Whoa! Just a Big Mouth Attached To An Even Bigger Ego

May 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As Rush Limbaugh continues to see sponsors jump ship, he’s soothing his ego by pretending that Barack Obama has 99 problems and all of them are Rush Limbaugh.

From yesterday’s show —

“In the spirit of doing whatever I can to move things forward in this country. I would like to make myself available to the president of the United States to sit down and talk with him at a place of his choosing and discuss the problems facing the country, and maybe working together, since I am the opposition, since I am the obstacle, since I am the reason he can’t get things done.”

Don’t go, President Obama!  It’s a trap!  He’s either going to eat you or smoke you.

Thanks to David and Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Whoa! Just a Big Mouth Attached To An Even Bigger Ego”

  1. What a coincidence! I was just going to call Rush to offer my assistance with all of his advertiser problems, his women problems, his obesity problem… The time and place of my choosing Rush. Don’t forget to leave a message after the beep.

  2. Man, I thought that ego couldn’t GET any bigger and uglier, but I was wrong.

    What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?

    One is a flaming Nazi gasbag, and the other’s a dirigible.

    JJ, if you have to mention this gasbag, could we please be spared any photos? Some of us may have eaten recently.

  3. Corinne Sabo says:

    Or the third option – the Secret Service might have to move fast to keep him from sitting on Obama.

  4. maryelle says:

    Limbaugh hasn’t mastered the art of talking WITH anyone, just shouting AT the subject of his ranting. Limbaugh flatters himself that he is the reason the President can’t get things done. Last time I checked, he was last in a long line of wacko Repugs. Go home, Rush, you’re done.

  5. Michele says:

    Earlier this week, he was spouting off about those poor kidnapped Cleveland women and how it was a plot to get welfare. Just disgusting!

  6. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gasp!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gasp!!!!!!!! Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Gosh that boy has porked out. He has a perfect body for radio.

  8. TIMBUURRRRRR!!!!!!!

  9. Marge Wood says:

    I was wondering who to blame for global climate change. Now I know! It’s so nice to know who to blame.

  10. OMG! What a blimp! Where does the pilot sit?

  11. I could say, “Poor Rush” but I won’t because it would cause readers all forms of tummy discomfort tonight. Instead, I will say that Rush Baby looks a bit like Sheldon Adelson… bu** ugley. Don’t you think????

  12. John Peter Henson says:

    All I can say is…Bless his heart……

  13. And, John Peter, I would add … he’s just so special… (in my strongest southern drawl).

  14. He wants to move things forward? One of the top retro-focused people? There goes the gag reflux.

  15. RepubAnon says:

    Hey, no problem big guy – President Obama will meet you in a spot in Damascus, Syria. Wear an “I (heart) President Assad” T-shirt and carry a sign saying “Israeli Air Force Spotter”…

  16. Just Suze says:

    If I said what I’m thinking, Momma would get a toothbrush and the dish soap and SCRUB my mouth out.

  17. shortpeople says:

    If my memory serves me correctly, Rush declared loud and long that he wanted Obama to fail. Why would anyone ask advice from someone with that agenda?

  18. OK, Rhea, I got one for ya…

    Q. What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man from “Ghostbusters”?
    A. One is large, white, and angry…the other one’s an animated character in a movie.

  19. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    The Bloviator going down for the second count… or was that the 22nd count? We got him where it hurts…. advertisers ditching his drivel. Carry on, Warriors. He’ll be gone soon, if we persist.

  20. daChipster says:

    The only “obstacle” Limbaugh is, is the kind that you need high colonic to unblock.

  21. Bud Malone says:

    He is loaded with so much fat in that bulbous head he can barely open his eyes.

  22. ditto what RA posted

  23. gramiam says:

    Rhea, I just had to steal the RushLlimbaugh joke. Too funny not to share!

  24. Rush sponsor:
    Insperity – advertises “high performance HR solutions.”
    address and phone: Company Headquarters – Houston – Caution was added because their ads haven’t been running for a while but we don’t know if this is permanent or not. We removed our caution sign from this listing because their ads started running again.
    19001 Crescent Springs Drive
    Kingwood, Texas 77339-3802
    News Media Contact: Jason Cutbirth Senior Vice President of Marketing

    Source: http://www.topplebush.com/boycott_rush.shtml
