Tea Party Mania!

December 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you’re not going to believe this, so here’s the link.

Screen Shot 2013-12-05 at 2.19.19 PMThere’s a 51 year old guy named Doug Sedenquist who lives in Michigan.  Doug got arrested because it’s a felony not to put down the rifle you have pointing at yourself in your pick up truck, even if you are a major proponent of open carry.  He had a court date set on this case but he had to miss it.

Wanna know why?

Because he was back in jail for extortion, stalking and possession of a drug chemically similar to a controlled substance.

Dude, some lawyer is getting a new Beemer thanks to you.

And why did I want to tell you this story?

Doug is the former vice chairman of the Delta County GOP, and is now a Tea Party activist and hosts a radio show.

Yeah, that stuff can drive you crazy.  And that’s a fact.

Thanks to Dennis for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Tea Party Mania!”

  1. Angelo_Frank says:

    What happened? One of their best and brightest go astray?

  2. He really looks like a dick.

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Heck, that’s pretty common for one of Da Youpers from up on da peninsula. He probably mistooked his self fer a buck.

  4. Yeah, he’s from my state but not my peninsula. A little more information from Michigan Liberal.

  5. Bout time they rounded up these rwnj’s and throw them in jail where they belong. The Repugs have empowered the fringe element to the point where they think they can do no wrong. They’re criminals, which is increasingly synonymous with conservatives.

  6. Awright, gotta admit that after living for over quarter of a century in Michigan there are some real strange two legged critters there but they are usually from areas so remote you can’t hear them when they practice their bomb making and blowing up techniques. Honestly. There are some real arm pits of H E double hockey stix areas in that state ripe with old tree stumps for just such a hobby. Plus there are all those old abandoned mines with infernal “addits”, escape holes for the mines that are sprinkled about the landscape and the kudzu (yeah, it grows there, too) growing over them and ya never know where the holes are until they eat you. This guy looks amazingly edible. Hole, meet thug.

  7. You just can’t make this shtuff up. Truth is stranger than fiction.

  8. Serious question: are there batpoop crazy out of control people like this on the left too, and I just don’t hear about them? Not that I would trust Faux News etc. to tell me about them… but are there? I’m trying to be fair here. I know most of the bad spellers are on their side, and most of the good songs are on our side, but how about the loonies?

  9. UmptyDump says:

    Do you see a resemblance between Sedenquist and this fellow?


    Song courtesy of that incomparable entertainment group from the Upper Peninsula – Da Yoopers. (Wonder why my wife got mad at me for playing this for my 12-year-old grandson.)

  10. You say “the rifle [he had] pointing at [him]self in [his] pick up truck” as if that were a bad thing.

  11. fenway fran says:

    I’m sorry. He just looks nasty. No wonder it was a RADIO show. Yuck.
