Joe the Dumber

February 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m sure most of y’all enjoyed Joe the Plumber’s fifteen minutes of fame.  Hey that’s 14 minutes more than a man not named Joe is who is not a plumber deserves.

Well, Ole Joe has himself a brand spanking new job.  It’s a good one, too, because it’s a union job down at the Chrysler plant.  He claims he only joined the union because he has to if he wants to work there.  And, you know, there’s no other place to work in all of America.

A man of conviction would have taken a minimum wage job at a Koch Brothers operation than belittle himself by joining a union.

UnknownBut, this job ain’t perfect, you know.  For one thing, it hurt his little feelings that some of his union brothers and sisters referred to him as “a teabagger” while he was on break smoking a cigarette.  Joe whines that liberals “who are supposed to so tolerant and enlightened regarding homosexuals” call him a word that is a “gay slur.”  No, it’s not.

Dude, you started it.  That’s what y’all named yourself until we told you what it meant.

If Joe is the man he claims to be, he’ll return his benefits, his salary above minimum wage, his weekends off, his 40 hour week, and  safe working conditions.  Because, by gawd, that’s dirty union crap.

Welcome to the liberal teat, Joe.  We work hard to bring good jobs to America so you don’t have to.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Joe the Dumber”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Joe, you are a gohmert. Your former Tea Party is against everything American, yet you conflate yourself with patriotism, while inflating yourself with the flag.

    Please Joe, refrain from projecting your hate onto liberals. We are for immigration reform, increased minimum wage, marriage equality, a clean environment, equality for women and their health issues, and so much more.

    Again, you stand for what Joe? In the words of Bobby Jindal, “stop being the party of stupid.”

  2. Even Jindal keeps saying stupid things, though. The last was where Christians were being persecuted because they couldn’t discriminate anymore.

  3. Hey Joe. You just keep on lying. You don’t have to join the union to work for Chrysler. And uh, Joe, if it bothers you so much to be a union employee, Walmart is probably hiring..

  4. This guy objects to being called a “tea-bagger” because he thinks it is a gay slur.
    Come on, Joe, you know it is about your sell-out politics. Count yourself lucky to have a great union-protected job and stop writing articles criticizing unions, liberals and all the people who fought to create jobs like have.
    What a whiner!

  5. People like Joe shouldn’t be allowed to even get hired for jobs like that much less get the benefits that unions provide. They work very hard to dismantle those types of benefits; let them live in the environment they want others to live in. He should be working for Walmart or MickeyD or ones where they don’t even pay minimum wages. I bet if he sticks around for this job until retirement, he’d be the first to help break up the union – he got his, screw you.

  6. I saw the article on TPM about this earlier today and I thought: “Hypocrite!” He wants all the advantages that a union job gives him but he hates the union and considers union workers to be thugs. He DOESN’T DESERVE that job. He should work for minimum wage and then get back to us about how he wants that nice life and those wages and benefits that a union job will give him. He doesn’t deserve this GIFT from the rest of us who have spent our lives backing the unions and advocating for better working conditions and higher wages. Hypocrite!

  7. Stick with the Missionary Position, Joe. You’ll short circuit your gaydar. Urban Dictionary offers an alternate definition of teabagger that refers to a sexual practice involving at least one male, but can be performed with another individual of either gender. Further, deponent sayeth not.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I got $5 he’ll claim injury and file for disability within a year.

    Damn those union benefits.

  9. BaritoneWoman says:

    Hey, Joe. Blow me.
    Seriously, there’s no cure for your case of stupid.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    I’m sure there’s plenty of other folks would be glad to take his place.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Speaking of getting rid of unions, remember that Georgia Pacific is always from a non-union manufacturing place. Find out names of other products that come from places that pay a living wage. You have the right to work anywhere you can get a job in Texas and you haVe the right not to get paid above minimum wage which the Koch brothers are trying to dismantle. There. I saId it. I was about to pop. They are Georgia Pacific and don’t you forget it. I wipe my hands on my clothes rather than use Georgia Pacific paper towels.

  12. Does the union even have to take a sleaze like this for a unskilled position?

  13. Marge Wood, The Shul of New York has twice-monthly services at a Quaker Meeting House a nice walk from my home (the Shul is the most welcoming Reform congregation I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet — not only do they welcome people of all colors, religions, and sexual orientations, they even welcome us atheists).

    You can imagine my shock when I visited the ladies room and saw Georgia Pacific toilet paper and towels. Rather than dirty my clean hands on them, I used the tissue I had in my purse.

    Of course, I sent the meeting house an email about it.

  14. Does anyone think he won’t soon be crying for the union to protect him if runs into trouble with the company? Slugs like this always claim to be above needing representation but cry like babies when the rubber hits the road.

  15. Hey, Joe! Rest easy. That union membership you were “forced” into (I’m from Detroit Joe, I know better) will save your life some day just as it saved the lives of my parents. Both of them needed heart surgery which was successful and exceptionally expensive but the union paid for every penny and their extended lives gave me just that much more time to tell them I loved them. Hell, man, you should be so damn lucky.

  16. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Don’t know if I’d want to work in a union shop after all the badmouthing he’s done. Machinery is dangerous and it’s down right scary how easy it is to have an accident.

  17. Fred Farklestone says:

    Georgia Pacific and the Koch Brothers, partners in business!

  18. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    Don’t unions have a 6-month “trial” period? I forget what it is called, but maybe he won’t make the cut! How sad 🙁 He is such a damn whiner!
