A Racist Republican Judge? Excuse Me While I Fan Myself and Go Lay Down to Let This Sink In.

June 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Judge Edith Jones, Texan born and educated, sits on the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans and was appointed to the court by Ronald Reagan.  She has earned her ultra conservative stripes over the years in fireworks fashion.   She’s known as being anti-abortion, wanting the state to rush to execute death penalty cases, and seems to favor debtor’s prison for poor people rather than bankruptcy.

She’s a damn horses’ patootie.  She also wants to invalidate a federal ban on owning machine guns.  Machine guns.  Won’t that be fun?  Hell, she considers Ronald Reagan a pussy-footed liberal.

Her name always bubbles around when Republicans are looking for Supreme Count nominees.  Reagan and Bush both considered her.  We dodged a bullet, Honey.

She made a speech earlier this year that is gaining some dandy attention.

The speech was not recorded but five students and one attorney have signed a complaint.  Nobody who knows her would doubt for a New York minute that she did indeed say these things.  These kinds of things roll off her tongue like Amens from a tent revivalist.

Jones is accused of saying that certain “racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime,” and are “prone to commit acts of violence” and be involved in more violent and “heinous” crimes than people of other ethnicities.

The judge also allegedly said Mexicans would prefer to be on death row in the United States than serving prison terms in their native country, and that it’s an insult for the U.S. to look to the laws of other countries such as Mexico.

She also said that claims of mental retardation by defendants “disgust her,” and that the fact that they committed a crime is proof that they are not retarded.  Ring, ring.  Judge Jones, it’s Joseph Heller on line one.  He wants his satire back.

And …

… she said a death sentence provides a service to capital-case defendants because they are likely to make peace with God only just before their execution.

Yeah, how’s that there for some Christianity?  We’re gonna kill you so you can go make peace with God.  Because, you know, we love you and God.

Judge Edith Jones, a real Texas kind of judge.

Thanks to Aggieland Liz for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “A Racist Republican Judge? Excuse Me While I Fan Myself and Go Lay Down to Let This Sink In.”

  1. Jehosophat! Sounds also like she rides a horse a night wearing Lady Pepperell! Leander Perez’s spiritual daughter! Quick! Please pass me the Imodium!

  2. Good think my stomach is empty or I think I would lose my breakfast. Ye gads. Why has this woman not be fried in the court of public opinion? Or do Cajuns make her cut for white folk?

    Sweet Jesus is going to have some ‘splaining to do to these “Christians” to help them understand why they aren’t coming through the beautiful pearly gates. He gave them Matthew 25:40 and 45, but apparently they just don’t get it.

  3. Susan, only well-to-do Cajuns make the cut. She’s on the same page as that Dallas Tea Party guy who said that Republicans don’t really want black people to vote because they’d be 9 to 1 Democrats. Then he was forced to say he misspoke and had no right to tell the truth about the whole Republican Party.

    This is why judges should not be appointed for life but should at least be up for peer review every few years, based on how many of their decisions were bogus.

  4. Shelly in damn Tyler says:

    Evidently I do not have the wit to keep up with ya’ll. I just cuss, and cuss and cuss and cuss and cuss and cuss. And then I cuss some more.

  5. Good grief. Where did she go to law school? And who let her pass the bar?

  6. @Karen … I’d say she didn’t pass any bar since it would seem her brain is pickled …

  7. The 5th Cir. is a cesspool and is one of the most conservative courts in the federal system. Hopefully, President Obama will be able to get some sane judges confirmed for this court.

    There is a motion filed with the Court for violations of the ethical duties of judge http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2013/06/05/18777749-federal-judge-says-minorities-predisposed-to-crime It will be interesting to see what happens

  8. MCPO Ret says:

    Pricilla(?) Owens and Edith Jones on the same court. Gotta love that GOP!

  9. publius bolonius says:

    Thing is, for years I’ve been offering to send exactly these kind of Christians to Jesus, as they all claim they want to go, but no one has ever accepted my offer. I think they might be lying.

  10. O.k. This is the reason Gregg Abbott continues to file appeal, after appeal, after appeal, when he files all the frivolous lawsuits he files against the federal government.

    He knows if it ends up in the 5th District Court, he’s got a chance to win one. Especially with this judge on the Court.

    Pathetic…. ain’t it?

  11. got nothing witty to say. this is soul crushing

  12. The Federalist Society sponsored this racist judge and this group of right wing nut cases think that the charges being made against Jones are not appropriate http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/group-that-sponsored-judges-talk-at-upenn-rejects?ref=fpb The Federalist Society is a bunch of right wing nut cases who no doubt agree with the views of this racist judge

  13. A circuit court of appeals judge! Disgusting.

  14. Foot in mouth honey? Gotcha. The sad thing is her court decisions affect other people’s lives.

  15. What’s disgusting is that this nutcase was confirmed by pliant Democrats while competent jurists are filibustered by Republicans. This is politicization of the bench in action!

  16. Judge Edith makes Judge Judy look like a sweetheart. I ran up against similar judges still sitting on the bench when they too old & crotchety to even stay awake, but voters didn’t know they even existed let alone should be gone, gone, gone.

  17. Has anybody done a racial survey of the banking industry? How about Corporate CEOs? For shear number of crooks and amount of theft I am certain that euro-americans dominate.
