The Cruz Giveth and The Cruz Taketh Away

September 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It has happened.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), praised President Barack Obama on Wednesday for bringing the Syria strike to Congress, saying that the move gave the chance for the voices of Americans to be heard.

Well, that’s kinda nice.  Giving credit where credit is due.  Kinda makes me think that maybe Cruz ain’t all that nuts after all, making a statement lik … Oops.  Too soon.

In the same speech …

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Wednesday that the country would be better off if the Senate was full of people like Jesse Helms, the late senator who was ardently opposed to all kinds of civil rights measures …

But, he wasn’t finished.

Cruz told a story of Helms receiving a $5,000 political donation from actor John Wayne, who apparently later told Helms he liked him because “you’re that guy saying all those crazy things” and that there needed to be 100 more of him.

“It’s every bit as true now as it was then,” Cruz said. “We need 100 more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate.”

Oh Sweet Jesus weeping loudly, Cruz wants a United States Senate with the intellect of John Wayne.

And get this stuff

Cruz said the first political donation he ever made was to Helms — $10 — and praised the late senator for his outspokenness. If Helms were alive, Cruz said, he would be taking a more aggressive stance against “radical Islamist terrorism” than President Barack Obama has been taking.

Okay, first of all, Cruz is lying about the $10 donation.  I know that mainly because (1) Cruz just makes crap up as a hobby, and (2) Jess Helms would never have taken money from somebody named Cruz.

Jesse Helms would have sent you back to Cuba, Boy.

Perhaps Ted wasn’t listening on June 23rd, 1986 when Helms said, “All Latins are volatile people,” during protests of U.S. Senate hearings on Mexican corruption.  And maybe Helms was right, because volatile Ted sent him ten bucks.

Thanks to Llana (who was first) for the heads up and John for the graphic.

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0 Comments to “The Cruz Giveth and The Cruz Taketh Away”

  1. So Carnival Cruz’s hero is a man who fathered a black child but continued to be a racist and segregationist? Tells me all I need to know about Ted.

  2. “Jess Helms would never have taken money from somebody named Cruz.”

    I don’t think Ted understands this.

  3. I don’t think we need flu shots this year, we need protection from ‘the crazies’.

    It’s epicenter seems to be the southern parts of the US, but can be found in pockets all over and including Alaska.
    Signs that you have caught this pernicious virus is the inability to think or speak coherently, saying outrageous ,stupid inflammatory things.
    Homophobia, racism and thinking women need to be protected and controlled(and barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen) are also signs of this dreaded disease.

    Good Luck!

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Jessie Helms, huh?

    Ok, who stole Louis Gohmert’s hat and gave it to Ted Cruz?

    Good Grief.

  5. Bernard Terway says:

    Dallas Morning News wants this guy to be their “Texan of the Year” I am sure there will be more on this here, but take a look anyway.

  6. I don’t know if I can stand to look at that.

  7. Reminds me of when my parents voted for Nixon (“He’s such a nice man!” and we said “He’s a crook!”) Nixon won his second election in a landslide and then was impeached.

  8. OK, so my whole FB Timeline is going to be from the beautyshop today it appears – keep ’em coming Darlin!

  9. Sam in Kyle says:

    Helms, a man who probably forced (raped) the family domestic into having sex, and then kept the child out of public view so as not tarnish his racist image. Sounds like a perfect role model for someone like Cruz. Perhaps he and Michael Berry could spend more time clubbing together.

  10. I think y’all are confusing Jesse Helms with Sen Strom Thurmond, who actually did father children with his family’s black domestic worker. I can understand the confusion. They both suck.

    Ted the Cruzifixture wants more lil Helmsmen? I’d agree only if they are as dead as Jesse is.

  11. Oops, that was Strom. Thanks Hillary.

  12. Cruz simply cannot be that blatantly ignorant!! This has got to be a mental condition of some sort. Shucks, if I knew where his meds were I would get them for him and make sure he swallows!!!

  13. As someone who lives in North Carolina and suffered under the reign of Jesse Helm’s, Hillary is right – Strom Thurmond from *South* Carolina was the segregationist who fathered a daughter with the family maid. Helms, our *North* Carolina segregationist was the commentator on Raleigh’s WRAL TV station who railed against “Martin Luther Coon” among other editorial gems.

    Actually, not much of a stretch to confuse the two. . .

  14. My dear, late husband, who grew up in North Carolina in a fundamentalist family, and still turned out to a liberal in spite of it all, would often say: “Jesse Helms *has* to die someday!”

  15. The Cruz taketh and then he taketh some more
    Curs-ed be the name of the Cruz.

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    @Lorraine in Spring: Louie’s has face attachment with mouth and eye holes. Comes with matching white robe. You must’ve seen ’em. And as you know Ted doesn’t do “white” robes!

  17. Catherine D. says:

    I know it’s very wrong of me, but every time I see a picture of Cruz, my fingers just start itching to slap his face. Frothy Santorum has the same effect …

  18. Aggieland liz says:

    The Cruz giveth me indigestion…

  19. How to determine future rising stars in the Republican Party:

    Check their elementary school report card. Did the teacher note anything like, “Does not play well with others, mostly because he’s always saying those crazy things. Says crazy things in the classroom as well.”

    Check the employee notes section for their first job, are there comments like, “as manager I personally enjoy those crazy outbursts, but not all customers can figure out what he’s talking about when they just want to order a hamburger.”

  20. Corinne Sabo says:

    IF the Senate were full of Jesse Helma clones, Cruz wouldn’t be there. They wouldn’t let him in.

  21. Ted Cruz knows nothing about Jesse Helms

    Aside from his lack of intellectual honesty, Cruz is ignorant about Helms. Even those who knew and worked for Helms are aghast at the comparison.

  22. I sent Teddy a scathing email but I doubt it will resonate. Oh well, it relieves some of the anxiety.

  23. Catherine: As a resident of PA, I share your itch to slap “Frothy” Sanctorum (deliberate misspelling-) every time I see his disgusting, judgey face; he stuck the state with money to school his children and he didn’t even live here. I do think Cruz is a horse of another color. I wrote him, too; he is definitely damaged goods…have you heard his father?? Let the slapping begin!

  24. My husband’s father, may he rest in peace, was a wonderful, gentle man. Ed swears the only time he yelled at him was when Ed called Nixon “Tricky Dicky”. Here’s my question: there were conservative white men around then and in every generation since, so when are enough of them going to die off that we can make some progress? Why do they keep appearing?

  25. Glad the confusion over Thurmond and Helms was cleared up. Another big difference between the two: Like George Wallace, Strom Thurmond had a change of heart in his later years and apologized for his earlier Dixiecrat version. On the other hand, Helms was an unapologetic racist until the day he died.

    I also find it interesting that Trent Lott’s career was ended when he said something positive about Strom Thurmond at the time of his death like (paraphrasd) “wish we had a bunch of Strom Thurmonds in Congress”. Ruined.His.Career. How is it that Cruz can say something similar about Helms — the career racist — and it hasn’t hung him out to dry in the Hot Texas Sun?

  26. If there were 100 Helms’s in the United States Senate, there wouldn’t be any room for someone with a surname like Cruz. Just like Jess would have liked it.
