Do Not Copy My Homework

February 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The problem with Looneytarians is that they wake up in a new world everyday … and forget the mistakes they made before.

Rand Paul lives in the movie Groundhog Day where he keeps trying to steal without getting caught.  Every morning he wakes up and thinks, “I’m smarter than everyone else.  I am.  They were just lucky when the caught me plagiarizing before.  I can do it this time.”

And he does it.  And he gets caught.

Remember the lawsuit Paul filed against the NSA?  He stole it.  From a damn lawyer.  That is the zenith of colossal dumb.

100520_rand_paul_ap_218Since December, the libertarian lawmaker, a tea party favorite, had been working with former Reagan administration lawyer Bruce Fein to draft a class-action suit seeking to have the National Security Agency’s surveillance of telephone data declared unconstitutional; the two men appeared together as early as last June to denounce the NSA’s activities.

But when Paul filed his suit at the U.S. District Court in Washington on Wednesday morning, Fein’s name had been replaced with that of Ken Cuccinelli, the failed Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia who until last month had been the state’s attorney general. […]

Fein, who has not been paid for his legal work by Paul’s political action committee, was furious that he had been omitted from the filing he wrote.

Fein was not a joyous writ twit.

However, shame on him for ignoring the libertarian code of ethics:  if you steal from someone, it’s really their fault because they were not smart enough to keep you from doing it.  And freedom.

Survival of the fittest, dude.  Social Darwinism.  Lazy butted bum.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Do Not Copy My Homework”

  1. Clearly Fein should sue Rand Paul. That would make this story even funnier.

  2. Rand Paul has got to be dyslexic. How many times has he mixed up his makers & takers now?

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    “When Mattie Fein responded in an e-mail to Cuccinelli calling him “dumb as a box of rocks,” Cuccinelli wrote another e-mail to Bruce Fein saying, “I think this relationship is untenable.””

    Ya think?

  4. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Libertopians also move into the castles that other people have built in the air.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Time for Rachel Maddow to stick a fork in this gohmert.

  6. Uh, hate to break the bad news guys, but Bruce Fein apparently has confirmed to MSNBC directly that his lawsuit language was not stolen from him. Says that he was part of a legal team and that he has been paid for his work. According to Fein his ex-wife’s quotes were her own and she was not speaking for him.

    I don’t like Rand Paul either, but I think one of the most important things we can do on this website is to respect the facts and make appropriate updates when earlier claims are with new and verifiable info.

  7. ya just gotta say Patriot and Liberty a few times and that makes it all better

  8. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Umpty, are we sure someone didn’t pay off Fein?

  9. The Washington Post carried this story and it had nothing to do with what somebody’s wife said. It carried a direct quote from Fein and he was totally pissed off as well as not paid off. Why does Rand Paul do stuff like this? Well, why did he create his own Board to certify himself when he did not actually complete his eye courses? He’s a libertarian! He can do anything he wants and its always someone else’s fault that he even had the damn idea let alone get away with it.

  10. Maggie, I just looked at the WaPo again.Tthe only WaPo coverage I can find is Dana Milbank’s column, which quotes Fein’s ex but not Fein directly.

  11. I have sympathy for neither Rand Paul nor Bruce Fein. If Mr Fein says he was paid he was paid. If he recants and says he wasn’t paid, then he wasn’t. Neither position changes my gut level view of either person.


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