Fun With Guns: Snow Edition

February 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I can understand living in Michigan and being really, really, holycrap really, tired of snow.

I get that.  It hasn’t snowed here since 1973 and, dammit, I’m still sick of it.


A man frustrated with snow removal efforts at his apartment complex shot at a snowplow Tuesday morning, shattering the windshield, police said

A 39-year-old man was arrested after shooting a round at the snowplow driver around 7:30 a.m. at the Valley Ranch Apartments in the 1400 block of Oak Valley Drive of Pittsfield Township.

Yes, the shooter had a license to carry and had been to classes where they teach you that shooting someone might kill them.  Luckily, all he killed was $2,500 worth of glass window and any chance of being the first house on snow removal day … or the last.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Snow Edition”

  1. “There is a big difference between Ted Cruz and snow. Both are white and everyone’s sick of them, but eventually snow goes away.”—Bill Maher

  2. JJ, I beg to differ. I lived in Houston in 1975-76, and it snowed for about 15 minutes in December of ’75.

  3. I was on the phone with my Frozen Brother, Alfonso, who lives in Michigan, who told me a funny tale: Seems some person is running for office up there, who is for “English Only” kinda thing. According to my Bro, she stated “…after all, English was good enough for Jesus…” ! Normally, I will google or research such things, but my Blue Butt Gut tells me this kinda stoopid could ONLY come from our friends on the Right!!!
    Good Grief!! 😉

  4. Okaaaayyyyy! I used to live in Michigan. I left right after the winter snow that covered the fire hydrants in Detroit and the cops were sent out to locate and flag them so the Fire Department could find them when needed. Snow plowing in MI was a helluva lot better than where I am today. We are lucky if we ever see a snow plow. Sometimes that luck is totally dumb, as in the guy in the pickup truck with a plow who whips down my street when there is only 2 inches of snow and his plow is set so low it not only removes the snow but shoots sparks off the paving! Then it snows many more inches and we never see him again. Yes, there are plenty of people on my street who are locked and loaded but they simply do not consider weather conditions and snow plow drivers fair game. Also, since the vast majority of them are in guvmint jobs, they could lose their livelihood if they did something soooo stooped! Maybe thats the key to this whole shoot ’em up 2nd amendment thing. You do it, you lose your job.

  5. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Dear Gawd, do not shoot at the snow plow drivers, take them hot cocoa and cookies and thank them plowing your street.

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    @Adrian … Jesus spoke English and His Daddy, God, wrote the Constitution … amazing what we learn at the Beauty Shop in Texas!

  7. I’m not saying Mr. Shooter handled his feelings well, but it turns out the snowplow driver had plowed snow all around his car, blocking him in. He clearly needs help in the anger management area.

  8. Shooting at a snowplow surely means insanity. That plow operator makes life possible up here between the edge of nowhere and the Great Lakes. [P.S. It snowed so much in Houston in 1973 that we had to have a snow day make-up on a Saturday.]

  9. @maryelle — too many dumbsasses think the snow plow drivers should give them a gilt-edged invitation to move their vehicles when it’s convenient for the vehicle-owner. If he thought his car was plowed in this last time, I hope he has burial insurance for the next big snow.

  10. @maryelle: There’s a story that a driver spent an hour shoveling out a parking space and when he started to back his car into the space, he found a woman had zipped into it already. He shot her. I assume the authorities nailed him but I can’t imagine a jury that wouldn’t have considered it ‘justifiable homicide’. 😀

  11. How much does a snow plow stamp cost in Michigan? How much you gotta lead ’em?
