And Then His Brain Said, “You Ain’t Never Gonna Get Any Hoochy Again.”
State Rep. Ken Fredette of Maine, USA, decided to explain his vote on whether or not Maine should except money from Obamacare for Medicaid on his brain. Or maybe lack thereof.
After explaining that he knew the name of the book “Men are from Mars and Women are From Venus or Some Such Crap” but had no idea what they meant, he kept digging …
Because if you listen to the debate today, in my mind — a man’s mind — I hear really two fundamental issues. From the other side of the aisle, I hear the conversation being about ‘free. This is free, we need to take it, and it’s free. And we need to do it now.’ And that’s the fundamental message that my brain receives. Now, my brain, being a man’s brain, sort of thinks differently, because I say, ‘Well, it’s not — if it’s free, is it really free? Because I say, in my brain, there’s a cost to this.'”
He later apologize for being “inartful” with his remarks that men are innately smarter than women because it’s easier to fool women.
Oddly enough, every damn economist who has penciled the numbers says we’ll save a truckload of money enacting Obamacare.
So, the only thing that appears to be free is Mr. Fredette’s date night.
“Well, it’s not — if it’s free, is it really free?”
1Cost of visit to Emergency Room: $5000.00
Cost of visit to Medicaid doctor for same problem: $150.00
Being able to add and subtract: Priceless
I think you meant ‘accept’ instead of ‘except’.
2Dan Up North – hush, now, I’m on a mini vacation in San Antonio and started the Sangria early today.
3His ‘man’s brain’ is broken or maybe doesn’t exist. NOT zombie food.
4It appears to me he confused his “man’s brain” with his “Little Kenny”
5I didn’t notice a party afffilation, but it doesn’t take much imagination to suspect he is either a Republican/Tea Partier or a Libertarian. You don’t often hear Democrats being so (fill in the blank) when it comes to either mathematcs or so stupid when it comes to women vs. men issues.
Ah – just saw he is indeed a Republican while watching PoliticsNtion where both Rev. Al and a female contributor to The Daily Beast commented on his insensitivity and ignorance. See, it wasn’t bad to make that assumption after all because it seems to be vlearer as time goes on which side a politician is on – the wealth white males or every one else.
6Best comment on the Maddow Blog:
“Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.”
And what comes out of your mouth, comes from out of Uranus, State Rep Fredette.
7My favorite philosopher, Ken Wilbur, says in one of his intros to one of his books “testosterone f**ks and kills, estrogen nurtures”—I think that that is just a basic truth (i remember reading about women that got too much testosterone being driven nuts because they were aggressive and couldn’t stop thinking about sex) if we understood that and out of that leave would leave the bigger questions about taking care of people to the ones who have enough compassion or estrogen to a good job of it. Wilbur just didn’t think it was worth arguing about, we ARE different, but most women I know would like to celebrate the differences not be on the defensive for basic needs and the right to control our personal destinies-
830,000 pregnancies from rape and male dominated state congress’ have the audacity to go against Roe vs Wade! What is wrong with them–I am getting to the place where I will only vote for women–thank goodness Ca has women to vote for…
Dan Up North beat me to it. And, I accept your justified response. Party on, girl!
9You know what test I think candidates need to pass? I think they all need to pass a test on being able to answer simple questions in public. Keep that in mind when you see/hear George P. Bush wandering around Texas, flashing his cute smile.
10Great article!
One point:
Re: “Oddly enough, every damn economist who has penciled the numbers says we’ll save a truckload of money enacting Obamacare.”
Alas, perhaps except in Texas. Alas. His Holiness, Guv Ricky Perry, and his Henchmen and Mighty Fine Lobbyists and the Texas medical-industrial complex have apparently squandered all things good therein, ensuring Texas continues its glorified bottom-dweller status therein. But all that could just be rhetorical hand-waving on my part. To the practical real world results, per our personal experience: All we have seen is rapid ratcheting up of health insurance rates, pretty much starting when ObamaCare began to come together in the void and accelerating as ObamaCare became law. This is not true, apparently, in all states. But it is true here in Texas. At least in Central Texas. Perhaps others’ mileage differs. Real numbers: Humana, in all their glory, now want $621 per month for the Texas school teacher’s spouse (me) instead of around $200 pre-Obamacare era, a minuscule, tiny, blip of a time ago. (Zero change in my health status. Zero other variables. Humana made this increase because they can. And, it is pretty much stated, “Because of ObamaCare.”) This sad on-going gouging coupled with the Texas Lege forcing increased insurance contributions by Texas teachers for teachers’ _own_ health insurance plus the Lege strangling of school districts (read: No raises, not even cost-of-living tweaks, and reduced benefits) means cancellation of spouse health insurance. Outside personal health insurance? Laughable unreachable punishing rates. Not even “competitive.” No health insurance for this teacher’s spouse, be that spouse semi-retired or self-employed or somehow a mix of both. Cheaper, and a better use of resources, is to just to buy more life insurance. Whatever income tax “fine” results for no health insurance will be far less expensive than $621 a month — that’s a sure bet. As rendered, ObamaCare is forever flawed for those caught in the middle because it is, and was from the beginning, at the core basically a deal cut with health insurance companies and (amazingly!) at the mercy of individual state government political whims (which, in Texas, means GOP slash medical-industry complex whims). All along, doing the right thing the right way, ObamaCare should have been simple single-payer across the board, enforced same for all states. (Single-payer, by definition, is not “socialist medicine.”) Mix in Texas GOP moronic confusion and meddling and it becomes clear some states are more equal than other states when it comes to ObamaCare. All is not lost, though, dear readers, we are told. There is always PerryCare. (Where is the PerryCare?)
11Great article!
12I read years ago– don’t know if it’s true– about a Native American tribe in which the men’s council made all the big decisions except one: whether to go to war. They accepted that men are too testosterone-poisoned to decide that, so it was up to the women’s council. It’s a start….
13Rhea: And now the drug companies are pushing more of that testosterone so men can be more manly. Good grief! Have we lost our minds. I don’t know if the Indian story is true or not, but it sounds like a great idea. I have a rule: Never let a man near an important decision or pruning shears without supervision.
14OMG, Fredette was talking about his brain???? Nuff said!
15I have said it before and I’ll say it again; WE NEED MORE WOMEN IN CONTROL.
I am 74 and I would not have the proverbial pot if were not for my wife.
We as a people must resist at all points the term OBAMACARE. It is the Affordable Health Care Act.
16It turns out that Barack Obama embraced the name “ObamaCare” during the campaign, saying “I actually like the name… Because I do care — that’s why we fought so hard to make it happen.” During the campaign, (now closed) even offered ObamaCare merch.
So, it’s all good. 🙂
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