called a shellacking against Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) in the Republican primary.

Frankly, getting arrested again for valium in your pants sounds a lot more productive, fun, and promising.  And it would certainly get more positive press coverage than his political career did.

We here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., are going to miss Steve.  We’d love to see him go to work as an aide for Louie Gohmert or Lady Gaga.


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0 Comments to “Thank You Oh Goddess of Nectar, Honey and Stockman”

  1. maryelle says:

    Wonder if Stockman’s contributors are satisfied that Stevie “had fun”. Sounds like he might have trouble scaring up any money at all the next time He tries “… to do statewide

  2. Introducing the Grand Potentate for the State of Oblivion…

    The arse is dusional.

  3. Sister Artemis says:

    “We’d love to see him go to work as an aide for Louie Gohmert or Lady Gaga.”

    Lady Gaga would slay him in about 5 seconds. But I’d pay good money to see it!

  4. Before Stockman can fulfill his promise to run again, won’t he have to prove that he was actually running this time? I’ve never seen such a non-campaign before.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    You think maybe Steve checked the calendar to see if it was the day to wear Perry look-alike glasses?

  6. I entered Stockman’s assault rifle giveaway, hoping to be able to send him a video of me cutting it up and turning it into a guitar, li, e that guy in Colombia.

    I didn’t win, but since then my spam folder has been flooded with Obama conspiracy theories and survivalist schemes. Coincidence? Doubtful. I think Steve was trying to supplement his lousy fundraising by selling his mailing list.

  7. “Got beat on the head so badly he has to unzip his pants to see out.” Thank you for that, JJ. Watching election returns hasn’t been the same since Dan Rather hung up his irons. When ol’ Dan started winging it off-script, you didn’t know what was going to come out of his mouth.

  8. Mitey Mite says:

    I would rejoice that he won’t be my so-called Representative any more, but then I look at the two who are in the Republican runoff election. This is supposed to be the safest Republican district in the state. All they had to do to create it is was start at the border and move west, jumping over all those Democratic votes in Beaumont and Port Neches, picking up bits and pieces of 9 counties in the process. The Democratic votes got appended to League City via the Anahuac Wildlife Preserve. If that’s not completely fair, I don’t know what is!

  9. Zyxomma says:

    Lady Gaga? WTF? She does need a new stylist, but I don’t think Stevie-boy is up to the challenge.

  10. Ole Scout says:

    Putting stuckboy in the same milieu as Lady GaGa insures his early removal to the plan it of the apes

  11. UmptyDump says:

    Check Stockman’s Congressional attendance record for the rest of this session. Betcha he’ll be MIA most of the time except for cashing his government paycheck.

  12. Sharon V says:

    Tony–I’m stealin’ Grand Potentate for the State of Oblivion. LOL

  13. Wait! Whua??? There was a campaign? Wow! This guy must be covered with the same goop they put on stealth fighters!

  14. Talking Points Memo

    The Fall Of Obamacare McCarthyism
