Postcards to Ted

June 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is tap dancing on a new soapbox:  the IRS.  He’s opposed to it.

Seriously.  He wants to abolish it.

So how will we collect taxes to pay, you know, Ted Cruz’s salary when he has spent his entire life on the public dole?

‘I think we ought to abolish the IRS and instead move to a simple flat tax, where the average American can fill out our taxes on a postcard,’ Cruz told Bolling,’ saying Americans should be able to ‘put down how much you earn, put down a deduction for charitable contributions, for [a] home mortgage, and how much you owe.’

So, no deductions for children?  Or medical expenses?

I should add that Ted took $315,000 from a group who favors abolition of the IRS.  He’s not only for sale – he’s for sale cheap.

Thanks to Norma for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Postcards to Ted”

  1. Oh, Lord! Once again he is running his mouth before he puts his brain in gear and by this time it is not cruel to wonder if he has a brain. As if all those corporations (remember, corporations are people, too) who actually do pay a tiddly bit of taxes most likely will not get behind a flat tax idea. After all, if they didn’t have a smidge worth of paper to fill out, how would they qualify for all the corporate welfare they get! Oh, Ted! Now you’re in trouble!

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Bless his heart. He needs to go back to Canada and remember where he started.

  3. ‘[T]he average American can fill out our taxes on a postcard,’

    Good idea, Ted. And they should send it to…?

  4. Right, Ted. And if the IRS is abolished, who is going to send out those postcards and where will we send them? Who will make sure that everyone fills out their postcard? If someone ignores the postcard, who will enforce making sure taxes are paid so that little Teddy continues receiving his public dole paycheck? Why even waste time with any deductions for mortgages or charities? Ted is as stupid as he looks.

  5. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    And the Carnival continues….

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    The best news of all, the Republicans own Cruz and we do not. His immoderate response to every issue is their headache. But a scary thought is the short distance between extremes when the traveler is as emotionally erratic as Cruz appears. He might wake up one morning as a strident advocate of the far left.

  7. cairocat says:

    Indeed. I try to remind people pitching this idea that Putin literally got away with murder as President of Russia because taxes hadn’t been collected and workers–including the military–hadn’t been paid for years during and after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
    A few bodies and quite a lot of right-out-there corruption apparently was a decent trade-off for paychecks and paid accounts.
    (Usually hauling in examples of them Russkies silences a rightwinger; not always.)

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Oh, Good Grief. Don’t these people listen to themselves when they blather on? Or did his $315K bribe make him deaf?

  9. Sam in Kyle says:

    Great, the old flat tax routine again. Sorry Ted, 10% of $20,000 hurts a hell of a lot more than 10% of 2,000,000.

  10. maryelle says:

    Once again, he’s spewing what he thinks his teabaggers would love to hear. Sounds great until you THINK about it. Oops, there’s that bothersome word implying mental labor, which is anathema to those who support
    Cretin Cruz.

  11. He’s driving on Cruz control. Would someone please step on the brake pedal?
