No, No, Here’s One Better: People With Ta-Tas Should Get Two Votes. Everyone Else Gets One.

February 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tom Perkins, the venture capitalist who does not believe in democracy, has an idea.  The more money you have, the more votes you get.  Which means, of course, that Paris Hilton gets about a billion more votes than I do.

That makes sense.  She is, after all, a lot smarter.

Screen Shot 2014-02-14 at 5.31.38 PMPressed for examples of how the rich were being demonized, Perkins said that he feared higher taxes.

“The fear is wealth tax, higher taxes, higher death taxes — just more taxes until there is no more 1%. And that that will creep down to the 5% and then the 10%,” he said.

Oh, you mean Ronald Reagan’s trickle down theory scares you?

Demonized.  Yo, Tom, kiss my blue blue butt.

Thanks to everybody in the 99% for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No, No, Here’s One Better: People With Ta-Tas Should Get Two Votes. Everyone Else Gets One.”

  1. every plumber knows what trickles down and it sure isn’t money.

  2. Rush Limbaugh gets two votes?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What an amoral gohmert, Juanita Jean. No doubt this selfish, senile gohmert considers himself to be a Xtian. Holy Gohmert, but I didn’t know “Trickle Down” and home schooling started in the 19th century with this cranky greedster.

    Go BLUE Texas, and just go Mayor de Blasio with your plan for better schools. Eliminate home schooling and insist every child has a good start with kindergarten, where most of us learned to share.

    If there is a heaven and a hell, Satan will smoke this gohmert. “How dare you try to be more evil than me,” says Satan. Might see some bi-partisan cooperation between heaven and hell, residents of both kicking this gohmert up and down, denying him residency in either spot.

  4. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Um, the rich already DO get more votes. They can afford to buy the gummint and they’re not shy about doing it.

  5. He’s not even original. Old H. L. Hunt, many, many years ago, recommended that the more money you had, the more votes you should get.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    It really soaked in on me yesterday. If our legislators vote the way we want them to, they will not get support from the multinational corporations. It would considerably cramp their styles. I say support Alan Grayson and Lloyd Doggett and prolly a couple others that the GOP is trying like crazy to get rid of. What ARE we gonna do?

  7. The minute one of these wingnuts get attention they just can’t help themselves—they keep talking. They start to babble like three year olds who’ve been fed glazed donuts, a bag of jelly beans and a cola before bedtime.

    Of course the three year olds make more sense than the nutty
    butt billionaire who seems to have nothing better to do than troll most of the planet.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. Any of you who live in Austin or want to trek up here, we are having a house party on Feb. 27 to show INEQUALITY FOR ALL. My husband and I would love for you to show up. We live at 2303 Comburg Castle Way, Austin, Texas–south of Wm. Cannon, west of Manchaca Rd, north of Slaughter Lane. Y’all come on over and help us celebrate my birthday! Wasn’t that nice of Reich to have house parties everywhere to celebrate my turning 74?! The movie will start at 6pm but if you get here a half hour early, we can all get better acquainted and eat. Free food! Free movie! Well, you can bring popcorn if you like; I probably won’t have popcorn.

  9. W. C. Peterson says:

    “The fear is wealth tax, higher taxes, higher death taxes — just more taxes until there is no more 1%. And that that will creep down to the 5% and then the 10%,” he said.
    Sounds like a fair plan to me. When can we implement it?

  10. I’d say Mr Perkins is doing a pretty good job of demonizing himself without our help. It does indeed sound as though the number of guillotine manufacturing start-ups has these folks worried.

    On a side note, a 1960s SF author named Mack Reynolds wrote a few stories about a future society where the rule was “one earned dollar, one vote.” Trust fund kids living off their investments didn’t get votes.

  11. It seemed to me when I read the story he equated tax dollars they paid to votes entitled too, so I wondered if any of these guys actually pay any substantial tax dollars?
    And as for Corporations, well we know how little they pay.
    Now if you subtract the money they are spending to influence things, including lobbyists this may not be as good a deal as he thinks it is.
    It might even encourage them to put up more tax money instead of sheltering it in off shore accounts.

  12. If I had two wishes, here’s what they would be:

    a) on public financing of ALL political campaigns

    b) affordable education whose standards matched those of the 60s and 70s. None of this Phoenix paper mill crap. Pell Grants just keep their printing presses in bid-ness without actually educating anyone.

    But what do I know? I am a seniory citizen.

  13. I can’t even listen to this guy anymore. He must have done something in his past to keep him safe- otherwise, he would perish of pure meanness.

  14. If Warren Buffett sees the inequity of the tax burden on the middle class, then this guy needs to clean his glasses.

  15. Perkins needs a short ride in a tumbrel to the good doctor’s invention. Being shortened would do wonders for his attitude.

  16. Don’t it just seem that the good die young…

    @Jeanne says:
    February 14, 2014 at 8:50 pm
    I can’t even listen to this guy anymore. He must have done something in his past to keep him safe- otherwise, he would perish of pure meanness.

  17. Don’t it just aggravate you that maybe a few more rich folks would be a teensy bit less rich? Go find a recording of Woodie Guthrie singing I AM CHANGING MY NAME TO CHRYSLER.

  18. He slept through his high school American History and Civics classes d’in’t he?

  19. He’s worried about higher “death taxes” on his income? Is he under the impression that he will still be around to pay them?

  20. Typical micro-brained oligarch. He also will never admit to remembering when his stratosphere was taxed at the 90% rate and yet they still made $$ hand over fist. Furthermore,what would be so wrong with demanding a competency test for this guy? I know for a fact that if it was Joe or Jane Q. Public rambling on, it would take less than a heartbeat for them to be tested. The way he stumbles on, he just might have pre-senile dementia. But, oh, how easy it is to lay low behind millions of knee-high stacks of Benjamins!

  21. What LynnN said. He can’t take it with him although he can build himself an exceptional tomb. Since he is 82 he better get going on the project.

  22. Fiddledeedee! H.L. Hunt put that one up the flagpole in the 50s. Didn’t fly then and won’t fly now.

  23. Oh, the pity of it. A poor little rich boy complaining that he doesn’t yet own everything and everybody. Here’s another one:

    Wealth corrupts. Absolute wealth corrupts absolutely.

    As one CEO I worked for told me, there’s a point when money simply becomes the score on the board to show the world what big winners they are. Here’s the mindset that drives these guys:

  24. Many of these crackpot billionaires made at least part of their fortunes from gubmint contracts.

    I was under the impression that the Republican Party are employees of the extremely wealthy.

  25. Sure, the rich should be able to buy the government. At least it would be more honest than what we have now . . .

  26. “just more taxes until there is no more 1%”

    Tom Perkins needs to get together with birther Orly Taitz and her 1000% situations. They could sit down and draw bell shaped curves for fun.

  27. About 1/3 of our economy is powered by consumer spending. As the middle class declines and worker’s get 0% of increases in productivity and national wealth, the economy will decline. Right-wing tactics certainly ensure that the rich get the biggest slices of the economic pie, but it’s going to be a smaller pie.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    That guy looks like Fred Barnes'(fake noize) great great great Grandma. Wingnuts are wholly owned subsidiaries of the filthy rich.

  29. aggieland liz says:

    Whoever said this guy thinks he’s a Christian?! Perish the thought! He has more money than God, so he MUST be smarter than God, so why the &*%+ would HE need God??

    I need God because I desperately want there to be someone who will sort this stuff out and punish persons like this one, who thinks we are so much dross cluttering up what ought to be his private playground. When he dies, I’d like to jerk wide awake to a cosmic-sized “uh-oh…” echoing in MY head as he sees what he’s got coming! Wretched, wretched man!

  30. @RepubAnon. I’m pushing 60, and no longer have an income (I do have some rapidly-diminishing savings). I’m thinking of investing in the manufacture of guillotines; I think we’re at a point where we need them.

  31. Actually, I can see some value in using taxes as a basis for vote count…The percent of your net worth that is paid in taxes each year counts for your percent of a vote….so these yahoos that pay less the 15% of their capital gains which is less than even their total net worth…their vote would barely count whereas middle-class votes would run about 30% value…

    But then one would have to accurately report net worth and we know they cannot do so really.
