What The Hell Is Wrong With You, Dallas?

June 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This makes two in one day.

Meet Congresstoad Kenny Marchant.   Yeah, Kenny.

CongressToad Kenny

Kenny is scared of immigrants.  He hollers like a little girl at the mention of immigration reform.  In all fairness, there’s a lot about Kenny that is like a little girl so this immigrant thing isn’t surprising.

You wanna know why Kenny thinks immigration reform is real, real scary?

The proposed immigration overhaul “is very unpopular in my district,” said Marchant, who represents suburbs west of Dallas. “The Republican primary voters, they’re being pretty vocal with me on this subject.” Besides, he said, “if you give the legal right to vote to 10 Hispanics in my district, seven to eight of them are going to vote Democrat.”

Yeah, Kenny, and the #1 way to make that happen is to oppose immigration reform.  You know, maybe if you were concerned about the needs of immigrants and welcome them like Jesus told you to do, they would vote for you.

Go on, Kenny, keep whining like a little girl.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “What The Hell Is Wrong With You, Dallas?”

  1. No one denies reality quite like republican pols and some of their supporters. The handwriting is on the wall. The demographics of our country are changing. Last year, there were more babies born to Latino Americans than they were to White, Asian, and Black Americans. Pols like Marchant are incapable of looking at immigration reform as a possible benefit for the GOP, and they ignore what the majority of us want in order to cater to a minority of our citizens. The only way to describe what they are is to call them gutless cowards.

  2. “Besides, he said, “if you give the legal right to vote to 10 Hispanics in my district, seven to eight of them are going to vote Democrat.”
    Keep talking Kenny, then you can get that number up to 10 out of 10.

  3. When I think of Republicans I cheer the mortality rate!

  4. LOL @ Rick … that was my exact thought, as well! Besides, Kenny is making us “girls” look bad with all his whining … shoot, I don’t know that I have EVER whined like that sissy boy does!

  5. The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that the Senate Gang of Eight’s immigration bill will significantly reduce the federal budget deficit in its first two decades if it becomes law.

    In the first 10 years, the immigration bill would reduce the federal deficit by $175 billion, according to the CBO. In the second 10-year period, the deficit would decrease by an additional $700 billion, the CBO said.

    In the first 10 years, about 10.4 million people will enter the United States as new immigrants, the CBO said. And about 8 million current undocumented immigrants in the country will become legalized under the bill.

    “The increase in the number of legal residents stemming from the bill would boost direct spending for federal benefit programs; direct spending for enforcement and other purposes also would rise,” said the CBO, which is Capitol Hill’s nonpartisan budget scorekeeper. “Under the bill, federal revenues would be higher as well, mostly because of the larger size of the labor force.”

    For more information… http://www.politico.com

  6. Oh, man! No clutch on their brains, no clutch on their mouths! Some day in the far future when a child asks if dinosauers ever existed, she will be shown a picture book of Republicans.

  7. Little girls have just been insulted. That’s not right.

    The Repugs cannot win on this. They can obstruct reform and ensure that the GOP dies – or they can help with reform. However, it’s true that Hispanics will vote Democrat, because the Repugs will never do anything that benefits minorities, gays, women or the 99%. Either way, the GOP is dead.

  8. Kay Carrasco says:

    The only “Hispanics” the Republicans want are the ones I’ve always referred to as “honorary dark white” (trust me, it is NOT meant in a nice way!). Like Marco Rubio. And Ted Cruz. And probably a handful of others whose names end with an “O” or a “Z”, as if that’s all it takes and I’m supposed to be *impressed*?! By a couple of Cubans whose life experiences don’t even BEGIN to relate to life along this southern border?

    Oh. Hold. Me. Back. *rolls eyes violently* (Momma, can I cuss a little if it’s in Spanish?)

  9. The GOP is narrower than you think. It doesn’t just represent older white people – it’s older white people that are jerks.

  10. austinhatlady says:

    “Go on, Kenny, keep whining like a little girl.”

    It occurs to me that, because Tea Party Republicans have whined SO MUCH in recent years, that saying should become “Keep whining like a Tea Party Republican.”

    @Chloe: thanks for that link.

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Maybe his ancestors shouldn’t have immigrated.

  12. Well, although Big D is Blue, the Repigs took over – dunno what part of town ToadK reps but Mom in Lake Highlands – Flag Pole Hill area is stuck with ole Jebbie of the Henchminion hensarling Klan and she and her Senior Ladies protest his office regularly cuz they keep the office door locke

  13. maryelle says:

    So do you vote for the pathway to citizenship because it’s good for the country, or do you block it because it will keep you in power?
    We all know which way the Repug wind blows.

  14. Umptydump says:

    Marchant scores low on leadership and extreme on ideology, according to this website:


    Sorta like a Louie Gohmert with hair.

  15. Maggie, what’s a clutch? Oh ya, that’s the thing I used when I learned how to drive 50+ years ago. Needed to use both feet back then. Now only one foot is needed & Kenny et. al. have it in their mouths. There’s no stopping them.

  16. I object on behalf of little girls everywhere!

  17. Aggieland liz says:

    Actually, I object on behalf of all my toads and toadlings! This a$$ is a congressTURD!

  18. Marchant is my rep. I can’t stand him, but his district is majority white and wealthy. He doesn’t have a big population of hispanics to worry about…..

  19. So what they are saying is this.

    You should only be “allowed” to vote if you will only vote R.

    Can’t stand republicans. Arrogant, egotistical nasty people.

  20. You’re being awfully hard on little girls. Most of the ones I know are a dam sight smarter and way tougher than this pathetic creep.

  21. Trust me, no female child ever wailed as loudly or acrimoniously as these varmints do, their Moms would have seen to it that this stopped.

    Speaking of this, a gaggle of stupid is currently holding court on the Capitol steps, they are engaging in a SIX HOUR marathon moronic demonstration of why Republicans know best about immigration. Louie, Louie is providing a chorus or ten in an attempt to elevate the discourse.

    Apparently they want to make sure their voices are heard. Tea anyone?


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  1. Here’s The REAL Reason The GOP Opposes Immigration Reform | The Fifth Column 19 06 13