Friday Toons

February 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized







Clay Bennett editorial cartoon




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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Luv that second one! Daughter was raised in snow country and now lives in Aladamnbama which usually gets the higher percentage of ice in the snow/ice equation. She is the only one in her entire area who knows how to drive in real winter conditions and ends up not only getting the milk for her family but everyone else who begs her! Nice to know yer needed!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Lighten up on Marco. His pot is medicinal. It’s very effective at keeping him mellow. Otherwise his full blown raging psychopath Palin personality would be on display. Just kidding. Really.

    Although his viral youtube SOTU reply sure had the appearance of a stoner with those desperate snatches for the water bottle and his seeming to get stuck mid sentence so often. Stage fright or stoner, is for him to answer.

  3. Angelo Frank says:

    The Rosenberg, Texas police department is encouraging guys to buy their ladies guns this Valentine’s Day.

    Roses are red, violets are blue…this Ruger 9mm says, ‘I love you’

  4. Angelo Frank, thanks for that link. Unfortunately, that’s how guns get into the hands of criminals (that, and having them stolen from homes, where they’re frequently not reported). Steam coming from my ears, and I’m glad I left TX in 1976, after 16 months of y’all, etc.


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