Ducky Boy Rides Again

August 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressvarmint Blake Farenthold, who we refer to as “Ducky Pajama Boy” around here, has often been the subject of vicious ridicule and he just blabbered his way into more Fun with Rotund Blake.

That’s him on the far right – literally and politically.  Mentally, he’s pretty much off the edge.

Blake is holding town halls because his seat is winnable by a Democrat and he knows it.  Semi-tragically, those town halls aren’t working out too well because Tea Party members keep showing up and videotaping him for the pleasure of progressives to enjoy.

Like this one, where he says that he’s going to look over that birther stuff and sure, hell yes, they have enough votes to impeach President Obama in the House but, just like Bill Clinton, not in the Senate.

He then adds, “the failed attempt to remove President Bill Clinton from office through the impeach process actually damaged the country.”  Yeah, Ducky, because it sure didn’t hurt Bill Clinton.

But the star-spangled best part was when he said, “President Clinton redefined what sex is to a lot of our young people.”

But a United States Congressman in ducky pajamas posing with seductively dressed underage girls redefines … reoccurring waves of barfing.

Blake, go home.  You’re drunk.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ducky Boy Rides Again”

  1. Drunk…….he’s eligible to be Speaker of the House!!!!!

  2. Marge Wood says:

    It’s a shame he didn’t learn to read. His family knows how. Bless their hearts.

  3. What is this, Texas’ version of David Vitter? I mean, I can understand it happening with Louisiana politicians (where it’s actually viewed as a virtue, oddly enough) but Texas? It’s bad enough he’s posing in pajamas, and admittedly the underage girls is definitely crossing a few lines (although I have to say that in West Texas, such would be considered a marriage proposal).

  4. mike from iowa says:

    What’s Obama’s impeachable offense-being uppity? Politiking while black? Impersonating an Amerikan citizen? Not shining shoes? Nutjobs set the bar at adultery for Dems and raised the bar so high for rethugs they will never be impeachable. I wish Dems would retaliate against the vindictiveness of Darrel(my brother did it) Issa and all nutters who want to investigate every minute of every Democrat’s life. Come on,guys. Running the country-your job-isn’t important,just ask any rwnj you happen to see.

  5. If President Clinton redefined sex, CongressDuck Farenthold has certainly undefined sex with that photo. Is it possible? If so, really? To a lot of young people that photo would be described as “birth control.”

  6. The woman with the birther stuff must be going all over the country! She was at a town hall that the dude from Oklahoma hosted, the Markwayne guy, but he refused to take her paperwork!

  7. Bud Malone says:

    Thomas Gray was right – ignorance is bliss.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    Rethugs wasted years and tens of millions of dollars investigating every one of Clinton’s zippers and found-not a damn thing they could impeach Clinton for. Only one member of his cabinet was ever indicted,if memory serves-that was Webster Hubbell,assistant A.G.,or something like that. dumb bass dubya’s cronies were indicted and convicted like flies which shoukld have included bush and cheney for war crimes. Dems don’t carry grudges like nutjobs. I do.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    Blake Farenthold: Congressman and stunt double for The Penquin.

  10. Wonder if his step-grandmother talks to him.

  11. This jackass is wanting to impeach the President:

    I think his duckie jammies are too tight around his little pee-pee brain!

  12. I just keep wondering where they found him, he’s a joke right!

    dear friends in Texas how do you manage to stay sane with all this crazy around, what with Cruz and dad (the molotov cocktail
    thrower who went around blowing up buildings ) and came here
    as an illegal immigrant who is giving speeches saying not to let the illegals stay!

  13. Please, oh puh-leeze, tell me this photo ran on page one above the fold of every newspaper in the state! Those girls are listed as under-age! This is Cleveland pervert crazy! Hell! The dude should be arrested and clapped in irons! If this was a Dem, it certainly would happen! Who the blazes is protecting this eejit?

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, and one other little itty bitty point. This impeachment routine was predicated by someone at a town hall, yet again, going on about this “birther” nonsense. It is the job of federal elections officials and the DOJ to certify that a candidate is eligible to run for the Presidency. When Obama ran, the president of the U.S. was, as we all know, George W. Bush. So, it was HIS administration’s job to determine if Obama was, in fact, a citizen. So, if it can be “proven” Obama is not a citizen then we can count this as yet one more thing George and Co. screwed up!

    He IS a citizen. No doubt. If the Bush administration could prove that he wasn’t they would have conveniently dropped that bomb about a week before the election and we’d be Hailing to the Chief to McLame and Quitter. Bet on it! Case closed, people.

  15. OldMayfly says:

    I once believed there was nothing good to say about Larry Flynn (or is it Flynt) the publisher of Hustler magazine. That cover depicting a woman in a meat grinder was Not good. (But maybe it was supposed to be satire.)

    Anyhow when the Repubs went after Bill Clinton for non-marital sex, I cheered when Larry F. set up a reward for info on GOP Senate and House hanky-panky. Remember all the sudden resignations?

  16. mike from iowa says:

    The statute of limitations on rwnj youthful indiscretions runs into their 40’s-witness Henry Hyde and dumb bass dubya. For minorities,if you are 12 or thirteen,you are eligible for the death penalty.

  17. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

  18. This picture appeared quite awhile ago and I still cannot fathom why those guys weren’t hauled in for AT LEAST contributing to the delinquency of a minor, if not statutory rape.
    Ducky boy is the spittin’ image of Alfred E. Neuman on steroids, with about half the I.Q.

  19. Does anybody know if he has matching ducky slippers to go along with his ducky jammers….SNORT

  20. Blue Wolf Bosh says:

    When the vote comes up short are they going to try it 39 more times?

  21. If the birthers are right (they’re not) then technically Obama is not President. Therefore he cannot be impeached.

  22. UmptyDump says:

    Hey, Ducky Boy, what’s that sticking out of your pajamas?

    Oh … It’s your head. You had me fooled for a minute.

  23. Aunt Snow says:

    I like how he says that even if Obama’s found innocent (of whatever nameless offense he imagines), he’ll still be “getting away with” something. Because due process? What due process?

  24. The burning question,
    where did he get those pj’s and who in their right mind would wear them?

  25. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Look, Texas, I was once plenty fond of you but this has to stop, this practice of sending out clouds of interchangeable legislative dumbasses to waft over the rest of America like so much acid rain. You want to run your state like a Tina Turnerless Thunderdome, you go for it, but that crap needs to stop at the border. Don’t make us build a damn fence here.
