Oops, He Did It Again

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Late last month, I told you the weird story of Ted Cruz returning a campaign contribution to a woman.  Okay, so that’s weird on its own – a politician returning a contribution.  But, the really weird part is that he never reported that he got a contribution from this woman, something that is required by law.  The resson he returned the contribution is that this woman was under investigation for over-contributing to Republican candidates.

ted cruz victory signOkay, okay, so Ted is a passing fad but, holy cow, you’d expect that a man who wants to take charge of the federal treasury would be a tad more careful with bookkeeping.

Oops.  He did it again.  This time he’s reporting that he’s returning Thomas Cushman’s contribution, another Republican mega-donor who is being accused of exceeding the contribution limit.  Only problem is – he never reported getting a contribution from Thomas Cushman.

Okay, so now you gotta wonder how many sets of books Cruz has.  Does he have one that goes to the FEC and another that he hides in a bottom drawer?  If he’s not in the habit of reporting everybody who gives him money, how do we know he’s not taking money from the Commies … or the Canadian Brotherhood?

And on another fun Republican note, the Facebook PAC made an illegal contribution to John Cornyn.  I guess they forgot to adjust their settings.  

Thanks to Alfredo for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oops, He Did It Again”

  1. I had a candidate return my $50.00 with a note that said he didn’t need my money. When the campaign finance reports were filed and made public in the paper, my contribution was not there either. Of course, it was only $50.00.

    Sounds like Cruz’s campaign treasurer might be one of his wife’s flunkies at Goldman Sachs. They often have difficulty with numbers.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmert! Did these people not read the Citizens United decision? With that gift from the court, there should be no need to cheat.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So what is the penalty for not reporting contributions? Let me guess. It will be a strongly worded letter from the FEC asking politely that Mr. Cruz please refrain in the future. Yeah, that’ll work.

    Maybe we need to jail one of these crooks just to put a little fear in the rest of them.

  4. What’s the joke about the Texas victory sign? L for Loser? L for (gasp) Liberal?

  5. Someone with more energy than I have needs to critique Ted Cruz. I feel like I’m playing Whack-a-Mole. Just when you think you have exhausted superlatives to describe the depth of his arrogance, or stupidity, or lack of empathy, he comes along and opens a new outrage, lowering his personal bar in the meanwhile. How can a human being be so comparatively close to a single cell organism? I am bewildered.

  6. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Rhea… in the Panhandle World of hand-signals… that L stands for Lubbock… or if you rotate it slightly… it means “Git Yer Guns Up”… ala Texas Tech Red Raider lore. No wonder we keep having to endure the likes of Congressman Randy Noogabooga….

  7. I’m sure they were shown a copy of the law pertaining to reporting contributions but I bet it all just looked like a blur to them. Wishful thinking has competition with wishful seeing.

  8. Elizabeth says:

    The laws are to keep the downtrodden down.

    To the Cruz types, they don’t apply to people who are so above everyone else. Anointed, after all.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, Ted Cruz is a bought and paid for Koch tool. Sort of makes sense as to why the birthers were all over Hawaii and President Obama. Because they would do something so specious, they project their lack of ethics onto others.

  10. VintageMomma says:

    Well, John McCain couldn’t remember how many houses he had and the Romoney folks lost track of their horses (in so many senses of the phrase), so is it any wonder that Cruz can’t keep track of his money?

  11. Mary in San Antonio says:

    OMG, that picture reminds of the words to a song by Smash Mouth that my daughter used to sing all the time:

    “Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
    I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed
    She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
    In the shape of an “L” on her forehead”

    Change the ‘she’ to ‘he’ and it fits all to well. He ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed, is he?
