Let’s Make America More Like Texas

June 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Governor Rick Perry is having bad luck in the thinking department again.

He has decided that the blame for NSA spying is one place:  our congress meets all year long.

Perry says this doesn’t happen in Texas because our legislature meets for only 140 days every two years.  Perry thinks if congress meets less, they won’t think up things to do.

No, he seriously said that.  I dunno know if he listens to himself talk but I doubt it because it would give him a real bad headache.

“The reason I truly believe we need a part time Congress is because when they’re not there all the time, they’re not sitting around dreaming up new things to do to us — or for us, in their opinion,” he explained.

Just think, America could be next to  last in education, last in health care and first in teen pregnancy if only congress would quit meeting so damn much.

According to Kenneth D. Ackerman, who keeps information like this, congress met for exactly 126 days last year, so they met less than the Texas Lege.

Bless his heart, watching Rick Perry try to think is painful.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Let’s Make America More Like Texas”

  1. Rick, we already have a part time congress. In fact, I think they’ve been on furlough for the past four years.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    Someone told Rick Perry that he’s “not all there” – and Rick was just trying to say that he thought Congress, too, should be not all there at times.

    He has a point: more and more of our Congresscritters seem to be chomping on locoweed 24/7.

  3. “…not sitting around dreaming up new things to do to us…” Like transvaginal sonograms, maybe? No, wait…that was your idea, wasn’t it, Mr. Perry?

  4. Then they wouldn’t have time to come up with job bills. Oh, wait, never mind, they aren’t doing that anyway.

  5. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I have a theory, based on what I read here, that Texas sends most all its crazies to Congress, but Rick was too crazy, even for Congress.

  6. Umptydump says:

    On Perry’s part, resolute disregard of the facts. O more likely, total ignorance. The controversy over NSA spying on American citizens results from a voracious, aggressive, entrenched bureaucracy slipping its programs by a lazy, complacent, unassertive Congress. Congress doesn’t have an excess of ideas about domestic spying – it’s more likely the reverse. Opening the door to Congressional oversight is like opening the door to your refrigerator and the light doesn’t go on.

  7. Which house does Good Hair think the NSA is part of?

  8. Reminds me of Arlo Guthrie deflecting criticism of Reagan for sleeping so much: “I figure, the more he sleeps, the better off we are. And if we could get a whole bunch of world leaders to be sleeping together, they’d be doing to each other what they’ve been doing to us.”

    I don’t know what the Lege has been doing, but thanks to the GOP, Congress has been doing pretty much diddly over squat, so Rick really shouldn’t worry. If they could actually get a few bills passed and let some appointees take office, something might be accomplished. The Paycheck Fairness Act, equal work for equal pay, would be one place to start. Doing a bloody thing about climate change before it’s 120° in Dallas would be another good move.

  9. I don’t think it’s the “meeting” part that’s lacking with Congress. I think it’s more the “working” part.

    That is, unless you consider raising money to run for office, and/or get re-elected, as “work”.

    Seems to be the kind of “work” they do most.

  10. Well.. it would keep Gohmert and Cruz busy mowing their lawns….

  11. MCPO Ret says:

    Ever wonder what “The Girl With the Faraway Eyes” in the Stones song looks like?
    Look at Cornyn, or better still, ask an East Texas farmer why he always votes for Cornyn or Cruz and watch his eyes.

  12. That photo of Rick Perry is creepy. It makes my skin crawl. Doesn’t he look like he’s getting ready to bite your neck to drink your blood?
    Shiver! How can anyone look at him without draping oneself in strings of garlic?
    Are there mirrors in his house?

  13. maryelle says:

    Perry is the kind of stupid which doesn’t understand how stupefyingly stupid he is.

  14. dreamroper says:

    My old daddy had a saying he used after hearing someone say something that hadn’t been subjected to critical thinking. He would say, “He’s just talking to hear his head rattle!” I can hear Rick’s head rattle all the way down here in San Antonio……
