Of Course, It’s Always a Woman’s Fault

August 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wanna know why there’s hunger in America?

Because Sister Simone Campbell isn’t doing enough.

Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) indicted Campbell and the Catholic Church for not doing enough to fix poverty on their own, asking, “What is the church doing wrong that they have to come to the government to get so much help?”

Now Ribble didn’t ask that of the Pope or a priest. He didn’t even ask Sweet Jesus to hurry up on the fish and loaves. He specifically asked Sister Campbell.

Oddly, Congressvarmint Ribble lists himself as a Baptist so I guess he should ask Billy Graham the same question. But, Ribble didn’t. He waited to ask Sister Simone.


Thanks to John for the heads up and the graphic.

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0 Comments to “Of Course, It’s Always a Woman’s Fault”

  1. Bernard Terway says:

    Sister Simone is not one to mess around with. She hit him back, hard. Round one for Sister Simone.

  2. OldMayfly says:

    Baptist right-Wing Rep. Reid Ribble says, “you Catholic women haven’t fixed poverty yet?”

    “You slackers/sluts.”

  3. These pseudo-Christians can’t hang with the Nuns on the bus!!!

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Do you think he knows she’s a lawyer too?

  5. DaddyWasATexan says:

    Now that’s downright odd. I heard Ex-Pope Benny was chastising those do-gooder nuns for that very same thing–feeding the hungry, taking up for the poor, and all those other things Jesus wasted His Sweet Time on. They should have been out there with Westboro protesting teh gays and fetal rights.

  6. Reid Ribble represents the district I live in up here in Badgerland. I didn’t vote for him, needless to say. He is bought & owned by the Koch brothers. I would not shake his slimy hand if given the opportunity. Sister Simone is one of my heroes. She is living the gospel message.

  7. aggieland liz says:

    Yeah, I’d like to hear what Francis would say to dear little Rep Reid! He had something to say about “Mr & Mrs Whiner” a while back. Paging Mr Whiner, Reid Whiner from Wisc, Pope Francis on line 1 waiting to give you a tongue lashing!

    Man, I like that new pope! He LIKES poor people!

  8. “If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don’t want to do it.” — Stephen Colbert

    Just one more piece of evidence that this is NOT a “Christian nation” (and never was).

  9. Grew up Catholic & eventually realized there are good, bad & ugly Catholics just like everyone else that believes in some sort of religion based on myth or legends. The big difference is simple actually – admonished to obey the commandments given to Moses in the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, we confessed those omissions or commissions and began all over again.

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the key is to ask foregiveness, give something to the charity of your choice that actually does care for the poor, and go on about your business.

  10. Thanks, Rhea! Great post!

  11. Aggieland liz says:

    Aka Eve, I would extend that description to ALL people, not just people that “believe in myths.” I know plenty of people that refrain from religion; they too, are good, bad and ugly. I haven’t met any particular group of folks that’s all good or all bad – it’s pretty random and comes from within self. Good people can come out of crappy families and bad situations, and bad people can come out of great families and easy situations. Be nice if we could figure out a pattern, but it is probably like pi or perhaps the square root of two and never repeats – that IS the pattern!

    As you said, successful folks realize that they have responsibilities to the larger community they must try to fulfill, and when they fail, they must also take responsibility for their failures! Once failure becomes somebody else’s fault (see GOP) you’ve had it, and you neither learn from nor take action to correct your failures. That’s about where we are now.

  12. Guess who’s picture is in the dictionary right next to the definition of “dipstick” and it ain’t Sister Simone! Hey, I spent 12 years being taught by nuns and you just don’t back sass a single one of them and get away with it! Ribble had better double question every bad, sad, embarrassing thing that happens to him for the rest of his twinkie little life!

  13. Wonder how much he and his church gives. Awhile back I took the number of churches in my county (from the yellow pages) and the amount of money used for food stamps here. I found it would take an average of $17,000 per church per year to replace food stamps alone.

    Churches help, but especially now, the needs are too great for churches alone. And those not part of a church (or other religious group) would not have a part. Though it seems that many of the politicians who claim to be Christian are the very ones who don’t want to help.

  14. mike from iowa says:

    Like to see someone pick one good rwnj. They are everything antithetical to what I was taught jesus stood for. Feed the rich and de-humanize the rest.

  15. One of my favorite quotes on the hypocrisy of the Tea Party came from the last episode of Season 1 of The Newsroom on HBO. As a group (I’m sure there are some good individuals), they are 0-4 on following Jesus’ instructions.

    “It’s ironic because the biggest enemy of the phony Republican isn’t Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, it’s this man.” [picture of Jesus] “He said, ‘Heal the sick, feed the hungry, care for the weakest among us, and always pray in private.'”

  16. I saw that slap down she gave him. One thing that she did not mention, however, is that is the GOP policies that placed so many people in dire straits, causing them to need that help.

  17. Women are responsible for hunger because Eve tempted Adam, which resulted in children, which resulted in more people, which is the core cause of hunger.

  18. I just read the full article. Very interesting. A $40 billion cut in SNAP, more in Earned Income Tax Credit and Head Start. “In reality, Ryan and Ribble’s image of the poor ignores the 68 percent of children receiving SNAP benefits who have working parents, as well as the 8.9 million Americans who work full time but still live below the poverty line.” [http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/08/01/2397851/congressman-scolds-catholic-nun-for-asking-the-government-to-help-the-poor/]

    So also will it cut aid to military families, including disabled veterans, who depend on SNAP and WIC to have enough food for their family to eat. Those two programs provided approximately $130 million in goods bought through base commissaries, but can’t track what was bought off base. [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/19/food-stamps-military_n_3462465.html]

    In 2010, 1000 active-duty service members were getting food stamps. In 2012, it was 5000. The military tried to brush it off by saying “Military members normally ‘promote out’ of the need for additional subsistence benefits,” but such is not the case for the disabled veterans or those not on active duty. (The military also tried to blame it on “junior pay grades with larger than average household sizes,” but a friend of mine, married with two kids, was on them for some time. He’d been in the army three years at that point. They were only making ends meet when he was in harm’s way.)

  19. mike from iowa says:

    Well at least you can’t buy a Playboy magazine on bases anymore. That should save really big bucks.

  20. I’d assume Ribble is a Baptist. Any Catholic — or anyone who knows any Catholics — knows better than to try and dis a nun.

  21. I agree wholeheartedly with Aggieland Liz! Good, bad & ugly people come in all sizes, shapes, colors, nationalities, demographics and believe in all sorts of things… some even believe in disgusting things. We have evolved in many ways, but alas, we’re still learning how to live together on this wee planet.

    Now, as for tempting Adam & causing hunger… I didn’t have to tempt the man. Like all men, he ate whatever he could get his hands on with no help from me!
