He Meant His Broccoli

May 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We are driving home from Austin but you have to stop what you’re doing andread this right now..

Louie Gohmert said that Eric Holder is doing something weird.

The attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus,” said Gohmert, in a malapropism for the ages.

It’s hard to post from my iPhone but I really don’t need to. I honestly can’t think of anything to say.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “He Meant His Broccoli”

  1. Check out Gohmert in the urbandictionary! LOL


    Dear God, he even gives asparagus a bad name!! I hope his friggen head explodes!!

  2. Just reading the comments posted to the Huffington Post are worth it.

  3. SomedayGirl says:

    Dang, if only that had gone on a couple more minutes we might have gotten Louie all the way poo flinging.

  4. Jargonaphasia! Should be renamed Louie Gohmert syndrome,

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He’s a Marxist! Groucho Marx specifically.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Bless his heart. Now any time I find out someone is from east Texas I check to see if he/she is from Gohmert’s district. How does he keep getting elected?

  7. maryelle says:

    Aspersions can sometimes be bitter. Perhaps blanched almonds.

  8. Next time Eric Holder sits down to a dinner where asparagus is served, he’ll glance in the direction of those green spears, maybe squint his eyes a little, and people will laugh until tears stream down their cheeks.
    Louie Gohmert will never touch the stuff, ever again.

  9. Wow. He really must be mentally ill. It’s really funny to hear the ridiculous things he says, but it’s also scary as he** to me. It leaves me speechless, and I’m generally considered the “mouth” in my family!

  10. Rekster says:

    Here is a Youtube video of the whole wonderful thing. It is must see TV!


  11. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Wow, just wow.

    I think Louie is waltzing with Madame Alzheimer.

  12. trixicopper says:

    He is such a Gohmert! *facepalm*

  13. Roy Mark says:

    Total amazement at whoever came up with the famous story “video” that was supposed have caused Ben Gause to occur.

    Now that was an obvious lie told where the truth would have been much better. Bout like “The dog ate my homework”

  14. Rubymay says:

    I haven’t been feeling well this week, or maybe I’m just really old, but does anybody know what Louie may have been trying to say with his limited vocabulary? I know Louie doesn’t have the vaguest idea. In fact, I’m stunned that he even knows the word “aspersions.” But what the heck does asparagus have to do with anything?

  15. Do we have a State Fool? You know, to rank up there with the mockingbird, bluebonnet, pecan tree and side oats gramma? I believe we have just the candidate.

  16. Umptydump says:

    Maybe Louie doesn’t have much of a cucumber and decided to go with what he did have.

  17. daisymae says:

    O.M.G. You can’t fix stupid.

  18. Is this some sort of weird phallic symbol/Freudian slip?

    Why is it green?

  19. @Marcia, I am laughing so hard at your Urban Dictionary definitions of “gohmert”. “Dude, don’t be such a gohmert!” Thanks for the link.

  20. Just Suze says:

    JJ, When he’s up for reelection can we get T-shirts?

    The attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus.

  21. Louie’s district is up around Tyler.

    Does his district also include Rusk?

    You know, where they have the State Mental Hospital.

    Just wondering. Might explain a lot.

  22. Aggieland liz says:

    Rubymay I have been pondering same! Assertions? Asserevations? Ass? As in “look here you witness of color, you ain’t gonna be allowed to cast no aspersions on MY ass!”
    Still pondering. The man IS an a$$!

  23. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    Ok, misread the quote at top. Still have no Idea what the asparagus is. Sigh, going back to bed. Still not use to being off night shift.

  24. Aggieland liz says:

    You know lindy, it IS Looney Louie we r talking about here! Maybe he thought Holder was stepping on his lines by casting his own aspersions on LOUIE’s previously cast aspersions! I mean, not just everybody has “personal privilege,” you’ve gotta draw the line somewhere!

    I’m feeling fair to partly cloudy this morning, it rained last night and I am off to pick some REAL asparagus, dangit! And y’all can just go ahead and cast any old aspersions you want! Especially on Louie!

  25. Poor Louie was referring to the vegetative state of his brain. You all are just a bunch of radishal liberals.

  26. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The old East Side Kids / Bowery Boys films featured one Muggs McGinnis who was constantly providing us with marvelous malapropisms. There was another character on it named Louie who ran the malt shop that the boys hung out in and he had some doozies too. So maybe what Gohmert was doing was auditioning for one of these role in a phantasy remake of the entire series.

    As for what he was attempting to say, I suspect it was a word totally unrelated to asparagus — character. And what he meant to say was he wouldn’t allow anyone to cast asparagus at his character. One thing for sure is that Gohmert is a character.

  27. Over and over again, I keep thinking how much fun Molly Ivins could have had with this dipstick.

  28. “The only observation I was going to make is that you state as a matter of fact what the FBI did and did not do. Unless somebody has done something inappropriate, you don’t have access to the FBI files,” said Holder. “I know what the FBI did. You cannot know what I know. That’s all.”

    This one part of all this that grabbed me. Surely nobody in Congress has done anything “inappropriate”.

  29. MCPO Ret says:

    If ya’ll really want to know what Louie was talking about, I mean what he really, really meant to say, you have to take a drive.
    Start in Lufkin and, staying off US 59, go north all the way to Gilmer. Stop at every gravel driveway accessed gas station and ask the tobacco chewing, booger picking, no shirt dude in bib overalls what Louie said.
    That guy elected him over and over again.

  30. eyesoars says:

    I yam ignorant about his asparagus, but Louie is a lemon and his celery is far too generous. Texas Democrats, do us a fava and turnip someone who can beet him in the next election. Someone a little more sage, stays currant, and can squash him for the has-bean he is.

    Lettuce hope that Louie’s capers stay fruitless. I’ll be cress-fallen if they don’t. Then again, if he can’t keep the authorities at bay, it may not be long dill he’s collard by the law.

  31. Kay Carrasco says:

    Here, eyesoars, take this Internet. You won it, fair and square. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  32. maryelle says:

    Eyesoars, you take the cake!

  33. daChipster says:

    Maybe he meant cast aspersions on MY aspersions. “I’ll do the aspersion casting around here!”

    We’re not casting aspersions, Louie, we’re flat out saying it:

    YOU LIE!

    eyesoars, I bow to the master, while adding: may Louie’s career rest in peas. A leek of his psych eval may prove he’s bananas. He and Cruz really make a pear. Thank you berry much for the inspiration, and your rye humor.

  34. Bosco Brown says:

    The Rude Pundit and Louie Gohmert, a classic for all times!


  35. TexasEllen says:

    We come not to praise Louie, but to berry him.

  36. TexasEllen for the game winner!

  37. Corinne Sabo says:

    How do you cast aspertions on asparagus?

  38. Just Suze says:

    But… did he calumniate his cauliflower?

  39. Elise Von Holten says:

    I think he meant “assertions”, not aspergus…
    But good for a laugh

  40. John Fisher says:

    Read the article about Louie’s exchange with Holder. He said that the FBI was after Billy and Franklin Graham. Once again Louie is wrong. It’s the IRS after the Grahams. Franklin Graham has written a letter to the President objecting to Billy Graham’s organizations being audited by the IRS. Perhaps Franklin should read the IRS pamphlet on churches maintaining their 501(c)(3) status. Specifically it forbids the following:
    â–  they must not devote a substantial part of their
    activities to attempting to influence legislation,
    â–  they must not participate in, or intervene in, any
    political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to)
    any candidate for public office
    In this country we have separation of church and state. With being tax exempt there are responsibilities for maintaining that relationship. Don’t get me wrong, the Grahams are great men, but they must abide by the same rules as everyone else.

  41. cassisanass says:

    Be kind. And also know, if you attacked the old boy, he knew of which he spoke. Do a bit of research on the phrase. Be kind, are we not the tolerant ones?
