Fun With Guns: Holy Crap Edition

March 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have two reoccurring reports.  Fun with Guns is about people who “accidentally” hurt themselves or someone else with a gun.  And Holy Crap is about steeple people doing very unchristian things.

And sometimes the two meet in a convergence of unbelievable proportions.

In an effort its spokesman has described as “outreach to rednecks,” the Kentucky Baptist Convention is leading “Second Amendment Celebrations,” where churches around the state give away guns as door prizes to lure in nonbelievers in hopes of converting them to Christ.

As many as 1,000 people are expected at the next one, on Thursday at Lone Oak Baptist Church in Paducah, where they will be given a free steak dinner and the chance to win one of 25 handguns, long guns and shotguns.

I’m not making this one up.  I promise I am not.

Instead of the Second Amendment, how ’bout we honor the Second Commandment according to Sweet Jesus in the 12th chapter of Mark.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

Yo, Kentucky Baptists, honoring Isaiah 2:4 wouldn’t hurt none either.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Holy Crap Edition”

  1. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Dear gawd,
    In other news in the Commonwealth

    I think I’ll pull the covers back over my head, just after I cide the Governor.

  2. The sad admission I makes is this, if I lived near the Lone Oak Baptist Church in Paducah, KY I’d be the first in line for that free steak dinner and the 1 in howevermany chance to haul home a new to me handgun, rifle or shotgun. Free is good.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Good Grief.

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    How appropriate for the season in which Christians celebrate the event when Jesus refused to defend himself. Do they need to have a 2×4 to the head before they realize he was trying to tell them something?

  5. maryelle says:

    Well said, Ralph Wiggam. The whole turn the other cheek policy has been ignored, while an eye for an eye (i.e. gun for a gun) gets top billing.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    The real cost of that free dinner and gun thingie is the fact that you are going to be on the mailing and door knocking list of that church unless and until you refuse to open the door or you threaten lawsuits to get off their mailing list. Love your neighbor; don’t give their names to the churches hunting potential members.

  7. Question: is it legal to give away firearms as in a chance drawing? Who bought the firearms and from what supplier? Are they straight out of the box? If not, have the numbers been run? I ask cuz many years ago my late brother in law won a shotgun in Louisiana. He had no use for it but my son was about to turn 13, so bro in law forwarded the firearm by mail — not to our house — but to a licensed gun dealer in our metro area. We had to travel to his shop, prove who we were, and then take possession of the firearm. I say we cuz my husband had no intention of turning the thing over to a 13 year old who had never seen anything like it before. It was at that point that husband joined the Izaac Walton League and took son to their private property for training with the shotgun on their range. Have things changed that much in 30 years?

  8. Kate Dungan says:

    Maybe they should remember the injunction to have no gods before me, while they’re worshiping at the shrine of the almighty NRA.

  9. Maggie:

    Q: An organization without a firearms license wishes to acquire a firearm from a licensee for the purpose of raffling the firearm at an event. How does the licensee comply with the Brady law?

    The licensee must comply with the Brady law by conducting a NICS check on the transferee. If the licensee wishes to transfer the firearm to the organization, a representative of the organization must complete a Form 4473, and a NICS check must be conducted on that representative prior to the transfer of the firearm. Alternatively, if the licensee transfers the firearm directly to the winner of the raffle, the winner must complete a Form 4473, and a NICS check must be conducted on the raffle winner prior to the transfer.

  10. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    The next story about this event should be the story about how one or more of the guns accidentally shoots and kills the genius who thought up this idea.

  11. UmptyDump says:

    If a gay couple attends one of these dinners, does each of them get a chance to win?

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmerts, the Steeple People have me somewhat confused. Second Amendment, or Second Suggestion, formally “commandment,” WTGohmert?

    Handguns as substitute penises, rifles as objects of self-satisfaction. Seems a little convoluted, as the Steeps say both are bad. The rifle in action:

    UmptyDump, it would be a howl, if a same sex couple of either gender, attended the event.

    Holy Gomerts! Maybe Vickie Jackson will attend to represent either The Muppets, as Miss Piggy or the transgenders, as herself. with all due apologies to the LGBT community for dumping that crazy gohmert Vickie into any community other than the crazy Tea Bag bigoted gohmert pile of which she is an active gohmert member.

  13. Matthew 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, “Put up again thy sword unto his place, for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”

    He’d have said “gun”, but they didn’t have any until centuries later.

    Mind you, that disciple needed some weapons training, since all he managed to do was slice off a priest’s servant’s ear.

    Years ago (long story) I won a leghold trap as a door prize. Since I despise traps, I rendered it unusable and threw it in a dumpster. Anybody who wins a gun could do likewise.

  14. And I would also say that any cops in the congregation would most likely be interested in the winners as in are they licensed? If not, why not? All that bureaucratic stuff. Frankly, if that church really cared about its congregation, they would be raffling off free colonoscopies and fighting cancer.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    I like that idea, maggie! Free colonoscopies!

  16. UmptyDump says:

    Heck with colonoscopies – the nutjobs who thought up this guns for redemption thing really need some high colonics!

  17. Elizabeth says:

    Now you know if you offer folks a free colonoscopy–as opposed to just about any other prize they might win–they aren’t gonna come to your dinner. The church has enough sense to know that. They know the world is full of people who want guns, and not so many who want colonoscopies. They could’ve chosen something less dangerous and more useful but they knew their market: guns would be a suitable draw to get the menfolks in and they want the menfolks, because the menfolks who come for steaks and guns already believe they’re the head of the family…and they’ll bring the rest of their families to church if they go.

    I will be you one of those steak dinners that they have no intention of complying with the Brady law because they will argue that it interferes with their freedom of religion–a church, they will announce, is above that law.

  18. Sam in Kyle says:

    Not hard to believe as the Southern Baptist Church is rapidly becoming more of a political organization than a denomination. If someone is killed as a result of someone using one of these guns we all know who will be at fault, Obama.

  19. Bill F. says:

    I’m mid-way through a two week trip and just came to Jaunita’s website for the first time since I left. I am appalled, though not really surprised to find that the intersection of “Fun with Guns” and “Holy Crap” is just down the road from my house. All I can do is shake my head.

  20. Zyxomma says:

    According to an email I got this morning, the prizes will be awarded only after a background check. I didn’t click the link, so I have no idea how thorough that bc will be.
