People Often Ask Me, “Who The Fool Tarnation Votes for Louie Gohmert?”

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have to tell them that people like this do.

East Texas towns like Tenaha have got themselves a little scam going.  With the District Attorney’s blessings, people (mostly brown and black people, of course) are stopped and are subjected to a Texas law that allows the authorities to confiscate any property that they “suspect” might be ill-gotten gain from drug activities.  This includes cars, houses, jewelry, cash, and children.

Seriously, they threaten to take your children away if you don’t turn over your stuff to them.

… the notorious town of Tenaha, TX, a small town on US 59 where a corrupt system allowed cops to pull over people — mostly brown people — and simply take away all their possessions: their cars, their cash, even the gold crosses around their necks. The victims of the scam were threatened with the loss of custody of their children as well as time in jail, and the funds raised by this were used by the local District Attorney for frivolities like popcorn machines, as well as for donations to influential churches that helped elect her to her office.

East Texas is in desperate need of a Robin Hood because it’s been going the wrong way for a long time.

These are the people who elect Louie Gohmert.  They go to church on Sunday and steal from the poor on Monday.  Louie approves.

Thanks to Dennis for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “People Often Ask Me, “Who The Fool Tarnation Votes for Louie Gohmert?””

  1. Marge Wood says:

    How come we never hear about this stuff?

  2. Marge Wood says:

    They’re not all that way. You know how you get a big beautiful box of strawberries but way down at the bottom are a couple of nasty rotten strawberries? I’m guessing lots of folks just don’t vote because maybe they don’t like the choices and maybe none of the sensible ones wants to run for office. My friend Elaine says RUN FOR OFFICE. She did it. She’s not doing it again (she’s old as I am) but she said she learned so much and met so many wonderful people when she did run for office.

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    Good GOD almighty I hate Republicans! Especially E Texas Republicans! Especially East Texas republicans who are currently holding public office!! Gaaahhh!!!

  4. mike from iowa says:

    Read the whole article yesterday-12 pages worth. The former cop still believes he was doing god’s work and the District Attorney claims she has total immunity. Used to live on U.S. 59 in iowa,back when. If 59 continued straight North into Minn. I would only be one mile from it.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    This is not something new. The ACLU represented some of the theft victims in a suit that was settled about a year ago. Unfortunately, none of the thieves went to jail. One party to the thefts, Lynda Kay Russell, former Shelby County DA has not been jailed or even publicly censured by the State Bar of Texas, but was allowed top resign. Russell currently practices law in Center, Texas. And where was the Texas Attorney General in all of this? Oh right, not his concern as the theft victims were not wealthy but mostly black or brown.

  6. I remember back many years ago of a speed trap back in Louisiana. The town limit sign was posted along US 71, but the sign to reduce speed was some 200 yards further down the road… and the cops were stationed between a pair of grain elevators where the road would make a very sudden S curve into the town itself.

    Fortunately, they didn’t get into the kind of scam that Shelby County, Texas decided was profitable.

  7. June Bug says:

    Is there not 1 righteous man in the whole damn county to stand up to this unspeakable…can’t even think of a printable word.

  8. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s a little more on Russell and the county’s scams on motorists.
    Scroll down till you reach the following heading:
    “Travelers forfeit their privacy and safety…

  9. RepubAnon says:

    Funny how the folks that complain the most about intrusive government and “jack-booted thugs” are also the ones who support these forfeiture laws. It kind of gives a vision into how they would act if they had control of the US Government.

  10. If the so-called Attorney General of the State of Texas won’t address this problem, then it’s time the Attorney General of the United States stepped in …… this pile of manure.

    “The war on drugs” is pretty much the same as “the war on Terror.” The enemy is whomever those at the seat of power say it is.

    These people are beyond “Texas Crazy” …. these people are “Texas Putrid”.

  11. “Give us all your money, or we’ll take your children.”
    That sounds like the kind of small town where you would want your kids to grow up, that is, if you can afford to pay the police to let you keep them.

  12. I shared this on Facebook. It is high time these criminals were exposed to the world!

  13. Ellen Childress says:

    I grew up in east Texas, and my father used to say that east Texas politicians were so crooked they had to screw their socks on every morning. They haven’t changed. That is still one of the most lawless regions in the country. I still have friends there who are smart, well-educated people,scientists, administrators, teachers, etc. They are brilliant, well read, witty, talented, loving, church-going, civic minded people one and all . . . . . and tea-party republican and racist and sexist to the core. I believe that it’s in their DNA. I went back to my mother’s funeral years ago and have never gone back since. I have nightmares just thinking about it.

  14. Harold Huff says:

    All of this is done as part of the “War on Drugs” and is being done in one form or another all over the country. The East Texas Boys are just stupider, more overtly racists and more penny anti than most police organizations around the country. Many Officers and Departments actually believe they are justified his flagrant violation of due process and equal protection. Legally they may actually be justified. But the Sheriff of Nottinghams boys thought they were justified as well and for the same reason. Deep down in their soles they think “Might Makes Right”.

  15. Harold Huff says:

    Note; The same police forces are evicting homeowners for the banks around the country even though every one knows there are an uncounted number of fraudulent foreclosures among them. And you can bet Old Louie is getting plenty of donations from the Banks as well.

  16. Ah ha! Tea-party, racist, sexist to the core . . in their DNA. that’s one explanation for the extremely angry crusader mentality. Now if we can only find the allele with the deformation we could zap it with our magical instant decent human being-izer! One way to handle this town is to zap their credit rating like some outfits did to this entire country not that long ago. A small town like that will never be able to handle the consequences. Of course, all those small government/no government types would turn immediately for help to . . . you guessed it!

  17. These are the same people who dragged James Byrd behind their truck until he was dead. They are not human beings – they are some nasty form of DNA that needs to be cut out of the system. I think a big fence should be put up around them with a sign “enter at your own risk”.

  18. Litlhorn says:

    Ah yes, Once again I have been fielding calls all afternoon since this hit the News Stands in the New Yorker – “Yes, Teneha is Close to my hometown of Nacogdoches, yes, they are scary crackers right on the border of Louisiana getting the worst traits of both States, no , no one mentioned is family… yes, this is just one of the many reasons it is not safe for me to ever go home…No, I can’t get ya hook up on a cheap Car…, It would be so nice to be able to get through a day without having to apologize for Texas,and my Lone Star Roots….Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

  19. Sounds like East Texas is in desperate need of some people in legal positions who have read the Constitution, including the Amendments. I don’t hold out much hope.
