Fun With Guns: Square Peg, Round Hole Edition

December 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, it’s Tennessee and your sister thinks she hears a prowler outside.  She calls you instead of the police to come shoot somebody.

Screen Shot 2013-12-05 at 9.59.52 AMWhen you get there, you have your .357 Magnum but there’s a problem.  You have no ammo for your .357.

His sister gave him .38 caliber ammo, and when he tried to force the round into the weapon by tapping it with his pocketknife, the round went off, striking him in the hand.

See, a real man would have gone outside and killed the prowler with a pocket knife.

But the best part of this story is yet to come.

Carlie Indmon Phillips, 45, sustained the wound Sunday night at a home on Hillbilly Way and was taken to Methodist Medical Center for treatment of an injury…

His sister lives on Hillbilly Way.  Damn.  That’s some delightful stuff.

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Square Peg, Round Hole Edition”

  1. cannot stop laughing . . . see you later

  2. I thought you might like this one. 🙂

  3. I assume the police caught the prowler by following the sound of hysterical laughter.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    .357 ammo is interchangeable with .38 Police Special,if I recall correctly. I remember an older PBS mini-series called 1915 about Aussies entering WW1 and the new recruits couldn’t hit a bull in the butt with a bowfiddle. Their Sgt said their lack of marksmanship led him to believe the safest target in the war was a German soldier. Hillbilly Way is a nice touch. Maybe the burglar will sue for not getting his name in the story.

  5. I do the Tennessee Gun Report each Wednesday. That one made my report last week. We’ve got so many responsible gun owners it’s really hard not to laugh at them, except sometimes these things are truly tragic.

    Check out this week’s report. We’ve got some real doozies, like the guy who shot himself in the temple while watching a Western movie. Bet he was playing cowboy doing his own “quick draw McGraw” routine:

  6. Imagine the conversation:
    .38? .357? Don’t use your fancy mathematics with me sis, bullets are bullets!

  7. There is a lot of reason for hilarity here, but the .38 caliber cartridge should work fine In a .357. I wonder if they even knew what that cartridge was, because it should have fit perfectly in a .357 and fired without any problem, if it really was a .38 special. I don’t know which well-regulated militia this guy is a member of, if his training did not include matching ammunition to weapon, which is kind of important.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    You can shoot .38 special shells in a .357 magnum chambered revolver,but you can’t shoot .357 shells in a .38 special chambered revolver. The .357 shell is slightly longer than a .38 special and won’t fit in a .38 special chambered gun. That concludes our NRA lesson for today. Notwithstanding,the above story is the funniest I’ve read so far today. 🙂

  9. Yes, but should one be tapping down a bullet with a pocket knife?

  10. Betty @ Georgetown says:

    Wonder if he had health insurance when he checked in at the hospital. He might not have coverage anyway, since stupidity can be considered a pre-existing condition.

  11. What I keep wondering is where is the prowler all this time? Did he stick around waiting for the guy to load his gun? He must have seen the brother arrive. I would say that he’s another candidate for the Darwin award unless he skedaddled.
    With all the stupid decisions made by people with guns, maybe we can hope they’ll become extinct eventually.

  12. UmptyDump says:

    Surprising that the gun nuts haven’t already leaped to this guy’s defense. After all, didn’t he demonstrate responsibility by keeping his .357 unloaded, then transporting it and showing up at his sister’s with the weapon in that condition? Or maybe he was just being prudent … or forgetful … or on all counts, plain stoopid.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Not to worry, Leslie Parsley. They’ll be prepared next time. His sister will give him an oven mitt and a hammer.

  14. What’s that old adage? A bullet in the hand is worth 5 in the gun?

  15. bud malone says:

    Hillbilly Way should be extended to accommodate all the misfits I’ve been reading about.

  16. Platypus, thanks for the lesson. Isn’t one of the stated goals of the NRA to teach gun safety? How’s that working out so far?

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Southern Beale,we had a spirited engagement on cbs news story about the ALz. man. According to officials(last I read) the home owner could get off using stand your ground defense. Un-freakin’-believable.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    bud malone, that is a good plan, although Hillbilly Way might be a tad too small. In fact, it seems the I-10 already connects many of the dots of lunacy from Duncan Hunter, CA, sweeping up Jan Brewer in AZ, across TX and all the way to Marco Rubio, FL. Call it the autobahn of crazy.

  19. The firearms equivalent of someone who used a can of mace as a hammer, with predictable results.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Betty@Georgetown, he probably has rethuglican insurance-show up at the emergency room and let taxpayers foot the bill.

  21. e platypus onion:

    And yet, even defenders of SYG say it shouldn’t apply in this case because the guy was perfectly safe inside his home and was not in imminent danger. See, this case proves why SYG is such a foul, wrong law.

    BTW the shooter is another Tea Party eeedjut who was spokesperson for a wackadoodle running for Congress last election. Guy was primarying a Republican incumbent. When a Tennessee Republican is too “liberal” for you, you know you’ve passed Go and forgot to collect your hundred dollars.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    The shooter changed his story from shooting four times at a silhouette to claiming the victim approached him and would not stop as directed. Methinks the story changed to fit the SYG scenario. I agree that it should not apply and is more likely to cause more problems than it solves. How does the NRA with only about 5 million members scare politicians so badly?
