Damned if He Does, Damned if He …. Oh Hell, Obama is Just Damned.

August 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s The Daily Louie!

So yesterday Texas Congressspider Louie Gohmert put down his Benghazi flag for a minute to run over to the flip side of insanity and announced that President Obama made us all look like cowards.

A Republican congressman from Texas said Monday that President Barack Obama’s decision to close 22 U.S. embassies and consulates because of credible terrorist threats makes the country look “like a bunch of cowards.”

You wanna know what is really cowardice?  Sitting in the cheap seats tossing verbal bombs at the Commander in Chief for doing something you said he should have done in Benghazi.  I’ll betcha that Louie’s breath smells of hen feather this morning.

Look, I know Louie’s guitar ain’t tuned right, but you can’t tell somebody to wash your car and then whine that you’re getting a glare off the hood ornament.  Well, I guess you can and that would qualify you to be the congressman from east Texas but you’re still an idiot.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up and John for the graphic.

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0 Comments to “Damned if He Does, Damned if He …. Oh Hell, Obama is Just Damned.”

  1. Bernard Terway says:

    I have a suggestion for the Gohmert. Why doesn’t he go out and recruit the militias that are running around the country threatening and intimidating everyone? They would love to do a guard job like this. I be they would even pay their own way so they could go out and threaten and intimidate some of those durned A-rabs they love so much.

  2. Louie is just the type of what zit that if lost in the desert and suddenly offered water would complain that the damn water wasn’t wet enough!

  3. Rebecca Evege says:

    I just can’t believe there is this much stupid in this country.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I am tempted to say lots of ugly things but one of my cousins lives in Louie’s district and I’ll just say that’s a nice tricky hole you figured out how to put there.

  5. Louie had an intelligent original thought once in his mind-it got lonely and left.
    Since then a box of rocks has outsmarted him consistently.

  6. “There’s a hole in our Gomert, dear Liza dear Liza,
    There’s a hole in our Gomert dear Liza, there’s a hole.”

  7. SteveTheReturned says:

    Outstanding photo of Louie! Let’s use it often, and see that it gets spread around. You people in the Tyler, TX area need to do us all a favor and replace Gohmert—the nearest fire hydrant would be a vast improvement.

  8. Nan H (was Nan C) says:

    As for “smelling like hen feathers…” I don’t think any self-respecting hen would let that chicken-livered witless wonder anywhere near her.

    The mind just boggles. You do grow ’em crazy in Texas.

  9. Litlhorn says:

    I’m gonna state this upfront, I am trying to quit smoking again and have already Commented on the NY Times article about Sen. Davis and 2 comments on my Local Yankee paper – seem to be on a role, but thanks for this photo – just grabbed it and it will be on my FB page within the hour!
    Oh, and that Wendy Article in the Times? Bill Miller is quoted as saying no one will beat Greg Abbott…Uh someone needs a little walk out to the woodshed…. and then go look at the Comments, the Abbott campaign has started with the Rovian Comment bombs – it is really disgusting!

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Based on this pic, Old Louie has a future as a mini-golf course obstacle.

  11. LOL at Lorraine in Spring … I love your comment!!!

  12. the low income, low information gulible voters keep this varmit in office

  13. Ain’t no crazy like Texas crazy.

  14. gabberflasted says:

    I keep tellin’ folks thar Republicans head cannot explode. They will however, implode. Louie’s head confirms that.
    Vacuums implode, don’tcha see.

  15. Louie’s guitar isn’t tuned EADGBE. It’s tuned D***A**D***A**D***A**.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    TalG, I love your song! I learnt that one back long about 4th grade except I like your version better!

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    Ok, Louie, take your hand gun and go confront the Taliban.
