Yeah, Because He Was Born in Kenya

November 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The President of the United Damn States of America was asked to record the Gettysburg Address.  They asked him to read what is called The Nicolay copy – which is believed to be the first draft – and is the one preserved at the Library of Congress.

He read it.

They reacted.


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The words “under God” are not in the Nicolay version.  You know, the one preserved in at the Library of Congress.

Good Lord, can’t these people take up knitting or something?

Buck Pochek once picketed the beauty salon because he claimed Juanita Jean left “under God” out of Take Me Out To the Ballgame.

Same deal.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Because He Was Born in Kenya”

  1. It always happens… #NUTjobs…they just cannot help themselves

  2. Makes better copy if you make stuff up.

  3. “They” being the journalistic equivalent of Fox News, let’s hope the American people will see this attempt to once again attack our President over NOTHING as a pathetic lie. If those words weren’t there, how could they be “left out”?

    By the way, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” did have several versions of the lyrics, but at no time was the phrase “under God” included. It was a Tin Pan Alley song for Pete’s sake.



  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @Rick You win today.

    Well done, Sir.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    The Blaze is investigating the Gettysburg Address and so far they claim their are nine drafts of the Address,five of which Lincoln wrote and at least the first two don’t mention god. Then they go onto speculate whether “under God” was uttered at the actual speech because there was no audio or tv at the time. The concensus seems to be they think “under God” was uttered because A.P. seems to think it was. There you have it. The ofishul rw honest to godz truth.

  7. bud malone says:

    Leaving out God indicates great for sight and many smarts. I’m not certain but didn’t God check us all out and said “to hell with it”?

  8. Please, please don’t let these people take up knitting. I do NOT want to see them at my local yarn shop!!!

  9. shortpeople says:

    Would they have been happier (you know they would) if he had inserted “Under Allah”? Imagine the vapors! It would have ended all the droughts in the country.

  10. Breitbart and BS are basically interchangeable nowdays. (apologies to anyone else named Breitbart)

  11. It’s all a part of the war on Christmas…

  12. Marcia in CO says:

    The words “under God” probably weren’t in the original but you can almost bet there were a lot of folks, hands to their cheeks, whispering: Oh My God!

    Whatcha think?

    Personally, I think I’d be muttering “Oh, for God’s sake!”

  13. Oh my oh my. What would I possibly do without the insight, intelligence, and HUMOR of the salon’s clients. Thanks so much to all of you!

  14. He did it again.

    POTUS picked the blue box from the Do Shyte That Makes the Right Wing Go Nuts Committee—- and got to read the Gettysburg Address Sans a deity.

    He is smiling as I write this– while their heads explode.

  15. According to Media Matters, Rush is making a big deal about this

  16. Marge Wood says:

    If you like detail, google Wikipedia pledge of allegiance when was “under God” inserted. Fascinating read. It reminded me that when I was growing up in a household where every meal was a theology lesson, I heard pros and cons about the whole concept of swearing or pledging. I’m not talking about cussing. That was another lesson. I’m talking about taking an oath to do something. As I heard all my life, we should live in a way that folks could know that our word was our bond and if we said we did or believed something, that should be good enough. I eventually caught on. Somebody tell Rush THAT. Just like at Christmas you shouldn’t oughta hafta go waving your religion around about the holiday.

  17. VeeGee in VT says:

    So, who asked him anyway? Are we sure it wasn’t a set up? It would be just like some RWNJ group to ask him to read that particular version, then scream and rant about leaving out “under God”. Lincoln was pretty careful about using the word “God” in general and may have left it out in his spoken version.

  18. Doesn’t the address also say something to the effect that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth?” You know, that government that the radical-righters keep trying to shut down.

  19. “We, on our side, are praying to Him to give us victory, because we believe we are right; but those on the other side pray to Him, too, for victory, believing they are right. What must He think of us?”
    ~ Abraham Lincoln

    Maybe that is why he left a god out of the first version or two.

  20. So if I was the POTUS and had put up with the load of crap President Obama has put up with, and I knew or somebody told me that “under God” was in one version and not in another, then you bet your sweet a$$ I’d be reading from the one without “under God”, just to hear their heads explode.

    O course I am not President, so …..

  21. Hey JJ, what’s that “1Trackbacks/Pingbacks” Alternate Viewpoint link at the end of this particular comment section? Are you beta testing something? Cuz it took me to a site from which I could not back-arrow. I had to close my window and open the Beauty Shop back up. What’s with that?

  22. Juanita Jean says:

    My bad. It’s spam. Don’t click it.

  23. Oy, caramba! Yeah. I know it. I just linguistically joined two cultures without their consent. That is my “yuck” response to people who insist on their right as free ‘Mericans to keep themselves intellectually hobbled like livestock.

    Nuff said!

  24. As always, Madame Bankston, you have once again proven that you are a national treasure – and not that shitty Nicholas Cage movie, either.
    I only wish I could come to Texas to finally meet you (although only for a mani-pedi, since my lustrous lock left my scalp oh so long ago), but since I am a gay Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Marxist/Maoist/Kenyan/Muslim man, I must regretfully inform you that our meetings can only be virtual, since I would like to live past the age of 60, and would prefer not to be hunted for sport by the Republican candidates for governor and attorney general. But, once again, thank you for making my day.
    Of course, it could be worse: you could live in Oklahoma.

  25. Well, hey, everybody knows that Lincoln was a secret Jew Commie troublemaker who wanted to destroy freedom by taking people’s property away from them. Just because that property happened to consist of human beings is no excuse for taking from the rich, is it? Anyway, if the Founding Fathers put “under God” into the pledguvilleginz when they wrote the Constitution, it’s good enough for the Gettysburg Mailing Address too.

  26. I think he would have left it out just to screw with them. And it worked!

  27. Try this link:
    It takes you to a 12 minute discussion of the Gettysburg Address. At the end, he explains the “under God” addition in later copies of the speech. It is the least significant point he makes about this 10 sentence free-verse poem, as he explains what a true work of genius it is.


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