
March 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Steve Stockman isn’t winning but Dan Patrick is.  He has 52% of the vote in my county.  My county is crazy.

Thankfully, Kesha Roger won’t win.  Unthankfully, she will probably be in a run off.

Results are sloooooow.

I give up.  See you guys in the morning.

Here ya go – results.

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0 Comments to “Things”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    In case someone is looking for a reliable election return source. . .

    State wide or individual county results

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Our polls are open til 9pm, nyeahnyeahnyeah.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I will go into a deep depression if I think of Dan Patrick winning ANYTHING. So I won’t think about it. If you don’t think about something, it didn’t happen–right?

  4. Marge, I spent the entire Reagan “administration” years hoping that would work. Didn’t work with Dubya/Cheney either. (I consider “Reagan administration” an oxymoron, like “jumbo shrimp,” “black light,” or the traditional example, “military intelligence.”)

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Rhea, you have a great memory. I have a great forgettory. I depend on it a lot. It’s what got me through raising four children.

  6. With Rhea… Actually lived through Reagan without the mark of Satan appearing on my head, and even now, when I see Fauxbots extolling his virtues, I decide that they are morons, or weren’t born yet. The man slept through cabinet meetings and ate jellybeans. Could not believe not one but two Bush regimes, having had other folks in between, and then another, mostly brought to you by archcriminals in the House of the Supremes, and then was hornswoggled by 2010… It’s like rats and cockroaches in your nice, designer kitchen…

    Hot dog, Lawrence is leading with Wendy next after the commercial…

  7. oops– not yet…still with Putin already. Very tired of Putin. Nasty thug.

  8. Marge, I’ve forgotten a lot from both those periods. If not I’d wake up screaming into the night more often than I do.

  9. fenway fran says:

    Enjoying the drought (no election here) by tuning in to TX returns. Seriously, Kesha in a runoff? Is that crazy tin foil hat woman still alive??? Puh-leez…Texas, be done with her.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Kinky and Kesha both seem headed for a their separate run offs.

    Even the smart half of Texas voters let us down on those two.

    I picked a bad day to quit drinking.

  11. Railroad Commissioner? Y’all vote for Railroad Commissioner? What does he or she do these days?

  12. Ori,

    RR Commissioner is one of the most powerful in Tejas- the RR Commission runs oil and gas!

  13. Fred Farklestone says:

    Kos poll this morning.

    Using your razor-sharp analytical skills (free of any ideological bias of course), which of yesterday’s primary winners will be a better governor for the great state of Texas?

    Wendy Davis (D)
    96% 1420 votes

    Greg Abbott (R)
    1% 27 votes

    Not sure/No opinion
    1% 23 votes

    | 1471 votes | Results

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Wish Kos were running the campaigns.

  15. I can’t find any info for Steve Kirkland – did he win?

  16. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Rats! Now I have to vote again, for two races. Oh well, I still have a couple of forever postage stamps.

    Interesting that Lon Burnam, an incumbent rep, got beat by an unknown, at least unknown to me. That almost never happens. Wonder what that was all about, and what the new rep (to be, it’s a Dem district) is like.

  17. Still have vivid memories of the Reagan years. Knew right off the bat the guy did not have all his marbles despite what his handlers insisted. Medical friends of mine were appalled! Economy in the Reagan years stunk. The boy who delivered my newspaper was a 54 year old man who used to be a GS with a decent grade before his position was RIFFED. He showed up every winter morning in a navy blue overcoat, grey Homberg and matching gloves. He put as much into delivering my paper as he ever did in his government job. Oh, yes, and as I recall, we had to sign up for food stamps because what dollars we had lost value in the market place. And husband also got reduced in grade which means his pay got cut, as in beheaded.

  18. Lyntilla says:

    Every member of my family in West Texas lost their job during the Reagan years. Thankfully not all at once, but serially. Yet they all still loved him and voted for him. They are all doing great now, but hate Obama and think he’s ruining the country.

    One reason I think I enjoy reading Science Fiction so much is I’ve been convinced since I was a teenager that I was somehow switched at birth….

  19. JuJuBee says:

    @Lyntilla, you weren’t switched at birth, your family in West Texas maybe was.
