Just So You Know

December 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator Ted Cruz lost his mind yesterday and wrote on his Facebook page:

Nelson Mandela will live in history as an inspiration for defenders of liberty around the globe. He stood firm for decades on the principle that until all South Africans enjoyed equal liberties he would not leave prison himself, declaring in his autobiography, ‘Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.’ Because of his epic fight against injustice, an entire nation is now free.

We mourn his loss and offer our condolences to his family and the people of South Africa.

His supporters went nuts.  Literally dragging knuckles and throwing feces.

Lord help us all.  These people vote.  Worse yet, they are on Facebook.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.
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0 Comments to “Just So You Know”

  1. There goes President Cruz. So sad, too bad

    Any bets on how long it takes to quietly remove some of the nastiest? Boy howdy are they nasty.

    In fact –

    they are so nasty I wouldn’t even want them on my side.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ted Cruz honoring Nelson Mandela. That’s rich in hypocrisy. Instead of offering empty rhetoric on Facebook, Ted should pick up his taxpayer phone and call his friends Boehner and Cantor over at the House. Tell them to honor President Mandela by pulling out those bills on immigration reform and farm aid for a vote. SNAP to it fellas and add a little bit for the kids and elderly, too.

    Oh the irony! With one post Ted managed to annoy his fan base and his foes alike, albeit for very different reasons.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    All I can do is shake my head in total disgust! Not at what Ted wrote, but the responses … however … there are those who are firing back at the ignorant hate mongers on his page.

  4. I just read an article written on Pravda no less regarding the nasty Sarah Palin, wish you guys could read it but I’m not sure how to send the link, it is on Politicus website – WOW!

  5. Whatcha wanna bet if Nelson had been lily white the feces tossers would have been all sweetness and light…

  6. Cruz’ pandering to his hate-mongering base has cost him the ability to turn it off, even when he wants to. Serves him right!

  7. Maryelle you are correct. What Ted really never understood–because he was new at the demagogue thing is that if you start low, there is no place to go. There are places where his supporters can go that he can’t even visit. I’d like to think this is an eye opener for him but I’m thinking—not.

    What was amazing to me are his supporters who refuse to acknowledge old Ted’s dad fought beside Castro as they scream about Mandela saying he agrees with some things Marx said. Cognitive dissonance, racism, xenophobia and just plain stupidity reign over there. I had to take a shower afterwards.

  8. TexasEllen says:

    Cruz should take a long look at his “base.” What a collection of ignorant and absolutist orcs!

  9. All those congratulations to Rosa Parks for ending racism have been tossed out the window this morning.

  10. Well, I knew about Dumb and Dumber a long time ago and I always thought they topped the dumbness scale. Then along came Cruz. Nelson Mandela did not choose to stay in jail for 27 years and then release his own self into the world. He was unjustly jailed by a cruel dictatorship and for Cruz to say other or disguise history in any way . . . hey, I had at least one nun in parochial school who’se most disastrous response to anyone’s misbehavior was “and the gates of hell will open under your feet and you will descend into the pit.” Bye, Ted.

  11. I thought that Ted Cruz compared, (are you seated?) Mandela’s struggle against apartheid with the Republican struggle against the ACA!! I kid you not, see TPM

  12. VintageMomma says:

    When ya lie down with dogs, Ted, ya get up with fleas. Of course, my sincerest apologies to all dogs for comparing them to even one of Cruz’s base (and I do mean BASE) members.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    Which staffer wrote it for him?

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Funny that Dick Cheney defended his vote to keep Mandela in jail because he and Ronnie Raygun just knew that Mandela and the ANC were terrorists. If there is a group of animals Cheney is familiar with,it would be terrorists of the rw christian persuasion.

  15. e platypus onion says:


    Little Ricky Sanitorium is getting in on the Mandela tribute,compares fighting apartheid to fighting Obamacare. Good grief.

  16. I’m sorry, I was wrong. It was Santorum who compared the Republican’s fight against the ACA to Mandela’s struggle against apartheid.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    An understandable mistake, Mooser. Visions of bubble balloons of idiocy to be attached to the clown in question, as the cart speeds by with so many eligible suspects. Just boggles the mind as the GOP implodes faster than anything in space, the suspects replicate faster than cockroaches, with none of the redeemable features of a cockroach.

    Gee whiz, if only the Koch fueled GOP would commit to public transportation. Sorry. That was a for certain before you ask for it stupid moment on my part.

    Hey, let’s go with the tried and true: taxes. And, sorry Roberts Court, no corporations don’t have a voice, however bought and paid/safe you think you are.

  18. Let’s not forget that Reagan and Thatcher were all for keeping Mandela in prison because he was a communist and a terrorist. Some in the GOP just aren’t flip-floppers on that subject, I guess…. They’re probably proud of themselves for keeping to the 1980s party line on that one thing at least.

    Mandela had more dignity in his little finger than a lot of people have in their whole family reunion. I’m not going on the Facebook page because I don’t have enough brain bleach.

  19. Wow! Just Wow!

    I thought that only that much venom could come from King Cobras.

    I read a couple of pages, got nauseous, and stopped.

    Best we can hope for, is that the condescending prick loses some votes.

  20. I have to say, watching the live news feed (CNN?) of Mandela walking away from the prison after his release was “one of those moments” for me. For me, it was better than watching the Berlin Wall come down.

  21. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Burnt Orange Report had a story yesterday about Cruz and the Facebook page grossness. Pretty interesting read. The link to Burnt Orange is up on the right-hand side of JJ’s home page, if you are unfamiliar with it.

    I hope LOTS and LOTS of people look at the comments on the Cruz Facebook page. They are shameful and shocking. Just maybe it will have the same stunning effect on some of the “so-called still redeemable” Republicans in this state who did their Robot Vote for Cruz, and just maybe it will make them think before doing that again in future elections. We can always hope.

  22. Waiting for the retraction that is bound to come soon. LOL

  23. SteveTheReturned says:

    By way of an update: Some of Newt Gingrich’s followers went the same ugly direction as Cruz’s did—and Newt publically condemned them. Do you suppose that Cruz is going to do the same, regarding the vile statements his lunatic fringe has posted? Me neither. Folks, when Newt Gingrich is what remains as the voice of reason and good taste for the American conservative movement, you know we are in very, very bad shape. I try to maintain my optimism for the future, but it’s not always easy…..
