How Much Wood Could a Dumbchuck Chuck if a Dumbchuck Could Chuck Wood?

November 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For Rick Perry, shutting down the government wasn’t enough.  No, sireee.

In an interview that aired on ABC’s This Week, Perry insisted to reporter Jeff Zeleny that he “certainly enjoyed” Cruz’ 21-hour Senate speech attempting to defund the Affordable Care Act.

NOT Clark Kent

NOT Clark Kent

I think he especially enjoyed the Dr. Seuss part, the only thing he understood.

But Rick Perry, a man with a plan, has his solution.

“It would have been wiser for us to have laid the wood to the president — so to speak — in the sense of being able to call him out on this, let it become an issue of, ‘Mr. President, you own this,’” Perry explained.

Yeah, nobody even mention the President’s name when talking about the Affordable Care Act.  No, wait.  Maybe I have that wrong.

“Laid the wood to the president”?  Well, I suspect Rick Perry could just headbutt the president and accomplish that.

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “How Much Wood Could a Dumbchuck Chuck if a Dumbchuck Could Chuck Wood?”

  1. Listening to a sitting governor, or senator rail against the government, is like an alcoholic in a liquor store condemning the evils of beer, after he’s paid for his six pack.

  2. Oh look. Rick is still wearing his “smart glasses”. . . . .
    Still not working . . . .

  3. So, Rick Perry’s innovative new idea is to start calling it “ObamaCare”? I guess Rand Paul isn’t the only person that confuses innovative thinking with reading Google(r) search results out loud…

  4. Normally, I agree with pretty much every thing that Juanita Jean posts.

    But…. to say that Rick Perry understood “Green Eggs and Ham”…..

    I don’t think so. I respectfully have to disagree on that one.

  5. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I love that photo. My favorite part is “Not Clark Kent”

  6. If Perry understood the Dr. Seuss part then he was a step ahead of Ted Cruz, who didn’t seem to realize that the theme that you should try something before you condemn it did not support what he said about Obamacare.

  7. When he talks about “laying the wood” to the president, it makes me think Perry’s got a man crush on him. Slip of the tongue or…?

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Notice how he’s quit dying his hair black? Maybe he’s going for wise elder statesman now.

  9. The nerd look only works for smart folks, not dumb asses like Perry. he looks even more idiotic in the glasses than he does without.

  10. A ‘like’, please, for Angela’s comment.

    Not, being that Mr. Still Sounds Stupid still owes a million children in Texas apologies for denying them medical coverage and a decent public education system, I say we lay the wood to him since he seems to believe that is effective.

  11. “Lay the wood” to someone in my part of the world means to beat him to a pulp! I bet the Secret Service caught that one. Rickeee baby, I sure do hope you got a diddy bag packed for a quick removal.

  12. “Lay the wood” sounds like tRick’s version of seductive sexytime talk. Creep! He’s talking about his Gubernatorial “staff”. Wow, I just squicked myself out. Euw.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    If Perry understoon Dr. Seuss, he’d be much better on environmental issues. The Lorax gets it.

  14. He and Sarah have so much in common…phony glasses to try and make them look smarter and using sexy innuendos when referring to the president. A pathetic twosome.

    But, hey, I can relate. I have a crush on our awesome President Obama too! He’s the greatest.

  15. I’m so tired of Rick Perry in the Governor’s Mansion. He really needs to be evicted.

  16. I agree, Maggie: That “Laid the wood…” comment really concerns me and I do hope the secret service follows up. It’s reminiscent of the veiled threats used by the good ole boys against African Americans. And what is Perry, but a good ole boy, talking out of both sides of his mouth.

  17. Governor Perry “owns” Texas’ lousy health statistics, Texas’ lousy schools, Texas’ lousy stats on affordable housing, wages, pollution, political corruption, etc., etc.

    He’s another member of that gang in Arlington; he’s a secessionist and traitor and I hope he ends his days in prison.

  18. This is the only man who makes wearing glasses look stoopid!! Good luck in your new career as a Nobody who brought shame to My Texas. Wendy Davis 2014!!!

  19. And I notice in that picture he has his hair fluffed up again, into a sort of dome suggesting his brain is bigger than it is.

  20. Relevant to both my posts today (finally calming down enough to remember not just going to church, but listening to stuff) today’s first lesson, the OT lesson, was from Haggai. The Jews were back from the Babylonian Captivity and the place was a total wreck (the Babylonians were serious about scorched earth policies) and they were miserable because things weren’t like they used to be.

    Haggai said “Take courage and go to work.” Sitting around whining, and complaining, and being afraid to do, or start doing, as the sermon said, gets nothing done.

    Actually a very good lesson for the day, and a good sermon built on it. That’s what we need to do. The idiots are running the asylum, the bullies are waving their guns around, the Koch brothers are buying every politician they can. But “Take courage and go to work.” As the Corps has put on many a poster: “Do the right thing.”

    In light of rebuilding a nation of citizens who can and do respect one another, including when opinions differ…a nation really working on liberty and justice for all…the sermon’s extension of the passage, that it’s not “building a nation just like it was before the destruction” but “building at all…getting started in the right direction and accepting that maybe what you get won’t be what you had, or thought you had” seems on the right track to me.

    Now most of us here are involved in that. We’re not running scared. We’re not expecting things to fix themselves or trouble to vanish. But though I probably wouldn’t have *liked* old Haggai (reading Old Testament prophets frequently makes me want to pull their beards and say “WOMEN ARE NOT PROPERTY, [redacted]!” but on this one he was right.

    Take courage and go to work.

  21. Thank you, Elizabeth. And reread the book of JUDGES in the O.T. One of my favorite stories is the one about Deborah, the cool lady judge who while she was presiding, a general came and said “You have to go to war with me.” When she picked herself up from laughing, she said “Everyone will laugh you out of town.” He said “I don’t care, you have to go with me.” So she closed court, went home and packed her toothbrush and told her husband she had to go to war. And remember the lady Jael who pounded a tent peg through the head of the opposing general. These women were not something to mess with. And neither are we.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    He could chuck as much wood as a dumbchuck could,if a dumbchuck could chuck wood. They are fair game around my place all year long. No chucks today,dumb or otherwise,it is snowing again.

  23. hmmmmm . . . “laying the wood” has an entirely different meaning here on the East Coast. More along the lines of what Ms Mia-Marie Pope was getting at . . .

  24. They are afraid that if they mention the President’s name three times that he’ll get another term.

  25. Catherine D. says:

    I think my favorite version of the tongue twister is apt:

    How much sh*t could a dipsh*t dip if a dipsh*t could dip sh*t?
