Sweet Sunny Schadenfreude Alert!

May 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sheldon Adelson is not only ugly, he’s broke.

A Nevada jury Tuesday returned a $70 million verdict against GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson’s global casino and resort company, Las Vegas Sands, in a high-profile lawsuit over the company’s expansion into Macau.

Businessman Richard Suen sued Las Vegas Sands, claiming the company failed to pay him as promised for helping it secure a gaming license in the administrative region of China.

How this guy made money in Vegas is anybody’s guess because he sure can’t pick winners.  He gave Newt Gingrich $20 million to defeat Romney and lost.  He gave Romney $50 million to defeat Obama and lost,

Honey, if he bets on red, put your money on black.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sweet Sunny Schadenfreude Alert!”

  1. He’s hardly broke, considering his fortune’s somewhere in the neighborhood of $20+ billion. But a) $70 million is chump change to him, and b) he’s not going to pay a cent even if he loses all the appeals.

    He makes Ebenezer Scrooge look like a philanthropist.

  2. scottybeamer says:

    Ugly is as ugly does. He seems to do both well.

  3. Chump change for this guy, unfortunately.

  4. Miemaw is right on the money… so to speak.

  5. Bud Malone says:

    I tried, Lord how I tried to shed a tear for Shel but not a drop.

  6. I just know I’m about to step on someone’s toes, but just have to say it… lordy, that man is bu** ugly. (Sorry if that offends mama.)

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    How can he make money in Vegas? Would you want to place a bet at his casino?

  8. maryelle says:

    It’s time for the Alzsheimer assessment. Dementia cometh.

  9. He made money in Vegas by owning the games. A gambler has less chance of winning more than they lose in Vegas as Anna What’s-her-face polled.

  10. BarbinDC says:

    He’s got so much money that nobody, apparently, told him how ridiculous he looks with that “prematurely” orange hair. He shoulda consulted JJ about that.

  11. Lordy, that hair! Was Strom Thurmond his daddy, too?

  12. JJ, Could you do Something about the orange hair and ‘incredible’ face? (You will do cosmetic touch-ups if required, right?)
