Wanna Vote For Rick Perry?

December 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, trip on over here and vote for Rick Perry.

It won’t do much good except make you feel better and there aint nothing wrong with that.

Thanks to Patricia for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Wanna Vote For Rick Perry?”

  1. I wanted to vote for all of them and a write-in, PA Gov. Tom Corbett.

  2. VeeGee in VT says:

    OK, so this article made me smile and I hope it’s true. Whaddya think, Texans? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/12/03/1259894/-Rick-Perry-in-negotiations-to-accept-Medicaid-expansion-Turning-Texas-Blue

  3. Maybe, just maybe, he finally got what I was hoping for: a visit from a long dead rwnj repentant friends followed by 3 spirits who showed him the error of his ways and made him cry!

  4. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    When you put him up against Scott Walker, ole Icky Ricky doesn’t seem half so scary but I do agree with Maryelle that Tom — Frackman — Corbutt should be considered for at least a Dishonorable Mention.

  5. Yes. He’s scary. We should be able to vote that all of them are despicable.

  6. Lorraine in Spring says:

    After reading that list, I need a shower. I hope people have learned to pay attention to state/local elections & GOTV in every election, no matter how small. That’s where these pus fill abscesses of greed can do the most damage.

    And Corbett is missing. He’s destroyed my retirement home area & remains on my Sh!t List.

  7. VeeGee: I saw that article yesterday and it made me hope just a little bit.

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    @Maggie … those 3 spirits probably wouldn’t be Christmas Past, Christmas Present, nor Christmas Future … but more likely Gin, Bourbon and Vodka … yup, probably those 3 spirits … none of which would make him see nor think clearly at all!!

  9. Angelo_Frank says:

    As a Texan I proudly voted for our beloved Governor Ricky Perry. If for no other reason than hoping, for once, he can win something nationally.

  10. I managed to refrain from voting for Scott Walker only out of love for you, Juanita Jean.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    I’ll do it for you, Lynne. I’m thinkin’ Scott Walker is the worst. Or maybe we should be grateful that he and his rich buddies made us all aware of the Koch brothers.
    Speaking of Perry, I figured all that about Perry and Medicaid would be in at least two or three “hahoo didja see that?” things today? What’s the latest on Texas and Medicaid expansion?

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Revealed: the wealthy conservative groups behind fight to wreck Medicaid
    The Guardian ‎- 7 hours ago
    Dewhurst compared expanding the current Medicaid system to drug … with Governor Perry’s staff and key state lawmakers to ensure that Texas …
    Okay I looked it up. Cute photo of Perry online; see if you think his hair is longer in back (gasp!) or if someone’s standing behind him. And if you live in a foreign state, TPPF is a regular contributor, er, well, I can’t say the other word, Mama would switch me for sure, funded by the Koch brothers. Mama’s not, the TPPF is. Funded. By the brothers. I learned something new; Perry et al want a BLOCK GRANT instead of expanding Medicaid.

  13. Julia Bosco says:

    Love ya dearly, JJ, but I just had to vote for Scott Walker. Perry’s a tool and a fool and hasn’t done Texas any favors, but he hasn’t taken us completely down the garden path the way Walker has to poor Wisconsin.

  14. I wanted to vote for all of them. Would like to know why Jindal is not on the list.
