Bookmark This For Weekend Reading

June 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer Mule Breath sent us this crazybutt story from Albany, New York, where some rightwing fundamentalist were making a death ray machine to sell to American Jews or the Ku Klux Klan, whichever was buying.

No seriously.

A plot to design a radiation weapon that could fit in a small van and be used to silently kill humans was unraveled by an FBI task force that charged two men — a General Electric Co. industrial mechanic from Saratoga County and a computer software expert from Columbia County -— with conspiring to sell the weapon to Jewish groups or a southern branch of the Ku Klux Klan.

The idea was that you could drive down the street and radiate your enemies. You know, kinda microwave them through their windows.

The two guys with this bright idea – which they were close to carrying out – were not only members of the Klan, but also are listed online as members of several Tea Party groups.

There a Tea Party dude living across the street from me so ole Bubba and me are getting us a lead  façade for the front of our house.

Thanks to Mule Breath for the great read.

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0 Comments to “Bookmark This For Weekend Reading”

  1. Well, damn, JJ honey! Members of Tea Party Groups? Whodathunkit! What they were really doin’ was tryin’ to find somebody who would field test that thing before they brought it to Washington Dee Cee and turned it on the IRS building.

  2. John Peter Henson says:

    So the aluminum foil hats just might work as warning system for this …….oh great after all the fun I have made of those that wear them…

  3. maryelle says:

    We northerners grow ’em just as crazy and stupid as the southern kind. Looks like foil is the trending fashion fabric for all kinds of reasons.

  4. Heard that on Wednesday’s news. Someone else with hate in their heart.

  5. Tea Party, KKK, John Birch Society—they’re all the same dregs.

  6. Good gods and goblins! And people think people like my panentheistic pagan self are crazy? Holy cow, I think some of those hating sort have the patent on nucking futs.

  7. If this is the worst threat faced by these guys’ enemies then I think we’ll be okay.

    I wonder if the death ray is protected by the Second Amendment.

  8. And yet they complain about the President and the IRS doing a bit of checking up on folks!! This is proof that something needs to be done! Thank God the Rabbi had the good sense to call the authorities in and do some checking up on these nut jobs!!

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief.

  10. First reaction to this is . . . Whoa! pretty dumb walking into a synagogue and trying to pre-sell this “Hiroshima on Steroids” thingamajig. Not too funny though. I won’t even try to figure out how these two felt they were going to be successful. But, I guess there are plenty out there who bloviate to a degree of insensate fantasies.

  11. A little research on the science of this thing will show these guys are idiot hucksters and their little Ronnie Raygun death to Palestinians ray would work about as well as those screen doors designed to let the refreshing breezes cool off the sailors in submarines.

  12. Dimitrios says:

    One of the death ray builders worked at the Schenectady GE plant where Kurt Vonnegut was employed. Now I’m wondering if he got hold of one of Kilgore Trout’s unpublished manuscripts. He should have stuck with the ones with lurid covers.

  13. Attila the Blond says:

    Sounds like Portable Nukes To Go didn’t get takers from their Klan buds and approached the synagogues for protection money: ‘Hey, we have this device that can be used against your people in drive-by fashion. How much you willing to pay us not to let it fall into the wrong hands?’

    Well, the economy is down and the guys at the top of the food chain have no ethics so I guess this sort of thinking is what really trickles down.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Does this also turn cows into hambuger on the hoof?

  15. Thank you FBI (and probably NSA).
