Fun With Guns Vasectomy Edition

May 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michael Smeriglio is 18 years old and made the wise decision to remove himself from the gene pool.

A teenager is recovering after police say he shot himself in the penis and testicle while cleaning a gun he just bought.

Police say 18-year-old Michael Smeriglio first lied to police saying someone shot him while he was walking down the street. After being questioned by police he admitted to accidentally doing it himself.

Doctors say the bullet went through his penis, his left testicle and then lodged itself in his thigh.


Needless to say, Michael did not pay close attention in physics class when he tried to tell police that someone shot him at point blank range with a downward trajectory and left powder burns on his hands.

Now comes the shocker.  When police went to the house where “the shooting” occurred, they found marijuana.


Thanks to Howard for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns Vasectomy Edition”

  1. Umptydump says:

    Maybe the kid is a nature lover. He Freed Willy.

  2. Don’t blame the pot. I never wanted to play with guns while stoned, that’s usually an alcohol related thing.

  3. Like you said….one less RW to reproduce, hopefully

  4. Actually the marijuana does surprise me. Should have mellowed him out enough that he wouldn’t feel the need to pack heat.

  5. Future NRA president.

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    Good Lord, he KILLED Willie!

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I agree with Mike. They say they found marijuana. They never said he smoked any. I’m guessing there’s a beer or two involved in this story somewhere.

  8. Sam in Kyle says:

    1 ball in the side pocket.

  9. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    And a broken cue stick.

  10. MCPO Ret says:

    CNN needs to send Wolf Blister down to ask Michael “How did you feel when you learned that you had shot your thingy off?”

  11. maryelle says:

    Mutilation insurance: a must-have for morons

  12. @Sam in Kyle- you have just infected me with a case of random giggles!
    It will take two or three days for me to stop having fits of them.
    Hopefully my schedule will accommodate them.
    However- if I have an attack at church, or the opera, I Will be wearing a note with Your name and Phone number on it!

  13. Bigmike says:

    Father Darwin rescues one more from the shallow end of the gene pool

  14. John Peter Henson says:

    That will teach him for buying a dirty gun….I always clean mine by pointing it at my jewels….and shouting..”Out you dirty bullets”..

  15. Sam in Kyle says:

    aj, this reminds me of the Chuckles the Clown Funeral episode on Mary Tyler Moore.

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    Good aim

  17. maryelle says:

    Ah, Chuckles, I remember him well… and Mary’s hysterical laughter at his funeral. I will never think about pool (billiards?) in the same way after this.

  18. Too bad we have to depend on them shooting their own nutz off.

    I guess I’d go to hell if I randomly offered help.

  19. Henceforth, he will forever be called “little dick”.

  20. BarbinDC says:

    Didn’t Chuckles dress as Mr. Peanut and get stomped on by an elephant? But, I digress . . .

  21. OK, OK! This does have a bit of whimsy in it, doesn’t it! I have overcome my own hilarity and decided that as snortin’ “funny” as it is, this whole damn second amendment thing isn’t about the constitution but about feeding and housing a gun cult. Now what if this guy convinces somebody that he should get some sort of public assistance such as disability payment from state government? Think about it! The dude will be “disabled” to a certain degree for the rest of his life and unable to do what he was trained to do! OMG! I’m goin’ back to bed before I start laughing so hard again that I start hiccuping!

  22. OMG!! He shot his thinking matter!!!
