Remember When Tucker Carlson Left Crossfire and You Thought He Crawled Back in the Hole He Came Out Of?

December 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You were wrong.

Tucker is back, as weird as ever.  His tales are still taller than they are wide.

Screen Shot 2013-12-02 at 10.06.49 AMHis latest is to defend Lara Logan’s Benghazi story that was based on lies because “sometimes the best stories have flaky sources.”

Uh, really?  You mean like the Dominican prostitutes Tucker’s website attempted to pay to make up stories about Democratic Senator Bob Menendez?   You mean like that?

Tucker also whined about the unfairness of Martin Bashir reply to  Sarah Palin’s totally insane comment about African Americans not understanding slavery with a reporter on 60 Minutes who tried to make a name for herself by replying on a faulty source on a very serious subject.

Tucker Carlson:  Political reporting’s answer to Britney Spears.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Remember When Tucker Carlson Left Crossfire and You Thought He Crawled Back in the Hole He Came Out Of?”

  1. Note that “best stories” is not the same as truthful or factual stories.

  2. TexasEllen says:

    Tucker is more Miley Cyrus than Brittany Spears. If it wasn’t for Daddy, he’d be restocking cat food at Wal-Mart.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Another reason I don’t watch TV.

  4. Tucker is a joke but he is an expert on using unreliable sources. As a fellow flake, he believes in giving all other flakes a chance to air their view without regard to the truth of these views

  5. Some things don’t improve with age and Tucker is a prime example. He was always a flake and gets worse every year. It’s time for him to just go away, far, far away, and take Palin with him.

    Martin was correct in his assessment of Palin. I’m sure the network made him apologize.

  6. Carlson saw there was big money to be made pandering to bigots and decided he wanted in on that!

  7. One of my favorite moments on TV remains the time Jon Stewart wiped the floor with Tucker and his bowtie.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    The only way I can tolerate Cucker Tarlson is when Jon Stewart is on giving him the business.

    This is worth the entire watch.

  9. bud malone says:

    Lorraine has him dead to right. The guy has 4 names and the silver spoon he grew up with. Partisan Hack is correct.

  10. That is terribly, terribly unfair to Britney Spears. The woman has some drive, intelligence, and talent, and more-or-less made it on her own.

    None of which is remotely true of the talentless, clueless, moronic excuse of an overpaid hack “journalist” that is Tucker Carlson.

    Granted, they’ve both been involved in some terrible trainwrecks. But one has picked herself up and moved on, the other… is still at Fox “News” regurgitating the same blerg, hurting the country and the news profession as ever.

  11. I have great memories about Tucker Carslon. Especially the night prior to the 2008 presidential election, where he loudly proclaimed that John McCain would win in a landslide.

  12. OMG!!! THAT Tucker Carlson! The one who was on that dancing show and made a total gluteus maximus of himself! The high point of his life let alone his career! And he still thinks people are going to listen to him and take him seriously? Seriously?

  13. He’s single-handedly made bow ties a stigma of stupidity.

  14. @maryelle

    Tucker Carlson has had quite a bit of help stigmatizing bow-ties from George F. Will, who has slid quite a very long ways since his heyday in the ’70s. It’s not sure what happened to George’s brain; my theory is that W misplaced it during the search for WMDs in Iraq.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    I see the problem with Tucker. He replaced his bowtie with a windsor knot and choked off the oxygen to the place his brain used to be.

  16. Brianm0122 says:

    “sometimes the best stories have flaky sources.”

    Yes, but the best stories tend to be fiction.
