I have been without email since 8:11 am, when an email from Wolferman’s Bakery announcing their 30% off sale was my last contact with the cyber world.
I called my email server. They said they were “working on it.” It is now 4:00 pm.
I think they were lying. I think they took me off the Wolferman’s Bakery email list just to toy with me and are sitting around smoking cigars and reading my email. That’s what I think.
I have a gmail account for emergencies such as this. Tomorrow is my absolute deadline for one of my paying jobs. I won’t get fired or anything if I miss it but it’s a monthly magazine and some people will get their feelings hurt. People I like.
It won’t do you any good to have my gmail account because I only use it when my domain email goes down, which thankfully, really isn’t that often. But when it does, it can be down for 2 or 3 days.
I’d quit emailing me because they tend to lose them when the server is down.
More rain is coming even though we are flooding in Texas. God is messin’ with Rick Perry.
Heard tell up in the Northeast Texas cotton country, that it’s “either too dry to farm, or too wet… never in between when it’s just right.”
1Top 10 reasons your email provider is not letting you get your email:
1. They are angry because they think you believe “Hawaie” isn’t a state.
22. They also provide email support for the same people who make crazy jackets for Teddy and Rick.
3. Sarah Palin keeps calling and threatening to quit if they provide you reliable service.
4.They are fresh out of tea bags and are going through withdrawal.
5. They lost all their liquid capital investing in Glen Beck’s gold scheme and can’t afford to maintain their servers.
6. John Boehner called and told them to cut off your email access because people might like to hear from you too much!
7. Your internet service provider is secretly owned by the Koch Brothers Aad they are concerned you are making headway.
8. Your email company also provides services to Gohmert etal and their inboxes are getting so full of email from angry constituents that they can’t keep up.
9. Gregg Abbot is afraid you are raising too much money for Wendy Davis and wants to slow down your access.
10. George Bush is afraid people will email you offering more shoes to auction off and customers will send the extras his way. Hey, it could happen.
I understand your frustration. My cable, land line phone and internet died yesterday at 1 in the afternoon. I was happy not to see the Texan game but could watch shows that I had saved on my dvr. Cable came back just in time to watch most of the Walking Dead.
If it rains in North America, my cable company tends to fall apart. It can be very frustrating.
Hang in there
3@ deb: I read that “crazy jackets for Teddy and Rick” and wondered immediately why that was a problem, because I figure that the kind of “crazy jackets” with arms that tie in the back would be a good thing. Then I remembered the “crazy” jackets and got sad again.
4Try changing all your passwords, inc. Adobe. I am serious.
Harry Reid is messing with nutjob minds. Oh payback is gonna be sweet. Kismet,I salute you!
6It has to be a Repug conspiracy!
7p.s. Dance in your yard and say
and VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 6 which would be an AMENDMENT to the Texas Constitution so that the super duper rich guys would get their fingers into more pies. How? Dig more big holes, build restaurants and fancy houses by the big holes that the rain is supposedly going to fill up. Guess whose name starts with a K and is paying for the campaign to get folks to vote FOR Prop. 6. Yep, you’re right.
Next will come the snow JJ, which you’ve been waiting for since 1973.
9@ E platypus onion, I loved this line from the article you referenced: “Harry Reid (D) of Nevada has finally sensed his moment to destroy that product of tea party Republicanism once and for all. One might not even be surprised if “Ride of the Valkyries” was booming from his Senate office this morning.”
Please, someone send Harry Reid a Wagner CD!
10Sucks about the interwebs.
11But you do need to see this when you can:
And it doesn’t even surprise me.
Not a least bit.
This is all too thin to walk on and too thick to plow.
12Oh, ugh, PolishSpring! Sickening! How these boys rape these girls and how they get away with it!
13PolishSpring-Wow-just wow. The rw war on women is pervasive,even in small town Misery.
14Down loaded an upgrade from Adobe and my ‘puter decided I no longer needed much of anything. I restored my computer to two days prior and It has worked since. I still have that upgrade Adobe balloon and WILL NOT upgrade.
15Every once in awhile,Javascript gets ahold of my computer and won’t let me have control until I download their product with an attached virus. I have to re-boot to make it go away. Sometimes it is as simple as pressing cont.,alt and delete at the same time. Otherwise I have to pull the plug and reboot.