Locals Again

February 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, this was flat stolen off of Facebook. Β It’s a local Republican candidate forum.

photo 3


Please note the beer sign on the candidate’s right.

As one of my friends said, “In Fort Bend County these things write themselves.”

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0 Comments to “Locals Again”

  1. Cut the guy some slack. That’s Elmer Fudd up there, reading Alice in Wonderland just when he gets to the part about the “White Wabbit.”

  2. You think if Wendy wins the Shiner folks will start brewing Left Wing?


  3. The rightwing is actually whitewing? Who would have guessed! LOL

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Where the gohmerts is the confederate flag to accompany the White Wing?

    Holy Gohmerts!

    That’s it. For their next conflagration, I’ll supply the beverage, Almond Froth. It’s a beer nuttier than Loopy Louie and with more foam than a Ted filibuster.

  5. Woot!

  6. Must be a Chinese restaurant.

  7. hahaha πŸ™‚

  8. The Shiner Brewery will never brew Left Wing beer. They sit in the heart of Lavaca County and it is hard to get any more tea party that that.

  9. Then again, white wings are a kind of dove, which is the very last thing any one would associate with the Tea Party (other than having peace for themselves to send others to fight their wars for them.)

  10. Aggieland liz says:

    ROFLMAO!! πŸ˜€ thank you!!

  11. Don’t ask me what white wings means in motorcycle club-speak (or black wings or red wings, for that matter). This is a family-friendly beauty salon, and I wouldn’t want to offend Momma.

  12. Hey, are there any damn lights in that place? Its so dim you would think something skanky is going on!

  13. What’s that red and white thing below the TV?
