The Bozo Contest
Texas is not held in high esteem in our ability lately to select smart / competent / serious / all of the above / candidates.
And the beat goes on.
The University of Texas and the Texas Tribune did a little polling last week and scared crap out of every sane person in Texas: Ted Cruz is now leading Texas Republicans back to the future.
The good news is that Rick Perry is in fourth place. The bad news is that Texas Republicans have found 3 men crazier but more likeable than Rick Perry.
In what has got to hurt Attorney General Greg Abbott a whole lot is that Rick Perry is still beating him 45 – 19 % in the GOP Gubernatorial primary. Greg has spent more money than landing on Boardwalk with a hotel to deface my Facebook page with his anti-Obama ads. Apparently, defacing Democrats’ Facebook pages is not as an effective campaign tool as first suspected.
Ted Cruz for President. Really? They do know that he doesn’t have an American birth certificate, right?
Cruz nudges out “I know don’t” in impressive fashion.
1Is it “don’t know” or more like “none of the above”?
It bothers me that Cruz really has followers, but just about any front runner on that list bothers me.
2I’m kind of for ‘I don’t know’
3I thought it was nuts when they were looking at changing the rules for “I’ll be back” Arnold S, so he could have a shot at the presidency–but at least he wasn’t CRAZY…
4This is insane–just when it can’t get any more bizarre, Texas shows us more craziness than you can beat with a stick…
Texas.. leading the race to the bottom… sigh.
5Let’s face it, no Republican has a chance at the presidency right now. The crazy loons who think Ted Cruz can or should be the leader of the free world are the concern. What’s needed is frequent spraying of brain cleaner in predominantly Republican areas of the state.
6I’m for getting a good Democratic candidate and knocking on all the doors in your neighborhood to say why this would be a big improvement. Think of your three best talking points. I need help on talking points; they aren’t my best thing. I tend to rant and rave myself so door knocking only works if another Democrat answers.
7The top four choices are all complete nutcases and they won a total of 59% between them. This is scary but also promises to be entertaining.
8How were Republican voter identified? The article does not say. It seems the 21% who “don’t know” would perhaps include most Main Street Republicans with the Tea Party conservatives, libertarians, and flat-earth fundamentalists on board with one candidate or another.
The article cites a UT government prof as saying that Cruz would present difficulties to Democrats because they don’t know what to make of people like Cruz and Rand Paul. One can believe that is true of people in Austin, and particularly those who breathe the rarefied air at UT. The rest of us have a pretty good idea what to make of those clowns.
9“deface my Facebook page with his anti-Obama ads”
JJ, are you aware you can declare Facebook ads objectionable? I haven’t been on in a while, but if you look near the ad, there should be a link to say so. When you click it, you will get a choice asking you why you don’t like the ad (misleading, obscene, etc.). It helps filter those ads from your page. It might also help filter them from other people’s pages. I got rid of some incredibly horrible anti-choice ads during the 2008 election cycle that way.
10I have a feeling the R primaries are going to be just as entertaining as the last batch. – and with the same result. Hillary 2016!
11How sad that Loonie Louie Gohmert and that other whackdoodle whose name I forget are not even considered preznitential timber. Not really.
12Why is “none of the above” not a choice?
13No, no, here’s the scary part. If you live within smellin’ distance of a chemical plant or a stockyard, there’s a darn good chance if you hit a golf ball blindfolded you’d hit someone who thinks one of those old boys on that list would be just dandy to bring ‘Murica back to God and quit wastin’ all that money on welfare. I don’t have anywhere near enough fingers and toes to count how many people I’m pretty good friends with who will vote for anyone with (R) next to their name, and brag about protecting us from “Obummer” when they do it.
14If I were Ted Cruz, I would run in fear of “I don’t know”. Its getting way too close to him. And it means something.
15Don’t forget they surveyed 1200 Texas voters, not just Republican voters. If I were not a Republican and wanted to vote in the Texas Republican primary, I would certainly vote for the looniest candidate I could find. And that would not be hard.
16He is just a bit ahead of Don’t Know, a perennial Repub favorite.
17Susan F, I did exactly that with an Abbott ad that turned up on my facebook app on my phone. Got a message back from facebook that they looked into my report and didn’t find anything objectionable about the ad. Wish I could load that ad stopper thing on my phone like I have on my laptop!
18What’s so discouraging is “they” don’t know he’s not eligible to run!
19@Susan F – Abbot’s hate ads are being dropped into the news feed as opposed to being lumped on the right hand side of the page with the rest of the ads. When they first started doing it, there was no way to opt out. I went to Abbot’s FB page and “kindly” requested he stop. The next time one showed up, the option to have it removed was back. What I can’t remove is my sister who “likes” Ted Cruz and Greg Abbot. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
20So why isn’t Michele Bachmann on this list? I believe she will be available.