Turn Out The Lights. The Party’s Over.

January 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Chris Christie party is over.

I don’t care what comes out next, it’s over.  I don’t care if he tears down the bridge and personally walks on the damn water, you can stick a fork in him because he’s done.

People will forgive a s-e-x escapade but they will not forgive traffic.  And I think that’s kinda smart.  If a candidate has s-e-x, that doesn’t bother me as long as I don’t have to think about it.  But traffic – that makes my life miserable.  You hurt me personally when you make me sit in traffic.

And then when he poured salt in the wounds by saying he was the victim here and not the people who sat in traffic, then Elvis has left the building.

And if he expects that his staff will lay down for him to stand on their bodies and weep tears of “you lied to me,” he’s an idiot.   One of them will reach up and throw his butt on the spit.

And that’s what I think.



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0 Comments to “Turn Out The Lights. The Party’s Over.”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    This is the wingnut version of fast and furious called “Fat and Furious.” Wingnuts play the victim card-compliments of the Tundra Tart with the trademarked name-“Word Salad Annie.”

  2. This is bound to happen as more and more data comes out. Not a matter of if, but when.

    I am actually surprised that he has not used “Benghazi” as an excuse as of yet.

  3. As other patrons have opined, when will he get around to blaming it on President Obama? Gotta be his fault somehow.

  4. Micr–Of couse it’s Obama’s fault:

    The Fed offered Christie money to improve the tunnel, which would have improved traffic flow.

    Christie rejected the money.

    The Fed didn’t follow through and do the improvements anyway.

    Blocking off lanes on the bridge held up traffic, and with no improvements to the tunnel, traffic had no place to go.

    Ergo, the Fed caused the problem.

    Ergo, Obama.


  5. Marcia in CO says:

    Don’t forget that now they are bringing in Christie’s misuse of the Sandy funds for his “personal” TV ads, promoting New Joisey!! And if any of those “underlings” will step up to the plate to acknowledge the fact that Christie was absolutely in the know about the bridge deal … yes, get out the big fork, ’cause he is totally done!! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!!

  6. You are correct, as usual, J.J. The abuse of power issue, so obvious in this fiasco, is huge with voters. His tight ship mentality belies his cries of victim. He orchestrated the payback and made sure he had built-in deniability.
    Unfortunately for him, it just doesn’t wash.
    One or more of his underlings will crack.

  7. On the “Morning Joe” show, Joe was just going on about how this sort of behavior with swift political retribution is simply par for the course. Wellllll, we shall see how far up the GMail trail (personal accounts mind you) this stink started. Of course, this time some of the sharpest stones are coming from his future scrum mates for the 2016 “Obamacare is killing us” tour.

    Carpe diem, y’all

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, honey, he’s from central NEW JERSEY. Read any of the Janet Evanovich books for more information on life in the ‘burg.

  9. I’m willing to bet that anyone he “fires” will be receiving a fat severance package and probably a cushy new job somewhere out of the line of fire.

  10. I guess I’m more cynical. Whatever comes out I suspect too many voters will have forgotten by 2016. Never underestimate the ability of American voters to vote stupid.

  11. On some talking head show (I rarely watch them, so didn’t catch the name) one guy insisted that if Obama could survive Benghazi, Christie would certainly survive Bridgegate.

    The difference is, to most Americans Benghazi was far away–maybe bad, but maybe not, and anyway, no direct impact at home. But traffic…and a death from the monster traffic jam…that’s *personal*. There’s not an American with a car (and that’s most of us) who can’t immediately and gut-level empathize with being stuck for hours in traffic when we really needed to get somewhere. I suspect the talking head guy saying Christie would sail through this and all would be forgotten gets taken places by a car service or lives in Manhattan where everything is accessible by bus, subway, and/or cab. I was, once, and it’s a very insulating experience. I enjoyed it, but I know where I come from and didn’t consider it the new normal for a gal from small town Texas.

  12. You are wrong. Americans love being abused. When Reagen showed how to jerk off America with one hand, and put a knife in its back with the other, Republicans found their success formula.
    The more abusive Christie is, the more “manly”. And what Democrat can we possibly nominate how has done anything this manly? None!

    BTW, been watching what Wallace Jefferson, the just-retired Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court is up to? He retired from the Chief Justice spot (after a dozen years of good performance, too) to join his brother Lamont, in working for Scientology.
    He is appearing in a harassment case in New Braunfels, defending Scientology. Upholding Scientology’s religious right to harass, you see.

  13. VeeGee in VT says:

    I am with LynnN. You can count on American voters to – squirrel! – forget all bout it by 2016.

  14. VeeGee in VT says:

    About it. Sorry.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    and as my friend in Joisey said, “He’s an idiot.” Her opinion and she’s not even political.

  16. Karla Furr says:

    Chris Christie is SO OVER.

  17. I’m not questioning your judgment, but … what if — this is exactly what the republi-can’ts want in a candidate, and — the voters elsewhere don’t care, they weren’t in the traffic jamb, and constantly being in a constant state of constant denial constantly vote for the bloated porcine toad-stool? That’s a double insult: stool! toadie!

  18. Seems to me what else people ought to remember about Christie’s “explanation” is the constant drip of “I was betrayed… I am sad… I am humiliated… I… I… I….”

    Yep, it’s all about you, big guy. Nobody else matters.

  19. Christie’s main hope is that the press becomes fixated with Justin Bieber’s latest issue and forgets about bridges and Hurricane Sandy.

    I have never believed that Christie could win in places like Iowa or South Carolina. To get the GOP nomination, you have to appeal to tea party types and tea party types hate Christie

  20. That Other Jean says:

    Chris Christie over? From your typing fingers to the ears of the gods, but I doubt it. American voters have the attention spans and memories of goldfish. By 2016 this scandal won’t be more than a wisp of almost-memory, and the Democrats Christie’s running against will be too gentlemanly–or too stupid–to bring it up again.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    That other jean-if Fat and Furious gets the rethug nod,I’m pretty sure Hillary has no compunction about dredging through the slime to tar her opponents after what wingnuts have done to the Clintons for twenty plus years. She has more cajones than any Democrat man since before BC was neutered.

  22. All I know is what this last couple of months have taught me. Chris Christie had his stomach stapled or something like that and he doesn’t seem to have lost much weight, and Rob Ford in Toronto smoke crack and is still fat.
    So what hope is there for any of us dieters in the New Year?

    And I have to agree with JJ, stick a fork in him (Christie), he’s done!

  23. Okie-Dokie says:

    I suspect that had this bridge restricting had been done anywhere else, the Rethuglican who was behind it would have gotten away with it. This got the attention of the national press because THEY ACTUALLY USE THE BRIDGE and THEY WERE INCONVENIENCED.

    I grew up in Florida around New Yorkers. Guess my prejudice.
