Right of Joe Barton? There is No Right of Joe Barton. Joe Barton is the Edge of Right.

November 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom, put a wall to the right of Joe Barton.  You can slam head first into that wall but you are not getting through because beyond that wall lies the Kraken.

Joe Barton is the Texas congressvarmint who apologized to BP for our sand getting into their oil.  He is also the guy who stopped research into into autism because he feared it would sow that pollution was the cause.  No, seriously.  He is that freekin’ evil.  They call him Smokin’ Joe because he loves pollution.  He makes the Tea Party look like bunch of liberals at a Karl Marx birthday celebration.

Seriously, he's proud of this picture

Seriously, he’s proud of this picture

Okay, remember the group of wee winkie guys who protested the four women meeting for sense able gun control?  Well, the agent agent provocateur of that group, Kory Watkins, has announced that he is going to run against Joe Barton in the GOP primary because Barton is not conservative enough.

Summon the Kraken.

If you feel the need to carry a gun bigger than your arm to the grocery store, that’s a psychological problem, not a self defense one.  Plus, I hate people who prance around the grocery store pushing their cart with one arm because nine times out of ten the cart wheels aren’t on straight and they crash their wiggling cart into me.

Think of the logistics of this.  Where the hell is that rifle pointing when he kneels down to put the milk in the bottom half of the cart?  It’s either pointed at the person in front or behind him, and frankly, I’d prefer to be neither place.  Ever.  Even when he’s not armed.  This guy has creepy eyes.

Screen Shot 2013-11-13 at 9.31.30 AMAnd then I have another problem with this guy.  He’s claiming to be a freedom fighting Uhmerkun, and plenipotentiary of the Second Amendment but when he puts on his fanciest clothes and poses, look what he’s carrying.  A Russian made weapon.

What?  He couldn’t find a spare Iranian nuclear weapon to carry around?

The mere fact that guy with this much of an inferiority complex is walking the street concerns me.  And by concerned, I man “makes me snicker.”

I’ll keep y’all updated on this race because I ain’t missin’ one minute of it.  There’s gonna be weird stuff happening.




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0 Comments to “Right of Joe Barton? There is No Right of Joe Barton. Joe Barton is the Edge of Right.”

  1. I love you, Miz JJ.

    That’s about all I have to say rat now.

  2. Once again solid proof of not only background checks for obtaining a gun but a good argument for MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING before buying a gun.

    And thanks to all those yahoos who stroll the isles of Walmart with their exposed weapon I no longer shop there, this month makes on year since I stepped foot in those horrible stores.

  3. I saw this on the Chris Hayes show last night. This guy is a real nut case.

  4. W. C. Peterson says:

    @Nate: How do you know that’s a WalMart in the photo? I’ve never been in one.

  5. It is hard to believe that there is someone to the right of Joseph Robert Lynus Barton (his full name). He represented College Station for a while.

  6. W.C. The background, looks identical to the walmart where I used to shop (they all look alike).

  7. Good grief. Proud of you, Nate. I’ve been boycotting Walmart for lo these many years, maybe 20 I don’t know. Join the club.

  8. SteveTheReturned says:

    Understand what the upfront goal of these open carry zealots is: they want us all to get used to and accept this sort of armed-and-dangerous presence as a normal, everyday part of our lives. They want their violent video game experience to become the reality for us all. If you’re not scared and outraged by this development, you’re not paying attention. This sort of sick public intimidation is not going to end well. At a minimum, contact your local governing bodies and tell them you’re not OK with this ugly trend—chances are, they’ve only heard from the gun-toters, so far.

  9. Lorraine in Spring says:

    OK, is it just me?

    Click on Kory Watkins FB page link. Take a second gander at the lower left corner of the Cowboy Stadium pic. Does that say “United We Fall”? Shouldn’t that be be “DIVIDED we fall”?

    Either I’m confused or this nitwit really is too stupid to own a weapon.

    And why would Kory need a weapon in a grocery store? Is he afraid the lobsters still have their claws? Is the beef so rare it still moos & scares him? Maybe he was attacked by a stalk of celery as a child?

    I’d also like to know if he pulled wings off flies as a kid. That man needs therapy. Lots of therapy.

    Good Grief.

  10. Braxton Braggart says:

    That’s a manly shopping cart, right there.

  11. Lorraine, do you suppose he has the weapon if anyone complains when he has a full cart in the 15 and under line?

  12. donquijoterocket says:

    I’ve a long-time friend, ex-ranger, who’d be pleased to show any of this sort how easily they could be disarmed coupled with a demonstration of how to carry really concealed. This twit would not wish to encounter my friend. He especially has a thing for AKs having heard first- hand up close and personal the bolt rattle sound that’s as distinctive and as identifying as the muzzle blast. I would say only inTexas,but you’re likely to encounter this sort of twit almost anywhere these days.Of course they’d probably not be a candidate for higher political office,but that’s not guaranteed either.

  13. Isn’t it weird how evil geniuses like old Karl Rove and his spawn have put the fear of losing the right to bear arms in people while picking their pocket of decent jobs, union rights, health care, and the meaning of their votes (by gerrymandering).

  14. I w3onder how many of those gun totters were in the military – under fire.

  15. Juanita we usually agree but this, saying that Joe Barton is the end of right wing idiocy, is wrong. There is no limiting factor yet discovered. The Wingularity, as it has been called, has yet to be reached and many believe that right wing lunacy may be as vast as the universe itself.

    Kory has a website where he lays out his vision for the rest of us, and it ain’t pretty. Self describes as a defender of the constitution, though some how managed to miss serving in the military as he was 20 in 2003 and as we all know he could have carried a gun to his hearts content. He appears to be a nasty piece of work. Was going to say a self serving, selfish little twit, but hey he is a republican it would be redundant.

  16. JJ, he Kraken will eat both of them, and then lick his krakeny lips!

  17. e platypus onion says:

    In the Texas of today,he stands a good chance of getting elected,or going postal if he doesn’t get his way. Membership (in the Nutjob Ridiculous Army) has its privileges.

  18. What the heck does “United We Fall” mean??

  19. Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and go well with ketchup.
    This keeps coming to mind, but I haven’t figured out whether I think this guy is the dragon, or if I’m hoping that he is the one that encounters the dragon.

  20. These pictures are always set in white suburbia or at BIG rallies. Usually in places where there are lots of families and kids….never alone…never at night…never in places where the police response time is more than 1 minute….

  21. Braxton Braggart says:

    Why does a proud American carry a communist-design firearm?

  22. white cloud says:

    The picture was taken in a Kroger pharmacy in Burleson. Kory has some kind of criminal record in Florida and also Violation of parole in Florida. He is also a promoter of legalizing marijuana. And a gun idiot as shown. That all we need is a drugy gun nut politician

  23. Wonder how long Wal-Mart or any other retail outlet would allow this crap if everyone complained? I don’t believe they’re subject to the 2nd Amendment any more than they are the first in that those Amendments are meant to apply to the government’s lawmaking, not the public.

  24. I remember when I was a boy, the lady who lived next door called those little sausages in a can “vye-eener weeners”.

    Not sure why those photos made me think of that.

  25. Corinne Sabo says:

    What did he want from the pharmacy?

  26. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it generally considered not just poor form but a full fledged bad idea to carry your gun muzzle down with your finger in the trigger area, particularly when on concrete or some similar hard surface?

  27. “If you feel the need to carry a gun bigger than your arm to the grocery store, that’s a psychological problem, not a self defense one.”
    The Quote of the Day.

  28. Braxton Braggart says:

    TM asks:

    “Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it generally considered not just poor form but a full fledged bad idea to carry your gun muzzle down with your finger in the trigger area, particularly when on concrete or some similar hard surface?”

    Yes, but one hopes his foot will slow the slug somewhat before it reaches the floor.

  29. Kate Dungan says:

    Who dresses this twat waffle?

  30. @donquijoterocket, Thanks.
    My sainted father, United States Marine 1942-1969, went on automatic when someone mentioned AK-47. He’d say “the AK-47 assault rifle is the preferred weapon of our enemy; and it makes a distinctive sound when fired at you, ” You can imagine our surprise when Clint Eastwood utters the exact line in the movie Heartbreak Ridge. Yes the AK does make a “distinctive” sound when fired!.

  31. JJ, I’m so sorry I have to agree with Mike R on this one. I really, really want to believe they can’t get any worse, and then THEY DO. I don’t know if he’s on drugs or if he should be and isn’t.

  32. It is term, ‘man’, applied to this cretin that makes me snicker.

  33. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    Kate Dungan, you just won the interwebs in my book. I’m stealing twat waffle. Thank you.

  34. Is that a medical band on his arm? and is he in the pharmacy? And by the way do not put the raw meat in the basket with the other stuff…

  35. @Mike R — I also love the term the Wingularity

    I googled his website. It looks really bad. The default WordPress theme looks better than his site.

    It is interesting how right-wing crazies usually have bad looking websites. It does make them easier to spot.

  36. Korys FB page says “I work for God”

    But he gets paid by Olive Garden. (True story).

  37. The world would be a better place if God had been more generous in distributing the bigger winkies.

  38. Kate Dungan says:

    You know, after looking at this goober again, well, he reminds me of my son back when he was two or three. J.B. had a woobie he carried with him everywhere; he slept with it, took it to church, grocery shopping…everywhere. I think this guy’s gun is just like my two year old’s woobie. A security blanket for a grown up insecure boy.

  39. Congratulations. I saw that this column made Crookandliars http://crooksandliars.com/juanita-jean/right-joe-barton-there-no-right-joe

  40. badVlad says:

    The idiot gun guy looks just like Feldman from the Bizarro Jerry episode of Seinfeld. (Except for the AK-47)
