Because They All Answer to “Hey, Stoopid”
At a GOP lunch last week, Sen. John McCain noted that “some crazy guy from Texas” stormed out during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. “Hey,” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz chimed in, “I didn’t walk out of the State of the Union.” The packed room erupted in laughter.
That was Steve Stockman, but “crazy guy from Texas” does not limit the possibilities in any manner.
Thanks to Larry for the heads up and John for the cool graphic.
That Cruz TX victory sign has always creeped me out. Just how long are his dang digits anyway? Looks like they could leave his hand at any time and start crawling.
Sorry. Been sick all week. This ain’t making me feel any better.
1Yeah, Cruz is an example of how crazy multiplies–like roaches and mice. Texas needs a political exterminator.
2You know–catch ’em in one of those humane traps and return them to the wild where they can no longer hurt anyone or enrich themselves.
This weasel is a Texas Tech ex?
3Yup, if it’s from Texas, if it’s from the Right and Far Right, then you can bet it’s CRAAAAZZZZYYY!!
4At least he admits that he is crazy! That is a good start, maybe he can get Looie to admit the same.
5That’s not a victory sign. It’s an “L,” presumably standing for “Loser.”
6So Stockman’s crazy crap has rubbed off on all the Repugs. And they laugh about it.
7Let’s hope there’s a side-splitter of an election which results a Democratic landslide.
That admission takes my breath away.
Even they know they are acing clinically insane.
Re: Tech and its failure to vet potential students… I have been suspicious of Tech ever since the admin at Tech fired Mike Leach.
8Yo Ted! Produce the citizenship papers or resign.
9Well, in Texas Tech circles, that is the sign for “get yer guns up”, since they are Red Raiders, and all that… and gun racks are mandatory accessories for trucks on campus… Classy, huh? Of course, it also stands for “Lubbock”. ugh.
10When the Texas Republican delegation runs for reelection, I’d like to suggest a slogan their incumbents can use:
Don’t Mess With Crazy!
11Hail to the Canuck-in-chief!
12Speaking of crazy, Texas has no monopoly on crazy. Brad DeLong starts with a simple case of a UCLA Law School professor who is tired of the Obamajams that happen every time the President comes to town with his crowd of secret service people and then finds the totally looney guys with the FEMA depopulation scheme and the Fox Gnus Presidential gaydar.
13There are too many fish in that barrel.