And, Dammit, It’s HIS Fault

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you have any friends who still think that we’re in post-racial America, let them now that Arizona hasn’t gotten the memo.

When President Obama spoke there yesterday, crowds greeted him and there were more protestors than supporters.

Obama foes at one point sang, “Bye Bye Black Sheep,” a derogatory reference to the president’s skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, “Impeach the Half-White Muslim!”

But, they couldn’t help themselves.  You know for fact who is at fault, right?

But a prevailing theme among many in the protest appeared to be issues of race. Some even suggested that Obama himself was to blame for racial tensions.

“We have gone back so many years,” Judy Burris told the Republic, arguing Obama had taken the nation back to pre-Civil Rights era levels of racism. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”

Because, you know, he’s black and he doesn’t cover it up.   He could just stay inside the White House but he insists on walking around the country being black.  That’s divisive.

Holy crap, y’all.   Where do they find these crazy white people?  Oh yeah, Arizona.

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0 Comments to “And, Dammit, It’s HIS Fault”

  1. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    They have all been out in the sun to long and are developing Alzheimer’s… or are just bat shit crazy.

  2. “They were just outside of Flagstaff, on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.”
    — apologies to Hunter S. Thompson

  3. That is so horribly shameful it almost makes me cry! Good God what is wrong with those people? It is just shameful and so gut-wrenchingly disgusting!!

    The only people who have taken, or are trying to take us back are the stupid Faux Snooze teat-sucking Repukes!! I apologize to your Momma, JJ … but the hatefulness just boggles my mind!!

  4. Hippie, you have hit the nail on the head! We Liberal types were sitting in our cool apartments and homes taking bets on whether Jan “Boney Fingers” Brewer would play nice this time around. We didn’t need to stand out in the heat making fools of ourselves because we voted for President Obama…TWICE!

  5. “Obama had taken the nation back to pre-Civil Rights era levels of racism.”
    Arizona Mock Racist Pie. Made up of, and made by crackers.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    Just a case of BPWB — Being President While Black.

    Arizona? I met some really nice people there. Flagstaff is lovely. But the crazy? Well it seems to have a way of drifting. Here in VA you could see signs like that down around Roanoke, y’know, “Christian” country. [sigh]

  7. They saw how well it went over in Tennessee last week.

  8. JJ, these are wannabe Westboro Baptistites.

  9. Ellen Childress says:

    I blame some of this on the internet where it has suddenly become perfectly all right to, anonymously, of course, spill one’s guts to the public in loud, nasty, perjorative, belittling, misspelled words and phrases that do nothing but define the cretins who write them. When did it become somehow all right to attack and speak disrespectfully of and to one’s betters?
    My parents taught me to always respect the position or office of a person even if I did not like the person in that position or office. We have lost our manners, our sense of right and wrong, and our ability to use the English language correctly and effectively. Expletives are not a vocabulary. This tired old Democrat, English major, writer, and civic leader wishes everyone would have a little respect. Our president deserves to be treated with a modicum of dignity, decorum, and forbearance. Arizona and every other state in which such blatant racism, hate mongering, derisive and divisive language is being used should be ashamed as a state, as a population, as a part of what is rapidly becoming a divided country. I fear that Jesus Himself, should he choose to return, would be cursed, spat upon and stoned by those who claim to be His followers because He would likely drive such poor excuses for human beings out of His church.

  10. I just hate to read stuff like this. Makes me madder than my Grandmother’s proverbial old wet hen. I finally stopped receiving the anti-Obama racist, birther tackiness emails from the old high school friends, many of whom are still geographically located in the Panhandle of Tx, when I guess they got tired of my rants about how the President of the United States deserved to be “treated with a modicum of dignity” and how embarrassing it was for me to realize that I had friends from my childhood who were ignorant mean-spirited racists. I haven’t been bothered with that crap in over a year. Go figure.

  11. What Ellen said ~ SO TRUE! I fully agree that disrespect in all forms is everywhere around us in all arenas. However, I believe that television in general & radio talk shows in particular are guilty of a huge share of damage done to our society & culture. I am so appalled by such behavior toward our POTUS that I can’t come up with any funsies.

  12. Is Texas so full of crazies they ran out of room and overflowed to Arizona or is it the other way ’round?

  13. Ellen, Jesus would certainly be “cursed, spat upon and stoned”- his brown skin would guarantee that.

  14. Many of our American Taliban members fly in for the winter or retire their wrinkled blue hair selves here. They just love Joe Arpaio, ’cause he protects them from all the brown people (who were here first, by the way). I came here from another Red State, Nebraska. More of the same crap, but a lot warmer on my arthritis. In fact, I feel so much better, I am registering new voters, marching in protests and generally raising hell.

  15. maryelle says:

    White privilege has been threatened to its core by the success of our President. White supremacy must be maintained by these hateful people and the conservative Republican party is their haven, their bastion against creeping egalitarianism. We are now engaged in a new Civil War which must be won by thoughtful, progressive, fair-minded
    citizens or this country is doomed.

  16. Well, I guess they’ve finally admitted that our president is half white. I think that’s progress. But the half black part of our president is still a problem for them.

  17. “He’s divided all the races”? ALL of them?

    He’s got two of them together in every cell of his body. What more do they want?

    And I’d love to see some of these morons do a little family research on themselves– they might get a big shock. I’d like to be there to see it.
