Of Course It Is, Neil.

September 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fox Newsvarmint Neil Cavuto took to the public airways and dropped his drawers.

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto on Monday devoted an entire segment to the possibility that a United States attack on Syria could be a sign of the End Times, a period in which Christians believe that Jesus Christ will return to face the emergence of the Antichrist.

“This Syria stuff is way old,” Cavuto explained. “I mean Old Testament old. That’s how old I’m talking about. Don’t laugh. Some biblical scholars say it’s all there in black and white.”

No, Neil, we’re not laughing.  We’re really not.  Batting our heads against the wall, yes.

Honey, if George Bush being elected for a second term was not a sign of the end times, then there are no end times.

Syria is way old.  Yes, indeed.  At least he knew that.

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0 Comments to “Of Course It Is, Neil.”

  1. Honey, if George Bush being elected for a second term was not a sign of the end times, then there are no end times.

    When this happened, God knows I was praying for the End Times!

  2. Another doofus who does not know the difference between end times and hard times and doesn’t want to learn!

  3. Maybe Neil Cavuto can start making a list of all of the times people have claimed a particular event heralded the end of times. It would probably keep him busy until the end of time, certainly until the end of his time.

  4. Somebody needs to tell him to go read his Bible again, the part where John the Baptist and Jesus preached about the end times being near back then. People like Meily-mouth Neil make me bonkers!

  5. Cavuto was a fairly straight-up guy when he got started working for CNBC and NBC in Chicago in the late 80s, but year-by-year he’s gradually grown more wonky since switching to FOX in the mid-90s. A nice guy to know back when. Not so much now.

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    Hey Umpty, OT, that’s what I say about JJ’s very own congressvarmint Pete Olson! He was a great basketball player, a straight-A student and a straight arrow, to boot. Then little Philsie-turtleneck-Graham got a-holt of him.

    Back to the topic: is Rupert Murdoch (Cavuto’s boss no less!) going to Syria to meet Jesus?! Who knew!

  7. Hey, Neil, this world is old–I mean real old. Older than the Bible old. Even older than stupidity. And much, much older than end-times stupidity.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    THIS IS SO UNFAIR! I want a job where they pay me big bucks to go on TV and say stupid stuff. I can TOTALLY do that!

  9. Aggieland liz says:

    Yeah but JAK you’re probably smart enough to do standup if you want everybody to point their fingers and laugh at you…

  10. I want Cavuto to show me exactly where the borders were in Syria (Assyria?) in the old days before WW1, after which the country borders in the area were designated by the Brits. He probably won’t know what the H**l I’m talking about.

    This is giving me a headache in my eye . . .

  11. For those interested in a middle eastern view of WWI,(and the roots of many of the problems there) Desert Queen about Gertrude Bell, colleague of Lawrence of Arabia is a great read.

  12. Just be ready. But not THAT ready. I have a headache in my eye too. I liked Obama tonight. At least we don’t have to crawl into a cellar just yet. I think I’ll go read some more of the Gantos novel I’m reading.

  13. Just be ready. But not THAT ready. Nice of Cavuto to figure out next Sunday’s sermon topic for the preachers. I have a headache in my eye too. I liked Obama tonight. At least we don’t have to crawl into a cellar just yet. I think I’ll go read some more of the Gantos novel I’m reading.

  14. Fox is at least consistent in its quest to ensure that wiillfully ignorant dullards have jobs!

  15. @ June Bug I really enjoyed that book. Thank you for the mention.

  16. The saddest part is that Fox wouldn’t have put this crap on if they didn’t know that a lot of their viewers would swallow it whole and beg for more.

  17. KathyS–or maybe the part where Jesus said we *won’t* know when the end is coming….

  18. “Some biblical scholars say it’s all there in black and white.”

    Yes. There is black ink. On white paper. Forming words. And sentences.

    Much like the Harry Potter books.

  19. And some Biblical scholars think that those who pontificate without having any knowledge of ancient Greek are silly pretenders.

  20. Note that the key phrase here is “Some biblical scholars say”. There is no sourcing of who these scholars are; it’s just a method to insert opinion disguised as reporting. At least that’s “what some people say”.

  21. Yes, every day brings us closer to the “End Times” – whether it’s the entropy death of the universe in many billion years, the sun turning into a red giant in a few billion years, or whatever. “You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt” remains true.

    The odd thing is that these folks think that God is so easily manipulated. If the Kristians (as opposed to Christians, who really believe Christ’s teachings) really thought God was all knowing and all-powerful, they’d know that they can’t influence when the Bible’s End Times occur through such transparent tricks as triggering a war in the Mid East. (Besides, predicting wars in the Mid East is like predicting earthquakes on a fault line or volcanic action along the Pacific Rim of Fire.)

  22. Haven’t seen any frost giants or the terrible wolf winter yet…so it cannot be end times because Ragnarok is not happening – evil grin.

  23. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I hate when they do this. From the blurb above, “. . .a period in which Christians believe that Jesus Christ will. . .”

    First, only a few Christians believe that freaky stuff. Second, almost every freaky idea is claimed by a Christian sect and supported by Biblical argument. Some Christians reject automobiles and electricity while others handle snakes or move to South America and drink Kool-Aid. Saying “Christians believe” is a contribution to a stereotype and I don’t believe it.

  24. Fred Farklestone says:

    Is Cavuto related to Eddie Munster of the Munster Family?

  25. mike from iowa says:

    Since a stopped clock is right twice a day,let’s give credit where credit is due. These tools only have to be right one time and when that day fortuitously happens,they can spend the rest of eternity in hell driving wingnuts and the devil crazy.


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