Of Course It’s Not Stickin’, You Damfools

May 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Headline news this morning is that President Obama’s approval rating climbed 2% after last week under continual Republican attack.

And in what really is not news, CNN wonders out loud if maybe, just maybe, the Republican have overreacted to the “scandals.”  Ya think, Fox Lite?  Ya think so?

But, nope with a dope, CNN goes to extraordinary lengths to protect the GOP.

But a CNN/ORC International survey released Sunday morning also indicates that congressional Republicans are not overplaying their hand when it comes to their reaction to the three controversies that have consumed the nation’s capital over the past week and a half. And the poll finds that a majority of Americans take all three issues seriously.

Reality to Atlanta.  Reality on line one, Atlanta.

Can’t both things be true at once?  (1) Americans take these issues seriously, and (2) Americans do not believe that the Kenyan socialist in the White House caused these things to happen.

Look, CNN, you can say these things all you want to and try to make the numbers fit your narrative that Obama is a mess, but you are not and cannot selling the narrative.

Here’s the bottom line – the news media wants a scandal.  The American people don’t.  We want jobs and health care.  The Republicans standing in the way of American growth is the real scandal.

Like the majority of my fellow Americans, I stand with my President.

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0 Comments to “Of Course It’s Not Stickin’, You Damfools”

  1. Um, all this “scandal” stuff is sticking with enough of the public. Luckily, the ones who are really not interested can’t be bothered to lend them an audience. Next questions: are we as a people actually growing up? Boy, I hope so! It may be a boring life but **ll, consider the alternative!

  2. I echo your statement:

    “Like most of my fellow Americans I stand with my President.”

    Not much else to say.

    When people are in the “self destruction” mode that Republicans seem to stay in, only thing to do is stand by, watch, and stay out of the way.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Just the other day I found myself wishing for impeachment because it did so much good for Bill Clinton’s approval rating.

    I’m not sure that’s the right answer, but it seems to be the Republican version of jumping the shark. And I’m not sure we could stop it if we wanted to.

    Mostly I just want to see if Chief Justice Roberts will wear the gold stripe robe. What’s a great drama without great costumes?

  4. Well, I got a new job lat month and although my resume pretty much BLASTS OUT that I’m a progressive liberal, the atty who hired me is as well, he mentioned it, not me, a couple of my co-workers were not informed and we were all out yakking when one ran out and complained about the president (obviously using Faux Noise/Repig crapola) I said nothing, but apparently my eyebrows raised above my sunglasses and she asked and I told~it was about the Dixie Chicks nonsense that NashVegas went insane over in 2003~I told her that to me it was about being a Texan and I agreed with the Chicks, just like I did not burn my Beatles records when John Lennon made his “Jesus” comment 50 years ago – her response: “So you support Obama”? I looked at her and smiled and said, “Yes, I do and BTW, I am a very liberal progressive”. Nobody has mentioned anything about the 3 non-scandals and suddenly started talking about what the TN Lege did to W/C laws – we are a plaintiff WC/SSD/PI firm. They did not realize their Evangelibagger statehouse had just screwed every worker in the state over~you know, the ones who pay our salaries.

  5. I wholeheartedly agree that Republicans should start the impeachment proceedings. Because the one thing a bunch of clowns need is a circus.

  6. All that can come from these made up scandals de jour is to solidify the opinion of the anti-Obama folks that the President is black. The lack of substance to each scandal de jour then solidifies the opinion of the rest of us that all the anti-Obamas have is that he is black.

  7. I wish they’d all shut up and pin those “It’s Because A Black Guy is in Our White House” buttons On their lapels, instead of wearing them Under those chickensh*t lapels .

  8. Right,aj! This would never have happened before they kicked Ted Turner out? Took him long enough, but he finally developed sense….

  9. gabberflasted says:

    The Republicans are creating a three ring circus with the IRS thing, Benghazi and in my best Perry impersonation, that other thing.
    A major problem exists though, there are no trained acts nor a competent ringmaster.
