I Thought It Was Parody

May 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this world is getting too confusing.

Last week, I posted a story about Michele Bachmann that turned out to be satire.  I believed the story because it was crazy but then so is Michele Bachmann.

I wasn’t going to let that happen again.

Oh no.  Not me.  I’m not falling for that again.

Y’all, it’s serious.  It’s umbrellagate.

The writer of the story at The Daily Caller says that Marines cannot carry umbrellas.  But, here’s a picture of one holding an umbrella over what the Daily Caller calls “the First Head.”  They weren’t kidding.  The First Head.  Dude, it’s the President of the United Damn States of America.

According to Marine Corps regulation MCO P1020.34F of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations chapter 3, a male Marine is not allowed to carry an umbrella while in uniform. There is no provision in the Marine Corps uniform regulation guidelines that allows a male Marine to carry an umbrella.

Nevertheless, during a press conference under a light drizzle with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan this morning, President Obama allowed the First Head to be protected from the elements by an umbrella held by a male Marine corporal.

So what was President Obama supposed to do?  Grab the umbrella out of the Marine’s hand and beat him over the 3,578,341th Head with it?

Hey, at least it wasn’t this!

Now here’s the catcher.  Male Marines cannot hold an umbrella but female Marines can.  Let’s just replace all the male Marines at the White House with females who have enough sense to come in out of the rain.  Problem solved.

And to fight back on Facebook, steal this picture:


Be social and share!

0 Comments to “I Thought It Was Parody”

  1. John Peter Henson says:

    I believe the regulation covers the Marine holding his own umbrella …..He is protecting the president in the picture, that is his job.

  2. Marines, including this young Corporal on highly competitive duty, do not have identity crises. They know exactly who they are. If I were this you Marine and I am not, I would listen to serious critique such as it might come from any Marine who back to 1776 has slogged one step forward in combat. The remainder can kiss my a$$.

  3. They may not be able to “carry” an umbrella but they can surely hold one … as long as that Marine does NOT move, he is not carrying it. And if the Prez says “hold it” … they had better hold it! What idiocy! There is a picture on FB showing a group of umbrella-toting suits protecting the heads of Ronnie and Nancy …

  4. Aggieland liz says:

    It ain’t the “First Head” to a Marine, but his Commander in Chief! I’m sure being detailed to the CiC is rather a plum assignment and looks good on a resume, plus being something to tell your grandchildren! Good grief!

  5. George would not have had that problem with his umbrella if he had only just asked a Marine to hold it. Do you think an umbrella is going to misbehave for a Marine? I don’t think so.

  6. Goshes, why are they not showing the picture of the other Marine, you know, the one thoughtfully holding an umbrella over the head of the visiting Prime Minister of Turkey? Hmm?
    There is a nice picture of both gentlemen being protected from the elements by two nice, dignified Marines.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    What a bunch of crapola. (Sorry, Momma.) When I was a WAC, nobody could use an umbrella while in uniform. No one. This was to protect the President and the Prime Minister.

    I just HATE the disrespect shown this President. It is just so infuriating! And, where is the legit media? Hmmm?

  8. Aggieland liz says:

    None left Barb but here

  9. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    He’s the Commander in Chief.

    enough said.

    If he told them to strip down to their underwear they would race each other to see who was quickest.

  10. Gee, I looked at the regulations that are supposed to say that male Marines are forbidden umbrellas. I don’t see that language in there anywhere. I do see language about female marines and umbrellas. But nothing specifically about umbrellas being forbidden to male Marines. Can someone please quote it? Or is it just not there?

  11. No offense, but you all are sheep. The author of the post and those commenting all said “he’s the President- if he says jump you say ‘how high'”- that is a marked contrast to how our President has been viewed historically. He’s just a man elected to do a job, people- he’s no better than you or me and can hold his own umbrella. You all are the kind that roll over and allow dictators and tyrants to abuse the rights of free citizens- you’d fit in better in North Korea than the USA. I don’t care if he’s Republican or Democrat- he’s just a man, not some sort of god, and you are all wrong for worshiping him.

    NOTE FROM JUANITA: “He can carry his own umbrella.” Right. My lyin’ eyes say this President is being treated like a god. Click here, “Teacher,” and learn a little.

    And check the new images I added to the story above. You are sooooo screwed on your own hoisted petard.

    And Customers: I usually don’t print these idiots but I thought you’d enjoy one of those anonymous (read: chicken) bloggers from Kalamazoo, Michigan, who thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips. Good Lord, somebody get this egomaniac away from our children! Click here to read his anonymous biography. It’s a damn hoot. Yeah, and if I’m anonymous I’m the Queen of Damn France.

    One more thing. I just noticed that A Conservative Teacher does not allow comments on his blog, but if he did, I would have to say that this is the craziest damn thing I ever read. Or this one about pissing off every teacher at school because he is so intellectually superior to them.

  12. I swear, there are no adults left in the Republican party; only truculent, petulant children. http://everythingpossiblehappens.blogspot.com/2013/05/obama-derangement-syndrome-part.html (Warning: Marine vocabulary and pictures are not Momma friendly)

  13. Karla Furr says:

    Another probably fatal case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

  14. Sarah Palin Takes Umbrage At Umbrella Picture – Update http://wp.me/p29A9o-1cH via @wordpressdotcom

    Show photo of Marine holding umbrella over Turkish PM also.

  15. I believe the regulation refers to Marine uniforms, not actions. I’m pretty sure Marines are allowed to carry out any lawful order from their Commander in Chief.

  16. PolishSpring says:

    Why not outrage against a democrat where one should be, we do have one bad apple we don’t mind parting with:
    romm NYTimes article – State Legislator Facing Expulsion Says He’ll Resign – “State Assemblyman Vito J. Lopez, the once-powerful Brooklyn Democratic leader who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women, said on Friday that he would resign.
    But his offer only inflamed an uproar over his behavior because, a few words later, he said the resignation would not take effect for five weeks, and then he would run for a seat on the New York City Council.”

  17. Ralph Wiggam says:

    In the race to the extreme right, Daily Caller is using performance enhancing drugs. It is hard to tell whether the paranoia is a side effect or an original untreated symptom.

  18. Ralph Wiggam says:

    And it was the Marine who breached the protocol, not the President.

  19. Is this going to be the next big “scandal”.

    Repubs are running out of them. As soon as they invent one, it get’s “deunked.”

    I read comments in which people were screaming about the flag (not knowing (a) the Turkish Prime Minister was visiting, and it was the flag of the country of a visiting dignitary.) All they saw was the crescent moon and star and they were sure, once again the Islamic Brotherhood had taken over the White House.

    I never discount Michele Bachmann. Like Louie Gohmert, a bank of microphones, and a slew of video cameras are where ever both of them happen to be. All you can do, is wait for is the latest of the idiotic statements to spew.

    You can’t cure stupid.

  20. maryelle says:

    Conservative teacher: I, too, am a teacher, but I see through the rightwing nonsense. President Obama has indeed been treated with disrespect, compared to the Republican presidents who preceded him. Hope all those pics of Reagan and Bush under umbrellas held by Marines enlightened you. Not a mention was made of it then, but Mr. Obama is criticized for it. Could it be that racism is still alive and well in the U.S.?
    Tell me, are you one of the teachers who now refers to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression? Do you teach evolution in science class? How about climate change? Many people call themselves teachers who do not deserve the title.
    Let’s hope you are not one of them, but after your comment, it’s doubtful.

  21. JJ – love the link with all the pictures. But what blew me away is the letter at the end from the Heritage Foundation. I don’t understand the mindset that ignores the welfare of the country just because the president is a black man.
    True insanity. I can’t even try to be funny about this.

  22. Poor Conservative Teacher. How hard it must be for a “privileged” person like you to see people respect a black man, while your students laugh at you for being a tool.

  23. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @Conservative Teacher

    No offense, but you’re a narcissistic amnesiac.

    “You all are the kind that roll over and allow dictators and tyrants to abuse the rights of free citizens…”

    Right. Unlike you who fought against Cheney/Bush’s spying on Americans, lying about yellow cake in Niger, believing liar CurveBall, using NYT to “support” your planted info, invading Iraq for ever changing reasons, allowing outsourced Blackwater/Xe to rape female contractors without allowing them access to our court system, not to mention Foxaganda Rush, Hannity, Beck & the Grifters from Wasilla? Shall I go on?

    Who’s a sheep? Go away or we’ll sic Truman on ya. Or worse, Thelma.

  24. They pulled the same unhinged ‘President Obama is demeaning the Office of the President’ garbage when official White House photos showed Barack with his suit jacket off or with his feet propped up on the desk. Because Ronald Reagan never was in the Oval Office with his jacket off! And could you imagine the furor from Liberals if George W. Bush desecrated the Oval Office Desk by propping his feet up?!?

    This is a consistent theme from the Right during Obama’s Presidency. Republicans and conservatives see a successful way of destroying Obama by causing as much turmoil and anger so that in years to come they can state ‘Remember all the problems when Obama was President?’ Hoping, most likely correctly, that people won’t recall that conservative liars were the cause of all the fuss in the first place.

  25. Oh, Lord, I grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Much of the population would feel right at home in Alabama. I am appalled and embarrassed at the attitudes in Michigan.

    So glad I got out of there when I was young and my kids were babies. My daughter spent a year in high school there, dated the handsome black homecoming king which scandalized her classmates, but was (sort of) excused because she was from Alaska and “things are different there”.

    My poor, racist grandmother was terrified of black people (and Mexicans) all her life, and when my kids spent the summers and brought any black friends home, she was sure they were “casing the joint”. Couldn’t do anything about her, poor dear, but wow!

    Wonder how she’d take it if she was still alive and found out one of her beloved granddaughters is now her grandson.

  26. maryelle says:

    One of the saddest days of my teaching career happened the Fall after our first African-American president took office. Mr. Obama nationally televised a “back-to-school” address to students to inspire them to make good use of their education. Our school district and many others, for the first time, would not allow the President’s address to be watched in our classrooms.
    After many complaining phone calls, they required written parental permission for the students to see it, but this was last minute and most had no time to get it. This was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! The school district administration was of course rabid Republican.

  27. Yikes, that conservative teacher person is from Kalamazoo? Wow, I’m glad I’ve never run into him. Most of–well, all of–my Kalamazoo friends are Quakers, activist left-of-center Democrats, artists, musicians…probably why we’ve never met. Here’s the comment I couldn’t leave on his blog: Dear Conservative Teacher, No, I never feared parent teacher conferences. They were always challenging, sometimes tiring, because I was a resource room teacher. I gave my parents detailed accounts of their children’s progress in all academic areas (also social/behavioral areas, as needed). The most challenging requirement of my career was this, however: I had to maintain an excellent working relationship and open line of communication with every teacher in my building(s). I worked with some teachers whose political and religious views offended me. It was more important–for my students’ sake–for me to keep silent about my personal beliefs and focus on my students’ needs. -yours truly, A Liberal Teacher

    @Lynne–I’m sorry you met so many sad examples of humanity in Kalamazoo. I gather you don’t live in Michigan anymore. I wish I could take you to visit a couple of my favorite places in Kalamazoo. I’d start with Ministry with Community. They have a website; look them up!

  28. Mary Lynne says:

    Okay, this is really, truly, deeply not safe for work or mama, but it does express, quite forcefully, one Marine’s point of view.


  29. Micr here requesting a point of personal privilege to post twice on the same matter.

    I asked my idiot older brother M****, USMC 1976-1996 for his input. Being an officer he of course deferred to our Master Gunnery Sergeant father, USMC 1941-1969. Dad’s answer was NSFW, but translated to polite English, it pointed out that the Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama, was at the top of this Marine’s chain of command. End of story. STFU.

  30. Juanita Jean, I Distinctly remember being told I was to sweep the Salon today, and I respectfully Demand my right to sweep some crap out the door.
    Sorry Momma, I know i’m in for a supersized ear pullin’ but I have listened to these……..folks all week and I’m just tired of ’em.
    I know, I know- I’ll be over soon as I get done sweeping up.

  31. I fear these people are going to drive us crazy, well, me anyway!
