Fun With Guns, Gun Club Edition

June 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now you would suspect that a gun club would be a safe place to be.

And, damn, you would think wrong.

As many as 10 people were injured when a St. Charles man accidentally fired his gun at an Elburn-area gun club, police said.

In the clubhouse, the man was about to put away his 12-gauge shotgun, police said. Thinking he had placed a snap cap – a device that preserves the firing pin during storage – into the gun the man actually loaded a live round, police said.

He then pulled the trigger while the shotgun was aimed at the floor, discharging the gun. The fired ammunition ricocheted up and hit several people in the clubhouse, police said.

Now, I have heard of people who are such bad shots that they can’t hit the side of a barn – even from inside the barn – but this is the first time I’ve heard of a guy who can’t even hit the floor.

Thanks to UmptyDump and Scotty in Illinois for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns, Gun Club Edition”

  1. maryelle says:

    I was going to call this guy another mutilation moron, but the urban dictionary says that an idiot is even lower on the evolutionary scale. With that in mind, why would anyone think that a gun club is a safe place to be with so many imbecilic idiots congregated around killing machines and live ammunition?
    ‘Tis a puzzlement.

  2. Edith Ann says:

    Hit them in the clubhouse? Ouch!

  3. JJ, he hit the floor…he just didn’t account for any of the other physics part of the equation…floors being usually a surface that ricochets.

  4. oldymoldy says:

    “Hit them in the clubhouse? Ouch!”
    I would think Ouch! My clubhouse is especially sensitive to buckshot. Double ouch!!

  5. scottybeamer says:

    Just one more “club” I wouldn’t want to join. Maybe it would be a lot safer if they just use clubs instead of guns. Iv’e never heard of a club ricocheting. One more numbskull for the Darwin award.

  6. I read elsewhere that the shooter was a geezer but no indication that he was heartless so there is no proof yet that it was Dick Cheney.

  7. scottybeamer, sure clubs ricochet. It’s standard slapstick to hit someone over the head and have it rebound and hit you. I think you could see it on the Three Stooges, among many others.

  8. Rubymay says:

    Edith Ann — HA! Thanks! I personally have never received any injury to the clubhouse, and I certainly don’t want to. Yowwwie!

  9. Steven Hernandez says:

    Had this happen in Texas the shooter would have been shot….in self defense of course.

  10. Sandridge says:

    With some luck the shootists unplanned group ‘clubhousectomy’ will have removed a few more of these idjits from the breeding/gene pool.

    (I’ve never heard of a shot to the danglers described as a “hit in the clubhouse”, but they’s a mite more refined up yonder I guess)


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