Well, Doesn’t This Just Shock Everybody

February 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how the NRA says that the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun?

If you’re keeping score, the bad guys are winning.

A new study has found that around 60 more people have been murdered each year since the state of Missouri made it easier to buy a handguns without going through a background check.

And that shocks who?

The Show-Me state, huh?

“Coincident exactly with the policy change, there was an immediate upward trajectory to the homicide rates in Missouri,”Webster told BBC. “That upward trajectory did not happen with homicides that did not involve guns; it did not occur to any neighbouring state; the national trend was doing the opposite – it was trending downward; and it was not specific to one or two localities – it was, for the most part, state-wide.”

Researchers concluded that repealing the permit-to-purchase (PTP) law had given more murderers access to guns.

Ya think that might happen?

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, Doesn’t This Just Shock Everybody”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Loopy Louie has three answers: spoons, spoons and spoons.


    “Gohmert Calls for More Guns Because Obesity Isn’t Caused by ‘Too Many Spoons’ ”

    Holy Gohmerts! That is too much insight into Loopy Louie’s ‘logic.’

  2. There’s always the Florida solution: make it legal to shoot people if you find them scary. If it’s legal, it isn’t murder -and the murder rates goes down.

    Oh, wait – they said “homicide” rates – which does include non-criminal shooting deaths. However, I expect Fox News will say that the deceased had it coming – like the 15-year old girl shot and killed because she was egging someone’s car.

  3. Mike in MO says:

    I read this this morning. It’s not a proud moment for the state, but as you say, entirely predictable.

  4. Sometimes the news just has to arrive carved in stone — as on a tombstone.

  5. The cause and effect have been identified. Now let’s see what the Repugs do about it.
    (but don’t hold your breath.)

  6. I read this content earlier this morning. This organization is funded in part by the Joyce Foundation of Chicago, which like other such organizations has an agenda. If their gun violence agenda can be ascertained by the organizations which they fund, they support a Euro style gun ban. I won’t support a ban.

    So far as the accuracy of the stats go, I can’t say. However it does appear from the article that Johns Hopkins researchers began with the hypothesis that repealing the waiting period for handgun purchases increased the numbers of murders. Their result indicated no other possible root cause in any other domain. I remain respectfully skeptical of their research and their motive,

  7. Most handguns are illegal in my city. That means only the criminals want and get them, because there’s a lucrative trade in buying them out of state, bringing them here, and selling them with a huge mark-up.

  8. I realize that Loopy Louie is right that spoons don’t cause obesity, but I don’t recall hearing of anyone being spooned to death for playing loud music, either.

  9. W. C. Peterson says:

    Doesn’t anybody remember Hopalong Cassidy? Back in the black & White TeeVee days, ol’ Hopalong worried that the bad guys (who all wore black hats) would “get the drop on” the good guys (who all wore white hats). Maybe making the bad guys all wear black hats would be better than arming the good guys. At least we’d know which was which.

  10. The good old Lone Ranger never killed anybody. He just shot the gun out of the bad guy’s hand. I asked my father why everybody didn’t do that, and he had a hard time convincing me that it wasn’t realistic.

    Though I do remember a joke about the Lone Ranger getting in a fight with Tonto after the LR found out what “Kemosabe” meant.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Old Mayfly-the Lone Ranger knocked a guy off a cliff and killed him. There was also one death in the second episode of a bad guy trying to throw a boulder at the LR and he fell to his death. Lone Ranger also shot a buffalo that was trying to gore Silver,before Silver was Silver. But,usually he just shot the bad guy’s gun hand. I watch the Lone Ranger every day(two episodes),five days a week-channel 266(Angel 2) on Dish Network at 3:30 PM CST.This is followed by Roy Rogers,but he ain’t cool and de-segregated like the Lone Ranger and Tonto.

  12. e platypus onion, you are TV Lone Ranger. I am Radio Lone Ranger. When TV Lone Ranger was on I was a teen and way to cool to watch.

  13. I know that should be: “way too cool” Sorry.

  14. There’s a reason that folks (thinking folks) call it the “State of Misery.” What other state has a freakin bust of Rush Limbaugh in the State bldgs?

  15. “What other state has a freakin bust of Rush Limbaugh in the State bldgs?”

    As if politics needs to give me another reason to throw up.

  16. Aggieland liz says:

    @Micr, it appears that they also eliminated the background check. The hypothesis stated in the BBC article I read was, “will the evidence support the premise that this policy will allow people who have prior violent incidents to more easily obtain handguns?”

    I don’t support a ban on guns anymore than I support a ban on cars. But I have noticed that there seem to be more traffic incidents since they have relaxed the driver testing standards (I had to have a ride along Trooper evaluate my driving skills; neither of my kids had that!) I certainly support more stringent checks and licensing requirements for guns; I would not be against a proficiency test w targets for anyone who demands the right to carry a firearm whether in an open or concealed fashion. People who have a history of violence should not be permitted to carry handguns around, period. Too much danger to the rest of us. Their long guns should be broken down or securely stored and locked up with their booze til they get to the deer lease!

  17. I find it interesting that Micr doubts the validity of the findings since an organization funding the research is opposed to widespread gun ownership, but hasn’t said anything yet about the NRA supporting more guns for everybody while being supported by gun and ammo manufacturers.

    Everybody’s stats are suspect unless you’re educated enough to understand what they sampled, how they sampled, what number they sampled, and what questions can be answered by that particular methodology.

    Unfortunately, BushCo & his Congress made it impossible to have the data we need nationwide to see whose numbers are significant in respect to what. It was downright criminal to prevent collection of data on every single gunshot injury and death, so they could be properly examined and conclusions reached. The gun enthusiasts are afraid because casually the evidence appears to be against them…but there’s no way to know without the data.
